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Everything posted by slingshooter0607

  1. On Saturdays the park is open 10am-12am.Im guessing its because of this new thing they have going on in the day.The adult (12 and over) attractions will probably open later toward the evening.That my guess.Could be wrong tho..KI loves givin' us this brain bender stuff.Haha
  2. Heres my opinion since I am the Pay-Per-Ride master.Haha..(JK Kids) --->Slingshot-Cheaper on same rates..Video dont have sound (Which if you get a lil carried away w/ lanuage like me..its a good thing)..To me..80%Fun-20%Thrill --->XtremeSkyflyer-Usally cheap.Not to high I dont think.Great videos usally.85%TotalThrill-15%Fun..(GREAT but scary as Iono what)
  3. Acrophobia @ SFOG.I have ridden 4 times.Before riding..Males...Get "Adjusted".The first time I rode it I didnt think it would matter.Ummm..It does.BIG TIME.Great ride though.Jus..Yea.
  4. In 99 I asked an operator.She said that the hieght of the actual tower including the antenna was 315 feet.Riders drop 264 feet of absolute freefall.Its measured from a point on the braking system like garagebandpunk13 said up there right about 20 feet.And the top of the tower (The checker board box thing) is also at the top which takes away some feet.So from my understanding..the actual hieght is 315 feet.And the drop length is 264 feet.
  5. If they would get a new music line-up for the QTVs I'd be happy..Gosh in line for The Beast you would hear Michelle Branch and Santana 3 times...I had that one song .some thing bout dumb girls in my head for ever cause every line I got in I heard it.But it is true..some people get offended by the littlest remark in music now-a-days.Either sex or drugs or killing somebody..People will find something about it (Which is mostly not even intended) and nag ..I would like the Djs..But I dont think it would happen.
  6. The Beast at night should count as a whole different ride being it is a diffrent ride at night.But since that 's not on the list...I would have to go w/ F0F.I love em all but something about F0F just gets ya going..Its my first ride of the day every visit to PKI.
  7. Agreed.PKI stays on thier own level which is one of the reasons I love the park.But I will say..I think when PKI does bring in a new coaster..Brace Yourselves.It was 2000 since out last big coaster hit the scene..In my opinon..'05's gonna be huge.
  8. What confused me about Top Gun's themeing going to crap was that it had a sponser.Would that have anything to do with it.I mean..Most of the que goes COMPLETLY un-noticed now..Back underneath the actual station.And I like the mist that they use on TR:TR at the end.It relitivly looks like fog.And once again..Lets hear it for the wonderful people that washed the FOF que .=]
  9. Havn't mt him yet but recieved an email or 2 from him (Or so it's said to be.Lol)..I would love to though.From what I have heard/seen he is a VERY nice guy.Hope I get to soon.
  10. I rode it once and it was picth black untill we took the last corkscrew..As soon as we entered it all the house lights came up.It was really cool.BUT..This was in '01 and KC was still up..So I didnt see any trains.=]
  11. Creepy stuff. -rethinks ever riding WWC at night again- Seeeeeee..These ghost stories are fun..Even if these people ARE making stuff up,What they might be making up is believable.Good Job guys if you are making this up..If your really not then I feel sorry for you all that has to be at KI at night after hours.
  12. Even if you are married...An amusment park relle isnt the place ,Even if you wanna try somethin exciting.And Tanner is right..Ever since those people got caught ..Those booths have been monitored.
  13. Should't you be at work right now? Thought you worked at PKI. LMAO..Good point, Good point.=]
  14. It is impossible for the hat to be wet with blood after that long..And if it was so dark and you couldnt see the blood in the head how did you see it running down his neck?..AND I STILL DONT SEE WHY YOU WOULD PUT ON A HAT THAT YOU JUST FOUND LAYING IN THE WOODS.Lol..I believe in ghosts too..But if a story has got some actual factage to it..Its ALOT scarier.
  15. The Beast accident happened a long time ago...Blood wouldnt be dripping from it still is what DanielRadsgrl is saying.And Why would you put on a hat that you just found?And wouldnt you notcie blood in it?...Good ghost story but dont wear out the fact its true when its physicaly not.
  16. Face/Off valleying is like TR bein closed..Its gotta happen or your day just isnt complete.Haha..But really...It happened to me before once in the same seat that DanielRadsGirl is talking about.They told us it was because the train and the computer didnt match up on where the train was suppose to be.Glad to hear nobody is hurt tho.
  17. Since none of my friends that I go w/ to the park is as big as a buff of it as I am..Most people use the "Well..Its only gonna get longer..Why not just go ahead and wait " method.And if the line is long..It must be worth some sort of wait.And sometimes there is still a line for the pay rides.I have waited up to 30 minutes for Xtreme Skflyer.
  18. AH!!...Bad...Memories..Of ...Long Lines.....Avoid.....BET..Gospel ...Explosion.....Concert......Lines........Out of control!!!!!!Haha..I went last year and we didnt know it was the BET Gospel Explosion Concert and the park was PACKED.Im am talking full que for EVERYTHING...I waited all the way back to Rivertown LaRosa's for The Beast....Every lane open....It was bad
  19. I think that the pay rides are GREAT.It just depends on when ya ride em.Sling Shot's rates switch ALL the time.And everytime I have rode Xtreme Skyflyer this year it has been $10 a person..(But I have always had 2 other poeple to ride w/ me).But they are AWESOME!!Sling Shot is more exciting then scary..So if ya catch the rates low...Ride it.Xtreme Skyflyer is AMAZING!..I have NEVER had a sensation of free fall like that.I was speechless..BUt if you catch the rates low and ya got the cash and are willing to spend it..Definitaly try Sling Shot and Xtreme Skyflyer...
  20. Oh No..Nothing like that .Just for someone to send a card on possible the parks behalf.A represenitive from WDW sent her a card and every card she gets she loves.
  21. Hello everyone.Im sure some of you have read a few of my post on this site and I have eagerly read some of yours.But since most of you dont know my name is Mclean.I live a little ways out side of Huntington West Virginia.We usally refer to our hometown as our tri-state region.On January 10th..A little girl in our hometown and her famil'ys lives changed.This little girl's name is Mckenize Brewer.Mckenzie is 10 years old.. She has been diagnosed with Pon’s Disease, which is a type of brain cancer. I was wondering if anyone on these boards has a connection at the park..For Mckenzie to be reconized by them.Every one please remember Mckenize in you prayers.She is a very special young girl.If anyone would like to know any more information ,e-mail me at show_me_ur@hotmail.com and subject the email "Kenzie". Thank you all very much and please pray for this young girl.
  22. Ok..Your definintion of making out probably is not what we are talking about.I swear ..Sometimes I get a little worried if some of them people are gonna have a face when they get down.Its sick.I mean..Eep!
  23. OMG..Thats so wrong..Lol..Reading that makes me want my picture took by the photogra people AlOT more then going into those booths.And I have known of people going out to thier cars and doin' stuff.Which see..I have a very mixed veiw on that because..Sure its at the park but you are in the car alone..But your still at the park..But nonetheless..These people are probably the most extremly embarassed people right now for getting caught.I have felt alot of guilt because just knowning what I did but I dont think i could handle getting caught.lol
  24. HaHa..Yea..You would think if people are gon be gettin nasty right there in the park..You would think (Or at least hope) that they would be good at it.Haha..But like my mom has always told me and I said in the other post.. "Save it for the Holiday Inn there Rosco"
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