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Scooby's Vengeance

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Everything posted by Scooby's Vengeance

  1. Well... Basically, I was with two of my friends... we 'merged' with the line for Delirium before it got into a set queue... and so we got onto the third ride of the night. It was incredibly awesome. A total blast. I ended up riding Son of Beast before the lines got long, and it was alright, but now I remember why I don't like it -- too shaky for my physique! We rode Scrambler and Flight of Fear -- 2 hours wait and then it breaks down -- right as i'm the next ride. The park wasn't crowded initially, however people began to comeout of all holes in the ground! It was a hellhole when the park closed. Beast's line was too long, and I didn't even get to make it over to the new Scooby ride. I must say -- it was worth all waiting. Where was the new theming on Flight of Fear? All they did was put in some new lights and then they turned the lights out in the main ride building (so it was a true dark ride)... The fountains look great -- however, I think it'll be better to go on a Wednesday morning, when it's rainy, during the summer. I can't wait for this season.
  2. I'm going after school with a group of friends to preview night... It'll be a blast!
  3. It is so nice to be relatively close to many great parks. This summer I want to make it up to Cedar Point and Kings Dominion... KI rules!
  4. Good TV died years ago and had a very cheap funeral. Rest In Peace, Bugs and Daffy.
  5. Sounds good! I may be bringing along some of my friends also, but i'd be able to ride Son of Beast and Delirium along with you all. I'll probably be wearing an older 'Beast' shirt with The Beast logo on the front, and will probably be there about 4:30 on Friday. Will you all be at the bathrooms still at 4:30???
  6. Do they? I have heard in the past about it, but have never seen it. And regarding my last thread that was closed down, I did indeed complain to King's Island. And the gripe was just an open gripe for anyone to expand on, not nagging necessarily, I wanted to know more about hiring in the park. Aighty, end of that bit of discussion... Case closed! Had anyone here been IN the Clown Band? It seems great fun.
  7. I personally am a Little Miami High Schooler... and proud of it! Where are the rest of you from?
  8. Well, based on the demographic... Scooby will definately be more popular. I don't even watch the show, even though one of my friends is a Scooby Doo nut... but I still really want to ride the Haunted Castle. It was an excellent move by the park and will perhaps become a place for families to play rather than people to make out in!!! Delirium will probably scare people who ride Drop Zone. I refuse to ride Drop Zone, but Delirium looks incredibly cool. When I visited the park to interview and apply, I walked towards Delirium until I was stopped... It is very intimidating, even moreso than Drop Zone... This will be a helluva year!
  9. I think that the best thing to do with Top Gun would be to put floorless seats on it, that'd spruce it up a bit, with a bit of different paint and repair the place, make it look a whole lot more like 'Fightertown, USA', and repaint that fence with 'Fightertown, USA' on it too! You can barely see the letters! I'd like to see a good terrain following inverted next. Leave the trees, and put lots of twists, but it wouldn't even need to be too high. That, or a giga. A nice giga. We've already got a looping hyper, so we need a giga, too! However, I'd also like to see some good flat rides. I can see Delirium scaring the pee out of lots of people, but it should be a great ride nonetheless. Maybe another giant from Huss?
  10. I assume they did indeed run out of positions at concessions, where I wanted to work (POTATO WORKS GRILL WITH MI AMIGO JORDAN)... but then I found out how many positions and types of job there are... I want to be in entertainment! Do they still have the Clown Band? Anyway, the lady told me that they weren't interviewing people under 16 at all, which greatly upset me...
  11. Well, I had just gotten to the KI job fair last week, turned in my application, and was waiting patiently for an interview. I had thought that I had heard that they were accepting people under 16 (I'm about 15 and a half, a bit older than that), and so I waited for my interview, drank a cappichino, which was much too rich for my tastes, and then my friend came. She and I talked awhile to pass time... An hour of talking, then I got a bit perturbed. I asked a more-head-of-something lady if they were hiring people under 16, and she said no, they were not. That didn't upset me as much as the waste of an entire hour of my time. I would have thought that the desk where you turned your applications in at would ask you if you were under sixteen or not, to save time and frustrations! Plus, to add insult to injury, I can't get a job in the park until the latter half of the summer, when I will already HAVE a job... Oh well, another summer just enjoying the park...
  12. PotatoWorks, hands down. I tried to get a job there this summer... but that's a long story. Food's pretty expensive, but you get quite a bit and it's quite tasty, a full meal, if you ask me!
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