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Everything posted by Maverick44

  1. Ohhh I like where this is going! Could they be throwing us off a bit and this will be an Intamin that's has a part that is 315'?
  2. We have made it!! We did it!!! Round of applause !
  3. Will I see any of you there? @Outdoor Man
  4. Lol " U Got games" I am not even sure what that means. I must be too old to know.
  5. True. But is that really still "that" close to where the hill for the giga will be? I feel The Vortex area will be even closer?
  6. ^^ A dive coaster where The Bat is right now would be pretty cool. Just like The Bats hill right now drops down into ravine a bit. That gives you a more spread out look.
  7. ^^ What is they did dark woods would be amazing because you really could retheme Congo falls into something dark wood related "Dark Falls" or something.
  8. Is anyone going to the park today and get some new photo's of the work being done?
  9. I am so excited to go! It will def be a learning experience!!
  10. I didn’t do it! I think RMC could go after the tallest wooden coaster in the world. Why not have the tallest and longest in the same park? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. Hey now be nice! Everyone else is saying other things as well! I boy can dream! I also would like a new flume and a return of the Phantom!!! Is it really tjhat bad to ask for a Blitz coaster? They are pretty amazing.
  12. ^^ Bring back the Phantom & Keelboat!
  13. just registered to attend IAAPA for the first time. It should be very interesting. @Fye Coasters you going to come as well? Figured we could create a thread for details we find out. I will be there posting under Coaster Conquest.
  14. I think a Zamperla Air Race would be neat as well.
  15. Makes since that they don't lol so yeah I just wanted to throw in my idea. If they could place a location in St. Louis area or something they could do that but I doubt it.
  16. What instead of just a KI web store they had a Cedar Fair web store and you can get things from any CF park.
  17. I don't think they will either. I was proving a point that 2 seasons apart means nothing to CF and adding to a park.
  18. ^^ I was thinking it would look nice in the Coney Mall area and swing over midway. I am just not sure where it could go lol
  19. What about Cedar Point...….They Put in Millennium Force in 2000 and then Wicked Twister in 2002??? Then they added TTD just a year after WT. I do not think they care about that.
  20. Ahhh shucks its a HUSS right? No wonder why its that bad.
  21. Yeah that was way off from correct spelling lol. He also miss spelled Intimin hahaha. Idk how you mistake that as mAck.
  22. The giant claw looking ride would be awesome to have at KI.
  23. They touch up the paint anyway when the coaster is installed. So I don't think they are worried about mud and rain or scratches. Coaster track has been staged for many many CF installation's .
  24. ^^ I think you are right. I can't say forsure I think that is where Firehawk parts were sitting? It is very common for track to be on site before any type of announcement.
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