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Everything posted by Maverick44

  1. Just for the record personally I was not thinking it was for a coaster. Its the first time I saw them doing digging of any sort that close to the coasters. I was thinking of an employee entrance! don't get me mixed up with others that think its for footers lol
  2. New tag line for the Deer coaster - "Grandma got ran over by this coaster...…"
  3. Gew could you imagine riding Diamondback in today's weather.....or even worse tomorrow's. Yikes! you'd legit be frozen solid when you got back to station.
  4. As an avid watcher of the cams. This is the first though that I have seen them that close actually digging.
  5. So here is proof that they are digging around closer to Banshee / The Bat....I wonder why? https://www.visitkingsisland.com/explore/live-video
  6. They really are pumping out the track though. Maybe they need to get a head start due to 2020 being super busy for B&M?
  7. I always thought it would be fun....minus the no A/C i'd die lol
  8. That does make most sense. Save that room over by Banshee for park expansion.
  9. I wonder if they will place an employee entrance near Banshee now or if they will have a tram to take them to the front?
  10. You are right, Nighthawk does as well if you count the very edge over the water. That's pretty cool!
  11. Just so this is noted. I asked if you had pics before the unraveling in the Firehawk thread lol I won't be asking that again lol
  12. Did you get any pics @sixohdieselrage
  13. ^ Agreed I think I remember seeing those mounds of dirt every offseason. I am an avid cam watcher. Loving seeing work done during the offseason. I am also not seeing much if any dirt or earth being moved that closed to the coasters. So yeah? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  14. I saw that as well but looks closer to the greenhouse. I am not sure if they digging or just putting fill dirt there.
  15. @Hawaiian Coasters 325 haven't gotten a layout in a minute sir!
  16. R.I.P Firehawk! I wonder if the loop comes down today.
  17. ^ That's why you do not see any new Vekoma's hardly ever in the states. I think only Disney works with them anymore. I am sure Firehawk was planned to get removed for sure. Its always down and parts we hard to get ahold of. I think Dragonflier is the only recent one being built out side of Disney. Even Dollywood surprised me by using them.
  18. Throwing my hat in the bring to bring a Strata-Coaster to KI!!! haha Ok all joking aside STICK TO THE 5 YEAR PLAN!!!! haha
  19. now that I look closer I can see that! Silly eyes!
  20. Yeah I think when a contract is signed there is no changing that.
  21. Ok the lights are playing tricks on our eyes. They are metal color with a yellow light on them haha
  22. I am not sure if CF works like that. I think they set plans and stick to the years they set. KI has a steady attendance. It doesn't rise a bunch but also doesn't sink. IMO there is no reason to move an attraction up due to that. My thoughts were on 2021 as well.
  23. Yeah it might be fore overseas. Ugh please no yellow! My least fav color. Also why would B&M use this plant to make track. They should use a plant closer if its China. That seems like a waste of money. Then again they aren't the ones pays for it lol
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