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Everything posted by YoungStud

  1. not if it is coming from maryland
  2. The first hand account by that lady has been proved false.
  3. bro, I think you lost the battle on saving Son of Beast...
  4. if they were already there why not snap a photo and be the first to report it
  5. unless its track, it will be hard to determine
  6. No way its coming from batavia in the middle of the night. Like I said i was by clermont steel earlier.
  7. or as we type. You just don't move 10 ton supports quickly...
  8. green track, green intamin track???
  9. anyone know how to look at weigh station info from today????
  10. someone should be putting some pics up soon
  11. Christmas in July when we wake up in am and go by the north end....
  12. There are cones and lift equipment staged toward the north entrance....
  13. there are so many footers in place, we will see another crew putting up supports soon...
  14. I will just have to travel to Hershey more often, Hershey/Intamin have a strong relationship.
  15. I agree, How could Ron Toomer not know taking extreme turns without banking the track would not suck.
  16. It will blow if Darien Lake's coaster is better than ours.
  17. All news outlets put the most outrageous person on tv to do an interview.
  18. Its got the best station in the park IMO.
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