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Everything posted by flightoffear1996

  1. Anyone think that the Screamin Swing would make a nice fit where that building was across from The Vortex?
  2. Sounds like on days other than Saturday the parks are losin money and looking for reasons to close.
  3. Sometimes plain is better. I mean I like the good one plain cheeseburge the best.
  4. Is that why Drop Tower is closed cause it is too cold? I really looking forward to getting at least one more ride in on it.
  5. Drop Tower was close on Friday also. I wonder if something is up with it. While I love the park in the fall my faviorte time to go it sucks because it seems to me they tend to take trains of certain coasters for early off season maintenance it makes the lines that much longer. Plus Saturdays are packed!
  6. They prob. wouldnt even break even. If I planned to go to the park today I might be upset but there is nothing you can do. The park doesnt want to get sued for people getting sick while in the park in the rain. Tehy woudl say it should have been closed and I wouldn't have gotten sick. LOL
  7. Thats also not open all year around big difference. I paid $30 to park for th eSteeler game in a mudd hole.
  8. Nope I was on the other side. I dont get what is up with that ride its always having problems.
  9. Touchdown I might have saw you in Firehawk station I guess. I tried to ride it and it was broken in the station
  10. Yea Beast in the back Flight of Fear the front or back I dont care for the middl.e
  11. Yea I agree river town doesn't even look like it belongs in the park. The cobble stone is just great to walk on much better than the black top.
  12. That sounds pretty cool. I have never been there but 850 feet is a ways up there.
  13. I love the music the play durning the haunt too.
  14. Looks great. I don't know if I'm going to be making it next season or not but I'm going to go to Kings Dominon and Busch Gardens
  15. Well, I didnt ge to catch any roamers. I saw 2 of them walking around together in all white joking and having a good time. Didn't look like they were doing there job. Friday night a groups of teens where yelling curse words at an actor saying he had a **** on his face. They kept yelling and screaming until I finnaly left the line and went to a shorter one to get in the park.
  16. 1) yes the haunt is free with general admission. However after 7:00 I think is the time you can't re-enter. 2) Durning the day on Saturday shouldn't be too crowded howerver the closer to the haunts it gets the more jammed pack it will get. Some haunts lines will exceeded 2 1/2 hour wait. However around 11:30 the park usually starts to emepty out and you walk on or have a short wait for alot of things. 3) Not me but I would expect its at the doctors discreation.
  17. Blisters on your feet sounds liek you need some new shoes.
  18. El Toro or a B&M invert really
  19. I always thought in war that people would pick the flag up if it was fallen.
  20. I like Vortex then Flight of Fear I think. I like the outdoor coaster with a tradinational (SP?) lift hill better. I just like the flightoffear name better.
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