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Everything posted by TOPGUN1993

  1. http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=htt...6lr%3D%26sa%3DN Click Ride/Attractions hall of fame The rides with the little star are rides still there ***
  2. Could they put the PT in the old House Of Darkness building on coney mall ? HAHAH post 666 in a PT topic
  3. That station is on my PKI 1982 map lol
  4. It was the Ameristop by PKI we went to subway and stoped next door to get drinks.
  5. The Tornado Acclaimed as one of the "10 Best" wooden roller coasters in North America, the Tornado winds it's way around a quarter mile of treacherous track thrilling riders by plummeting down hills over 100 feet at speeds of more than 60 miles per hour. Length: 3,200 Feet Built: 1978 Height: Over 90 Feet Maximum Speed: Over 60 MPH
  6. Does this look like the best buy for Coney Island ? Picture
  7. http://pg.photos.yahoo.com/ph/pkiguy1/deta...re2.jpg&.src=ph Here are some snow men in the black bin.
  8. You know you forgot two rides on the timeline Guess what they are.....
  9. You can see the old PT cars over by BB.
  10. Could they turn the building between scrambler and it's fried into a PT ? The House of darkness building The Rock shop Building The Bowling ally The Cuddle up / dodgem old building
  11. RIDE HEIGHT REQUIREMENTS Airplanes 48" or less ***************Antique Cars 48" or less Boats & Trains 48" or less Bumper Boats 48" or more to ride Carousel 48" or more w/o an adult Dodgems 52" or more w/o an adult 36" or more w/ an adult Ferris Wheel 48" or more w/o an adult 36" or more w/ an Adult Flying Bobs 48" or more w/o an adult Frog Hopper 36" or more (between 3 &12 yrs old) People 13 & over ride in the middle seat Helicopters 48" or less Kiddie Circle Freeway 48" or less Pedal Boats 48" or more w/o an adult Python 52" or more w/o an adult Racing Rockets 48" or less Round Up 48" or more to ride Scrambler 48" or more w/o an adult Scream Machine 48" or more to ride Skyfighter 48" or less Spin-A-Ree 48" or less 36" or more w/o an adult Super Slide 48" or more w/o an adult Tempest 52" or more w/o an adult Tempest 48" or more w/o an adult Tilt a Whirl 48" or more w/o an adult Trabant 48" or more w/o an adult _______________________________________________ This is from the Coney Island Web Sight notice the tique's http://www.coneyislandpark.com/attractions_rides.php
  12. Me and my dad are going to Coney Island within the next week and were wondering somethings. 1. Is Python a good coaster ? (We love Wild Cat at Cedar Point) 2. Is the Scream Machine fun ? 3. Do they have antique cars ? 4. Is it worth a drive there ? 5. Could you do a marthon on the python ? 6. What rides get long lines if any ?
  13. I enjoy going forward more because backwards seems a little more bumpy.
  14. Nice Trip report drew but why on the " On Other Sight ?" LOL
  15. On Flight of Fear Last Seat Driver side I heard was the Biggest seat.
  16. In emplorium there are ornaments And at the River Town basketball game there are SnowMen and Santa.
  17. Day of thunder Drop Zone
  18. I remember a Power failure at Americana the sky ride took about 4 hours to get people off (the last one off was at 11:00 PM) The only rides open were the slide and funhouse. (Sorry off topic)
  19. Maby they will have WF every other year ?
  20. How many times has The Beastie changed colors ? I never new it was Blue.
  21. WOW Viking Fury has many riders. Viking Fury beat the new Drop Zone , Face/Off , and Son of Beast. (sorry double post)
  22. I hope this is not that last update for a while (Ryan start rewriting ride stats soon )
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