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Everything posted by flightoffear1996

  1. Have you seen the price of stainless steel. Nuff said.
  2. If a tornado came to KI I would prob. just kiss my butt good bye. I dont think the Festhaus could stand up to a tornado.
  3. Festhaus I could see leaving. That building takes up alot of space and it could be easily replaced with a smaller building and some nice sized flat rides could go there. The ET will never leave the park unless it is forced by a natural distar.
  4. Close - Carowinds Renovate - KD Move - WOnderland
  5. I guess but that doesnt really remind me of a jail.
  6. IDK i never been in a space themed haunted house so I thought it would be different. I would love to see a haunted house themed to a jail.
  7. Actually I think if the earts magnetic poles switched there would be a problem.
  8. I never worked there but it seems like a place if you apply and there is a spot open and you dress nice at the interview you will be hired.
  9. That would be nicer if the water acutally went over the top of the roof.
  10. I wish Cedar Fair would just get out of debt. But I know whats new and what is new every year. Higher prices!!
  11. I went and wish I didn't. I have been to both winterfest the old and the new whiel I dont remeber the old one the new one stunk. Not much to do and they charged extra for ice skating after being soaked $15 to get in. I dont think the park made any money and if they did I don't know how. Leave the park closed please!!!!
  12. Top Thrill looks the scariest but its really not.
  13. THe off season isnt bad for minus the cold winter.
  14. I think the footing for Drop Tower must go to by what used to be the stunt tower.
  15. Yes but the ride isn't going t9 blow over cause of the winds.
  16. Im just wondering why a ride closes in high winds. Its not like its going to fall over
  17. Son of Beast if only coaster people enjoy Maverick then why is the line always so long????
  18. I think your right there many people will forget much like the Kobra.
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