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Everything posted by collin.klopfstein

  1. This is gonna sound really stupid of me but The Beast is wood and Orion is metal and wood catches on fire easier
  2. Track update , I would of got more pictures of the unpainted track but the car drove right in front of my view
  3. It’s gonna be sad though not getting that creepy felling walking through the dark woods to get there
  4. Wow Yukon strikers track is huge! Is dive coaster track bigger than giga track?
  5. Don’t know if he’s being serious but this person posted this on their story
  6. yeah if they plan to not have a prop their i find that sorta obnoxious
  7. Oh yeah tons of potential spots for props and theming
  8. wait wait wait I just realized there is another car behind the news van!
  9. 1. is entrance 2. is fastlane and 3. is exit
  10. @sixohdieselrage I will buy you a brand new plane if you share the rest of the photos
  11. have we talked about how amazing the trains look for this ride?
  12. yeah thats probably where they were hiding the first piece of track that got delivered but we didnt see it at Kings Island
  13. I can count 49 so about 97 pieces on site!
  14. Doing that right now! Edit: nvm i tried and i cant lol, can you try?
  15. Oh ok thats what these are. they are part of the supports for the lift hill
  16. I tried to follow all of the footers but failed lol
  17. 48 pieces of track So yeah the rusted/ unpainted track at CSF is obviously more track
  18. Ok you can tell these lift supports are white and the others are light gray
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