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Everything posted by UnrealNightmare

  1. Man I sure miss a lot when I got to work at night.
  2. That looks photoshopped. I wonder what gave that away?
  3. Are they the same color green as the current PVC piping that we can see in some of the construction pictures?
  4. :::Hands you all one giant box of Kleenex:::
  5. Nothing to see here folks nothing to see. You can return to your regularly scheduled lives.
  6. Or they have to tear down the current restroom and relocate it. Or the park is finally putting restrooms in Xbase.
  7. Should I pull out my box of Kleenex for you guys yet?
  8. Maybe everyone is just too disappointed to post because there isn't anything?
  9. At least the site is getting a ton of hits right now.
  10. I think the Banshee might have gotten hold of Don. Let's hope he managed to get a picture of the evil beast.
  11. I think it's time to put the popcorn in the microwave and maybe grab a box of Kleenex for some people.
  12. Can you provide a link to that please?
  13. I'm calling a hoax on this one. Or is it a hoot?
  14. Just don't get attacked by the Banshee.
  15. Aww Shucks! I was hoping by the time I read through the last 5 pages I'd know something I didn't already know. Oh well... Park opens in 6 hours lets see who can post a pic first.
  16. Man I was getting excited to find out when he was going to get the pics to work. That was some some crazy anticipation.
  17. So the new ride will be called Don Helbig the Mind Warper. Thanks got it!
  18. I've been seeing tweets and saw a few post on facebook about a bolt falling off of the Smiler. I can't seem to find an official story yet. Edit:: Should say off not of. Darn keyboard!
  19. I too can confirm that there are no clicks on Texas Giant. Having ridden it over 100 times and I still call it my favorite coaster I still feel terrible that this had to take place no matter who's at fault. But most of the time these accidents are either rider or operator error. There's only a few that I can think of that were actual mechanical failure.
  20. I made the mistake of reading the ignorant comments posted on the bottom of that article. I wish I hadn't. There's a time and place for joking and this is not one of them.
  21. Or look at Phoenix at Knoebels. Totally different angles of descent and different trains but I definitely come way higher out of my seat on Phoenix then I do on Diamondback.
  22. Do you sit back in your seat or do you intentionally lean forward?
  23. I have gotten rides on Diamondback where my restraint only clicked twice. I'm so tiny that I never touched the restraints once. I can see exactly what Terpy means. The back of the seat caught me every time. Diamondback doesn't have any ejector air so it's not throwing you out of your seat. The airtime is gradual and you basically float with the train. The only way I could see myself falling out is if were to somehow get stuck facing downward on a hill. Your body is never moving faster than the train is.
  24. Does anyone remember when Clifford showed up during the Diamondback construction?
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