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Everything posted by CocaColaParking

  1. Sweet. This doesn't look too restrictive at all. Thanks for the info everybody.
  2. If they have grilled cheese donuts on meal plan, I may not be able to fit on any of the rides by the end of the season.
  3. Im down about 19 pounds too! Keep up the good work, lets hope to see each other on Drop Tower soon.
  4. I've put some thought into this, and I think Mystic Timbers has a chance to become the crown jewel of the park. Obviously The Beast will always be the sentimental favorite. Like somebody else said, they are two totally different rides, and they are hard to compare. But that being said, I honestly think MT will blow people out of the water. I was underwhelmed with the announcement of the ride and the initial POV. However, seeing the clips of the test runs and the off ride clips, along with the amazing themeing and such, I think we have a potential all-star on our hands. They have completely made me buy in to the ride. I have had discussions on here and in my personal life where I've said that it seems like KI blasphemy to say this, but with the themeing and the awesome elements, MT will be a better night ride than The Beast.
  5. Does anybody have any pictures of the interior/exterior of the Rainbo Baqueri or however the heck it was spelled from back in the day?
  6. I have never had the pleasure of actually riding a GCI coaster in person. What type of restraints do GCI's normally use, and how forgiving is their restraint systems? Im a bigger dude. I've taken the good ole walk of shame on many a ride. Last year at KI I was able to ride Banshee, Firehawk, Delirium, Racer, Bat, and Beast. However, Diamondback, Flight of Fear, Drop Tower were all no go's. I know that every ride is different and that it all depends are how a person is built and where there weight is held etc etc, but in general, are GCI's fat-friendly?
  7. Not trying to "one up" but your memory sparked one of mine from last season. I was coming in to the park, and all of the sudden I heard a police officer yell "get on the ground", and I turned to see a guy push the officer. I swear cops dropped from the ceiling tiles because all of the sudden there were about 10 officers there all yelling and taking him to the ground. Not sure what the guy did, but I can say it was one of those moments where I had that slight fear for my life, as I didn't know what was going on, cops were running from everywhere, and everybody was yelling.
  8. This might be akin to KI blasphemy, but I have a feeling MT could give The Beast a run for it money when it comes to the best night rides. From what has been shown with the themeing, the ride being low to the ground and in the woods with not much light, and not to mention whatever is in the shed. I cannot wait for a mid-july ride at about 11:30pm or so.
  9. On my very first visit to the park, my girlfriend and I were walking down international street. I was in awe of the fountain and the tower, and the smells of LaRosa's and Cinnabon were hitting my nose. I was in a trance. However, suddenly, that trance was broken as I heard someone in front of me saying "Sir! Sir! Your son!". I looked towards the commotion, and then saw a father hurriedly running towards his 3-4 year old son who's pants were at his knees, and the little kid was peeing right on the path in front of everyone, waddling away from his chasing dad, peeing the entire time. The family was so embarrassed, but I think everybody, including myself, who was walking by thought it was hilarious.
  10. Not the first time! Just about branding. People are going to take pictures of the sign and post on social media, park wants everybody to know where it is.
  11. In an interesting note, I noticed today on KI's website that Mystic Timbers is rated as a "4" on the 1-5 thrill scale, which puts it on the same thrill level as rides like WindSeeker, Congo Falls, Dodgem, and WWC. I find this interesting. I don't know that in the long run it really means much, but I do think it signals to the fact that whatever is in the shed will be fairly tame and nothing too crazy. I'm interested to see if that gets changed after they start testing the coaster.
  12. I hope so! Would be cool to get some sort Tom+Chee item that is only available at KI!
  13. I've always thought that KI should really try and come up with some sort of "signature" food item. I know we have blue ice cream, but outside of that, its typical hot dogs, skyline, pizza, chicken, etc.....I think it'd be really cool to have a "Beast Burger" or a "Diamondback Dog" or whatever....I also think having signature drinks over at the bars in Soak City would be cool to. Park themed drinks based off of the color of rides. "Diamond Back Bite", "Banshee Scream", etc
  14. It was indeed the Rainbo Backerei. Any body have any pictures of that?
  15. I've been trying to look at the webcams today, but have not had any success even finding the links to the webcam. Anybody else having this issue? Think its just a website error, or is it more mysterious? Maybe they are doing something for the "Shed" that can't be shown on the webcam? Anybody have any info?
  16. So I have a friend who has vague memories about the old "Bakerie" at KI. She cant seem to find much on it at all, and is beginning to think she has false memories. Does anyone have pictures, videos, or any memories about the "Bakerie"???
  17. If you go up the entrance to white water canyon, and look off to the left when you are entering, about halfway through the path, there is a cutout of a barrel sitting out there. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  18. So has anyone put together that this ride isn't going to be geared towards adults possibly? A couple weeks ago, the KI Twitter account posted a video with the fence and a cat looking up. My first thought was "kitty" ride. Now these leaks seem "meh"....maybe it's going to end up being a coaster for kids. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  19. IS food locations are now doing similar to what rides are doing. They are taking guests in line up until closing time, then at closing time, no else can get in line. If you are in line, you will be served, but if not, then you are too slow Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  20. My only experience with them is Thunderhead at Dollywood, and I LOVED it. It wasn't over the top, but it had a lot of elements to it that made it very enjoyable
  21. Rode the train earlier today, and I'm officially on team "Woodie". The stakes in the ground that have pink flags on them have the words "clear limit" on them. I'm assuming this means that the area inside those pink flags will be cleared, and from what I saw, that amount of space would be insufficient for a giga, but just about perfect for a fairly size able wooden coaster. I also noticed that there was at least one spot in the ground that had a hole deep enough to potentially be filled and serve as a "footing." I didn't get a chance to snap a picture, but the hole was about 300-500 feet in to the train ride on the right side of the train near all the clearing.
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