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Everything posted by Maverick44

  1. Yeah all about that 5 year plan! yeah the coaster may still go over there but wasn't going to use the FH space and they said " Man this coaster is a nightmare. Lets scrap that pile of junk" haha That's how the meeting would go if I was in charge lol
  2. You are braver then me to ride that thing. You can ditch me all day haha. Man 2020 is going to be nuts for CF parks.
  3. Maybe this was a pure removal based on maintenance issues?? Maybe operation Giga is in another part of the park?
  4. If there is track someone close it getting a coaster!!! So still excited no matter what haha.
  5. Someone posted there is track there now. I think on this thread but way farther back.
  6. ** Triple post** Sorry no on is commenting lol Another cool blog for 2019/2020 They are taking Corkscrew's paint job back a few years! Also in the blog look how he italicized "Interesting". Thoughts?
  7. Please an Intamin Blitz coaster or an Intamin pre fab Woodie with a 200+ foot drop into a ravine.
  8. Also what if the bid (for the demo company) for removal of SoB took longer then for Firehawk? Maybe that held up the SoB removal. I am just guessing due to the sheer size of Sob and the amount of wood. idk.
  9. I mean some consider early August the middle of summer. Aka the dog days of summer!
  10. I wonder if that company will share video of the loop coming down.
  11. My Questions: 1) Are there more parts still in the park for Phantom Theater? 2) Is so will the Phantom ever make a return? 3) Can we get a re-theming of Action Zone? 4) Are there ever points in time enthusiasts can ever purchase old items that park doesn't use anymore....aka Phantom parts?
  12. yeah it blows my mind why they didn't change any of that when Banshee came along.
  13. Ugh sorry about the double post. I got excited haha You think there is a dumpster near by to see where the parts are going. Maybe they can let us have a piece after it gets to the recycling plant haha??
  14. For sure! I would stay on main roads and and only take pics if I can stop! I will say that I have done my fair share of trespassing during my years. I go to old abandoned placed and shoot video. its the people that destroy things and vandalize that ruin it for other who just want to look and explore.
  15. Fingers crossed! I’d love to do that and also drive by clermont steel! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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