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Everything posted by UnrealNightmare

  1. I'm gonna have to pass on this as well. They still offer the 10.99 fright feast which is still worth it in my opinion so I think I'll be spending my money on this instead.
  2. Well they could go big with GCI and add another coaster similiar to Mountain Flyer. We all know the terrain back where sonny sits, for now is far from being flat. I think a big GCI like Mountain Flyer could work well back there. Of course it is no mountain back there also but it would still be awesome to see a new wooden coaster of that scale in Sonnys place.
  3. I think Prowler was a pretty big hit out in Kansas City why not add something like that where Son of Beast sits now. From what I hear Prowler is still purring pretty well. I also hear Renegade was a hit as well.
  4. I really don't know how you can even speculate that KI's next coaster, if it were to be a woodie, wouldn't be the right move for the park. The last time the park opened a brand new woodie was in 2000. Since then 4 steel coasters have been added, I'm just not understanding your thought process here. If KI were to add a coaster similiar to the Voyage, El Toro, or any GCI I think the park will have made a very good investment.
  5. Even still I'm sure all the deconstruction will happen during the week when no guests are present in the park.
  6. I don't see why they'd start demo on SoB when there is still a haunt insides its station.
  7. Such sad news. Having been a member on this site for so long I remember reading most of Keiths trip reports and everytime I'd read one I felt like I knew him a little more. His trip reports were so well done I actually felt like he wanted us to relive every part of his trips along with him. Each one of his trip reports would bring a smile to my face in one way or another. I am truelly saddened that I was only ever able to meet him just one time. Like others have said before he was a great asset to this community and he will be missed by many. R.I.P
  8. I didn't have to wear my flip flops on Nitro, Goliath, or Sheikra when it did have a floor. EDIT:: Or Raging Bull or Intimidator which is at another Cedar Fair park.
  9. I want a new woodie to replace it. Kind of sad the lack of wooden coasters being built nowadays!
  10. ThunderRun at Kentucky Kingdom was my first coaster and I've been hooked ever since.
  11. Weren't they talking about revamping DT awhile back? Maybe Cp will finally get a new woodie. ::prays for something like El Toro::
  12. The sign in Beast's station says the track is walked every morning. I think this is because they want to make sure nothing from the fireworks is still on the track during the day. I don't think the fireworks part is true. They stop the ride during the fireworks show and then resume the ride after the fireworks have ended until the line is clear.
  13. Isn't the price also based on what construction company is chosen to build said ride? I don't think it's entirely fair to compare the price of ride built in the US to the price of a ride built in Europe. There are too many other factors that can cause that big of a price difference. I don't think inflation is one of them because our economy is not the same as Europes.
  14. An IAAPA or two ago, Rocky Mountain emphasized that neither their topper track nor their Iron Horse rails weighed significantly more than the classic wood stack used on wooden coasters. I think there's also a popular assumption going around about the supports that I'd bet is a little off. Parks don't seem to regularly replace the actual supports of wooden coasters nearly as regularly as they do the track. Take a look at the horizontal beams on The Beast lift hill: there are several there that have sagged due to a long exposure to gravity at that angle. And that's with the ride being in almost daily use every summer for the past 33 years, a majority of which I'd bet those supports have seen. (Granted, you could easily argue that those certain supports don't experience much stress, and I'd agree. But the park also has replaced high-force track and support sections over the past few years where needed, and they certainly wouldn't have excluded Son of Beast from that sort of maintenance. You wanna talk about liabilities?) I don't pretend to know diddly squat about wood rot, but if The Beast, with supports like that on a structure that repeatedly bears the weight of trains hundreds and hundreds of times per day six months out of the year, passes inspection from the state of Ohio, why are people so convinced that a significantly younger Son of Beast, which hasn't experienced any sort of loading in the past three years, is a rotting termite buffet that will topple over in a slight wind? It wasn't the quality of the wood that caused the 2006 incident; the official 2006 ODoA incident report essentially cited faulty design as the cause. Solely from what I understand from other posters here, the wood used on the ride has been pressure-treated, thus preventing it from being weathered as easily as everyone is assuming it currently is. People aren't concerned that Kentucky Kingdom's/Bluegrass Boardwalk's Thunder Run will implode upon itself if someone happens to sneeze in the nearby vicinity, and it's been SBNO almost as long. From a fatigue standpoint, Son of Beast is actually faring better standing still than Beast or Racer. I don't mean to sound like I'm coming down on you, Klockster. I just don't get where people are coming from. As far as your last question goes: you make a really good point about how exciting the ride would be if the track was steel. It'd depend on what they'd change about the layout, but it sure doesn't seem like there's a lot of room for creativity if they stick with what they've got... Finally someone gets it!
  15. I'm tired of people saying the supports could not handle the steel track. You are incorrect the steel track weighs about half of what the wooden track currently weighs. http://www.rockymtnconstruction.com/
  16. Ehh Rhino Ralley not so much anymore. Maybe back a few years ago. But now it's just not worth the wait. And Montu is my favorite Inverted coaster.
  17. Maybe you should re title it to... What weird things have you seen in Diamondbacks netting. Then it can be an on going conversation.
  18. My post wasn't directed towards you sir. There is one person in particular on here who thinks everyone is crazy who actually enjoyed the ride.
  19. And none of us are saying that the park should listen to us. All I was saying is I'd be happy if it were done. I never said the park should do this or the park should do that. Why can't we make suggestions without someone constantly flaming us?
  20. Yeah, while channel surfing, I have seen many sentimental people on Hoarders. Way to take everything to the extreme sir.
  21. Well I guess you're just not sentimental. Well I'm sorry to inform you some people are.
  22. Because unlike you there are people who actually have good memories of it.
  23. Good. I was hoping it wouldn't be the same as these two. Now if they had painted it like Carolina Cobra I would have loved it.
  24. Anyone else see that Worlds of Fun is painting their Boomerang as well? Don't know what colors yet but I called it. http://www.worldsoffun.com/blog-article/online-fun/A-Springlike-Day
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