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Everything posted by Maverick44

  1. It could be all of the above. I do remember Tony C stating it would be the biggest year in the park's history. So we will find out!!
  2. The Maverick restraints would be nice. Too bad its not an Intamin giga!
  3. I would like to see the worlds first invert on a giga. Maybe an Immelman or Cobra roll. Haha
  4. I'd die if they did that! 500+ feet. I wonder how far down they would need to dig and if water would be an issue.
  5. Yeah I suppose. I was watching off ride vids.
  6. Man I really want to go over seas and ride Red Force, Hyperion!
  7. From the video I see it looks fun but just sluggish. Seems like some of the hills it barley makes it over. haha I am not much for spinning but ill ride it for the credit.
  8. Yeah, all I have heard is out forceless Mack's are.
  9. Don't forget about the potter coaster! Maybe one day! fingers crossed!
  10. You misspelled Mack. It's Intamin lol
  11. Sorry I meant to add winged launched strata coaster where Intamin, B&M and RMC come together and make the greatest coaster on earth.
  12. What about a launched strata wing coaster?
  13. TBH Ki needs a great launch coaster. FoF is old and rough. BLSC is just a no. haha 2 things KI needs a giga and a great intimin blitz
  14. GateKeeper is meh. Its fun don't get me wrong but I think its so slow.
  15. Ahh come on now that's a low blow! Intamin's are not that bad! The ride would be smoother and not cause CTE in our brains after riding it!
  16. I mean could it possibly be Bad & Monotonous lol
  17. Whatever it is I hope its not Boring & Mundane...….get it? haha
  18. As long as its not a trough with ice in it...….
  19. ^ They could sell space food. Like packets of dry milk and whatever else they eat up there hahaha.
  20. Maybe even a refresh update of FoF. Get everything working again and dare a say an HD version of the video that plays? Maybe reshoot the video??
  21. I hope it comes down! With how they are building these nice new stations and que sections. Byebye!
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