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  1. I am very excited for a SC addition. While the Waterpark needs many, many things, I think a platform with multiple slides or a water coaster are my hope.
  2. I'm with with ya on the water coaster. It would do great and is a crowd favorite. They also need a major facilities upgrade in Soak City too. Restrooms, changing areas etc.
  3. Def need some Waterpark improvements. A new slide complex, an additional restroom, more changing stalls etc. I haven't heard any rumors, and honestly would be surprised if they do this but it is sorely needed.
  4. The waterpark is is need of some major improvements. Most of which have already been mentioned but some have not. 1. Added areas for changing and restrooms towards the back. 2. Newer and improved slides. 3. More seating and shade. 4. Actually having all attractions open.(this has been an issue for years.) A water coaster is great but to maximize space and rides. A multislide platform is also needed with 3-4 slides similar to the old one that was replaced with the mat racer.
  5. I get what you're saying. But, I feel most of the disappointment stems from there not really being anything new with this coaster. Yes, most us will ride and enjoy it. However, they def could've done a better job with this. A record breaker wasn't needed IMO. But, I def see where alot of the disappointment comes from.
  6. I've calmed down after the weekend of disappointment. I showed the video to most of my family while camping and got mixed emotions from them. Most were like, "So it's basically another Diamondback" I was like well, technically it's a giga, but yeah. Lol
  7. Apparantly this site has turned into CNN and deletes posts that have different opinion. What a shame.
  8. Shortest Giga, or Tallest Hyper. I'm a glass half full kind of guy. lol
  9. Some schools go back even later than that. But, a majority of the Dayton area schools are already back in session.
  10. This is the best week of the season to go to the park. Most of the kids are back in school and it'll be a ghost town. Planning on taking the wife to Soak City tomorrow, then hit the park.
  11. I'm thinking perhaps of the hashtag, they could make it an asterisk. *World's tallest hyper coaster, or yeah it's a giga on a technicality. Seriously though, I have liked the teasing campaign so far. Just hoping they don't use the whole what's behind the fence thing too long. After the Mystic Timbers ordeal that would not be taken too well.
  12. I think most of us are excited to ride it. Yes, it was disappointing to see the layout. KI is a great family park with a great collection of coasters. However, it's just not a world class type of coaster park. They had the land to go bigger and longer than are going. But, we're still thankful and excited for what we're getting.
  13. From a marketing standpoint, I would expect teasing to start after July 7th. I believe that's the final night of Gold Season pass sales. I would expect the teasing to start right after that date. I could see them getting a early jump on Gold passes for next year at that point. Again, I don't have any inside info, but being in marketing, this is what I'd do.
  14. Hopefully everyone enjoys Mondo Monsoon this season. I have NO definitive evidence, but since other parks have removed their funnel slides, it wouldn't surprise me to see KI remove there's. Again, no evidence other than hear say which is to be taken with a grain of salt. I love this slide and it's a people eater on busy days. The waterpark will be due for an upgrade in the next few years though.
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