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    Miamisburg Ohio

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KIC Expert

KIC Expert (5/13)



  1. ummmmm MISS.....duh.....ok ....phone call will be made in the morning
  2. Hello all Anyone heard if the ice show has been discontinued?? dont see it on the site.
  3. going to process our passes this weekend....wooooooohooooooooo
  4. the train dont span the length of the park . many years ago there used to be the sky ride.
  5. Hi Crash! That was me who noticed your KIC shirt! Sorry it's taken me a while to reply, the Island and Best Buy keep me busy! It was awesome meeting you and I hope to see you around! Feel free to come say hi anytime i'm there! awsome!!! np. i was there today but spent alot of time in the Action Zone, and watched the ice show.
  6. LOL, I searched Screamin' Demon Nice History Bump! I could have done without the barf though.
  7. Yeah, I'm sure over all it went over pretty well. Oh yeah, I'm supposed to tell you guys that Snoopy's Starlight Spectacular will only be displayed on nights when the park is open until 10:00 or later. Edit I added some photos for your enjoyment. http://www.KICentral...s.php?album=327 Do you know if those stars are recycled fron the endless summer on ice? from about 2 years ago? they were on the ET last year. ?.?.? I can say with almost absolute certainty that they weren't. The stars from ESOI were several different sizes and weren't lit the same way. just wondering where the stars are at now, sign shop maybe.
  8. Yeah, I'm sure over all it went over pretty well. Oh yeah, I'm supposed to tell you guys that Snoopy's Starlight Spectacular will only be displayed on nights when the park is open until 10:00 or later. Edit I added some photos for your enjoyment. http://www.KICentral...s.php?album=327 Do you know if those stars are recycled fron the endless summer on ice? from about 2 years ago? they were on the ET last year. ?.?.?
  9. I met someone on sat, she seen my shirt , it said KIC on it. But i forgot who she said she was .. She works at the train. she was very nice. So mystery girl please step forward. thanks for saying hi
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