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Everything posted by Benjamin22

  1. Didn’t think I’d see the day when Kings Island finally gets a giga coaster and then no one wants it. I agree it looks short but it appears we’re going to see a bunch of airtime hills.
  2. Yes but the leaked blueprints show no inversions so unless they plan on building the worst dive / wing coaster ever it’s going to be a giga. Along with the numerous other leaks it’s almost certainly a giga with the added information about there being a backbone
  3. And those are the three rides that feature a backbone. Not to mention those backbones are significantly smaller then a giga.
  4. The turn around also looked very much like a Treble cleft turn around in my opinion.
  5. Well it’s not a wing coaster and it isn’t a dive coaster so what else is there? What other ride isn’t going to invert??
  6. I don’t know what else this is going to be then? The footers clearly suggest backbone so it’s almost certainly going to be a giga in my opinion.
  7. I guess this blueprint can be quickly proved fake if the clearing keep growing significantly. But I don’t think that’s going to be all that likely as of now.
  8. Because the track would collide with its self.... when you go on a loop you aren’t going straight, you’re slightly shifting either left or right, since there’s straight sections it’s safe to say there’s no loops.
  9. There’s no loop in that layout.
  10. Where would someone get the blueprints for this? Firehawk is absence and the land is leveled which features terrain markings so whoever faked this is very very very talented at photoshop and would almost certainly not waste this time on here. Because of that I thought the person broke an NDA agreement (And I still strongly believe this)
  11. I’m sure the second Kings Island filed the paper work they knew I’d be only a matter of time before they got out.
  12. I don’t know, I don’t see any other queue house in the photo, it appears a new path is going to be created to lead under the station. What does look odd is the old photo both is still standing... maybe they’re going to renovate it into a gift shop? In regards to them trolling us this is incredibly extreme in rude to it like that. I guess if the clearing grows it will be proven fake but I honestly can’t see them trolling us like that
  13. I mean it’s always possible but I don’t know how easy it is to A - Get such a current blueprint of the area with that much detail and B - Make the overlay like that.
  14. The only reason he posted this is because you guys kept insulting multiple individuals who dedicated not to share it. Yeah you didn’t directly leak it.
  15. Sorry for not wanting something leaked that shouldn’t have been leaked in the first place. Someone could easily lose their job over this once the park finds out who’s responsible.
  16. Well... go ahead and show me how this could have been faked considering how much detail these blueprints have.
  17. Yeah because I’ve gotten a ton of positive attention from this. Is it that hard to believe that I actually care about people’s hard work and don’t want to leak the entirety of the project that was not supposed to be leaked? I thought the second I saw the layout I’d be filled with joy and happiness with knowing what’s coming to the park but instead I’m filled with anxiety. This whole summer we could all have looked forward to all the tiny clues and rumors and have fun debunking them but instead you guys want to know almost everything there is to know. I get it you are all curious but think about the park for once. If you were Don or Chad would you really want everything leaked like that by someone who Broke their NDA? Sorry for thinking about the park instead of myself.
  18. Because I don’t want what I say to be taken as gospel in the thread.
  19. I’m referring to the public photos of the main footer we saw earlier that showed backbone
  20. I can’t read blueprints, I said I thought it was a giga based off of the fact we saw the earlier blueprints leaked with the backbone
  21. The photos had an incredible amount of detail that only a professional would have been able to make. I don’t think the user realized what he had truly done until he deleted the photos.
  22. I’m not going to leave one of the most anticipated rides of all time. People have been wanting a giga coaster for year. The park has worked hard on this project and is spending millions on it. I’m fine sharing around public documents but what was posted on here was not supposed to be released yet. No one should have seen it and I intended on keeping it that way.
  23. Yes it is hypocritical, but thinking about it for two seconds makes me realize how terrible it would be to leak the entire layout.
  24. It’s not a hoax, think about it for a second. If someone sent you the blueprints that shouldn’t have been released in the first place would you be sending it to everyone?
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