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Everything posted by TOPGUN1993

  1. http://pg.photos.yahoo.com/ph/pkiguy1/deta...scd.jpg&.src=ph Sling Shot http://pg.photos.yahoo.com/ph/pkiguy1/deta...scd.jpg&.src=ph SkyFlyer
  2. I love the first drop faceing forward toward the front you get major butterflys.
  3. This is on the PKI websight ? http://www1.paramountparks.com/kingsisland...cfm?item_id=394
  4. I think they are seting up for BeastBuzz because I saw the orange plastic fence by the first drop / first turn.
  5. Best seat in racer is Last Car Middle seat (I think it's the smoothest)
  6. The Racer has been really smooth latly
  7. ^^^Birthday 1 September 1994^^^ So that means your 12 don't you have to be 13 to join PKIC ?
  8. If you think Vortex is really the biggest steel coaster build at PKI and that was in 1987. (FOF doesn't really count because it's not really big same with F/O)
  9. Me and Mr. Gun are going. By the way is there FOF tour.
  10. But you have to say Demon Drop is one FUN ride. It looks Stupid but once you ride it's alsome
  11. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qIQLKtOsduE&search= There is tons of these really cool videos on here.
  12. http://www.pointbuzz.com/Gallery.aspx?i=2361 Seat Belts Will Vortex be next ?
  13. I love Corkscrew is such a classic even though there is seat belts.
  14. You hve to wear a Jacket on the Sidewinder and snowy river and lazy river.
  15. FOF's picture is WAY better than SOB's picture spot.
  16. Once you ride Vortex many times you know where to lean so you don't get beet up.
  17. TOPGUN1993

    Speed Pass?

    They have Speed lane for Gold Pass ONLY on Beast SDATHC WTRA (flume) IJST And your choice of Drop zone or Delirium
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