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Everything posted by collin.klopfstein

  1. I looked at all the drops and yes orion is the steepest out of all the gigas! Also if you search up millenium forces drop google says its 299 feet so orion> mf
  2. Also from the looks of it, this is what it will look like when the next pieces are put up Also here is a drawing where i actually tried on the lift hill
  3. Im jealous of the people living in these houses because they will get a nice view of orion everyday once its done
  4. Nice view on the orion webcam this morning
  5. same here, but i went on their actual website and you could change the video quality and it made it a little bit better
  6. Never realized how absolutely massive B&M track is! source: https://www.wvxu.org/post/your-first-behind-scenes-look-kings-islands-orion-giga-coaster
  7. remember they are ahead of schedule, also they have many other sections of the coaster to work on
  8. I look away from the webcam for like 5 minutes and that piece of track that was on the trailer is gone !!??? anybody spot where it went?
  9. Oh ok so apparently Kings Island is ahead of schedule!
  10. nevermind , the whole clifford crane is red
  11. yes thats what i meant, the boom is red , the base is white i guess?
  12. SOrry for the multiple post but there is even more! EDIT: wow track is huge transfer shed: support: track :
  13. full picture of john matarese from his twitter
  14. I meant 2 more pieces to be added to the support that is on the ground
  15. First set of supports are connected, now 2 more to go!
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