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Everything posted by ldhudsonjr

  1. I mean I loved that Beast Unleashed video @RuthlessAirtime made, so I'd definitely be down for something like that, but I'm also really intrigued by the name Orion. I do think it needs a little something more to it, but I'm actually kind of into it. I like the idea of another Space themed coaster at KI, and I'm just really excited to see what they do with it if that's the direction they go.
  2. ^almost sounds like it could have been the name of one of those mid-late 90's Sci-Fi Channel Shows. "This week on Orion 345!"
  3. For sure, the numbers definitely have to sound good with the rest of the name. I do think Intimidator 305, and Fury 325 sound pretty cool, and Orion 345 or something to that effect would sound pretty slick as well.
  4. Hell yeah! I can't wait to find out what the hell this thing is.
  5. Alright. I may make a trip to request some documents after we see those footers then
  6. Yeah I'm really curious about this also. Is there some kind of special classification that keeps their permits offline? As far as I know it should still be public record.
  7. I wouldn't go that far, there are still a lot of people who don't know anything about that kind of stuff.
  8. Well at least we know for sure. Oh well, we'll know soon enough about the real thing I think.
  9. Far from it, for sure. Still think we should try to keep this thread empty of stuff like that to the extent that we can.
  10. I highly doubt it's real, as much as I want it to be. If we can't bring it up how did the troll find it? It SUUUUCKS that it's a fake though, I got super excited seeing that. Kind of a bummer.
  11. Not trying to be a buzzkill but if this really is faked, I personally don't think you should be allowed to post things like that to this thread. Have to draw the line somewhere or there will be tons of this stuff.
  12. How is this a thing worth doing? So dumb.
  13. Just...no...please god, no.
  14. Yeah, I know most people on here disagree, but if it was a space themed thing, I still think the numbers thing would work better with this than it has with the others at least. It does sound a bit sci-fi in my opinion to do that.
  15. Perhaps an unpopular opinion, but I would honestly prefer something like "Orion 345" or Polaris "355" than just Orion or Polaris. I'm not sure why people have such an issue with the number thing, I think it sounds kind of cool. Like you could be FURY, and that's pretty cool, but then you could be FURY 325 and to me that's just cooler. Especially if it's a space themed thing, I just think it would work. Just my 2 cents.
  17. Ok guys, so let's gather our thoughts here. Those of you with more experience, what do you think is the most likely type of attraction at this point given only what information we have now? Would you say a Giga still seems fairly likely? Or are we looking at something else at this point? We know that CF has trademarked Orion and Polaris. What do we think the chances are this is related to this ride? At what point did people figure out the name Banshee and Mystic Timbers? Does anyone think there's a possibility that no new coaster is coming? And all of this is related to something else, or something that could be coming further down the line like 2021? I'm definitely not saying that's my opinion, just wondering what you guys think the odds are of that being the case based on previous attractions being built.
  18. @sixohdieselrage Just curious, how often do you guys go flying? I love these updates. Really hoping we start seeing some kind of construction down there soon.
  19. I'll be there tomorrow. Probably won't actually be in the park until like 11-12 but I'll see what I can see!
  20. Obviously no one here can see the future, but if past seasons are any indication, at what point do you expect we may start seeing teasers in the park?
  21. Ok so I'm still a newbie with this stuff, but as a Dayton native, I definitely was under the impression that the area of Southern Ohio near Cincinnati was growing pretty fast, and also that the area is prime real estate for an amusement park because it draws from southern Ohio, Indiana, and Kentucky. Where are people getting the idea that the area isn't growing? Even if Charlotte is a fast growing city, doesn't Kings Island have a regional draw that would matter to the chain as well? As I mentioned before, I had read somewhere that Cedar Fair intends Kings Island to grow from a regional to a destination park. Do you guys think that's not the case? I'm really hoping to see the park do well and would be extremely happy if it got to the point where it could compete with Cedar Point. Just wondering what knowledgeable fans think of that idea.
  22. ^ Wow! I love this answer, tons of great information here. I'm also really not sure I buy the argument that $30 million for a Giga is just WAY TOO MUCH but $24 million for Banshee was just fine. Not that it isn't a significant difference in price, but I'm sure it will also be a significant difference in results, though I love Banshee.
  23. Another thing I've been wondering is about the Reveal event they do for new rides. How do you get into those usually? Is it something you just show up and line up for? Is it just media? How do you get into them essentially. If there's going to be one this year, I'm dying to go.
  24. Ok guys so this is my first time being part of the speculation concerning a new ride, and I'm really enjoying reading this though I don't have much to add. I do have a question though about something I read in r/Rollercoasters. To keep it brief, in a thread about this very topic a guy said he was more expecting a wing coaster, when I asked why he said this Does anyone have any thoughts on this? I get what he's saying about the Cincinnati area, but at the same time it was my understanding that Kings Island is more heavily attended than Carrowinds which does have a Giga, I had also read somewhere that Cedar Fair intended to build Kings Island into more of a destination park than it is right now, though I don't have a source on that.
  25. Would be really interested in knowing if anyone else heard this form the Ops.
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