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Everything posted by TopThrill

  1. Thanks for the comments, I've been away from this project for awhile. Here's three more I've done.
  2. Yep the episode started three to four mins before 12 noon. grr
  3. I'm still amazed at these threads going on about a coaster that's not even open.
  4. Last year I got close to 7 or 8.
  5. Coney Mall looked great! the tall rounded trees. It looks nothing like that today.
  6. If you want to eat a small meal, I'd say stay in the park. If you want a big meal then eat out side the park.
  7. That BMW Mini-cooper license must had been to expensive to re-new, the train's look like there are no wind screens at the front of each car anymore.
  8. I'm happy to share with you all, yeah the theme back then was off the charts. The park would charge maybe five or tens dollars a person for the Monorail today. I've been on Busch Gardens Skyride, very relaxing. Like I said there's about 15 more pages to post, I would like to touch them up before I post them. Here's a comparison from before and after.
  9. Funny hearing people are blacking out on I305, while I've only blacked out on Mantis. Never had a problem with MF.
  10. I'm happy to share the book with you all, I also have a .75 cent park map from 1981. Still working on the other pages, some need some real fixing up and touch up than others. There's even a black and white Beast 1979 page, with facts about the ride. And if you looks closely, the International Street pictures, you can see multinational flags up and flying in the wind. I-Street today has no International taste, just local food and gift shops. Think I only rode the Wild Animal Safari one time, on a field trip when I was in Kindergarten. The worst I think is Oktoberfest, today in the Festhouse there is no German food, no German music. They turned the Festhouse into a sports bar! Just about every ride that was there in the 70's is now gone, only the Viking ship is still there.
  11. About five months ago I won this book off of ebay, and you could tell the age of it by the dis color in some places. So about a few weeks ago I decided to scan each page and fix some of the problems in photoshot, there was alot of white little dots on most of the pages, the night pictures were worse. There's about 24 pages, and just finished page 9. Enjoy.
  12. How about this, I would not miss SOB.
  13. Hay Diamondback FOF, sorry for not getting to back you. You can use my pictures in my thread of "Diamodback Photo Comparisons".

  14. KI&MVRR is crying out for a major overhaul! But as for years, it's not on the parks to do list.
  15. My favorite sound was Diamondbacks roar, till someone put an end to it.
  16. So will this page reached over 300, about a coaster that's not going to open?
  17. I've seen the train stall out at the top back in 2005.
  18. Millennium Force looks great at night!
  19. I'm still surprised at this thread is still going on.
  20. They used to do all that great stuff, like the train robbery. But as you can see that's not one of there top list of things to do.
  21. That's great to hear, I was born the same year it opened up. The longest I've waited was, the line being back up all the way to the bridge, that goes over the train tracks. And I've seen it while working there spill out and head to towards WTBRA.
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