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Everything posted by TOPGUN1993

  1. A PKI trip isn't fun with out Vortex but it seemed you had fun. Nice TR
  2. http://pg.photos.yahoo.com/ph/pkiguy1/deta...bdf.jpg&.src=ph Ralphs
  3. I don't think anyone has it. And by the was what does your user name mean ?
  4. I think the only thing leaving are the FX movies. Just everything else is being moved to different locations with name changes.
  5. http://images.search.yahoo.com/search/imag...814e86&ei=UTF-8 I never new Stunt Crew Grill's sign won this award http://images.search.yahoo.com/search/imag...814e86&ei=UTF-8 KD's Nick area
  6. When I went last time the TOPGUN soundtrack wasn't playing. Was it just the one day I was there ?
  7. Does this work ? http://pg.photos.yahoo.com/ph/pkiguy1/albu...iguy1/my_photos
  8. http://pg.photos.yahoo.com/ph/pkiguy1/album?.dir=/8bd3re2 PICTURES OF TOPGUN LINE Just to let you know that they have moved the old curtain that was hiding the computers and stuff. So I had heard that CF was thinking of opening it.
  9. I think Face/off and Delirum has a greeter also.
  10. Isn't Boomerang Bay closed?
  11. Thanks everyone I hope to make another video sometime soon but I need new footage. (I really liked the Eiffel Tower with all the pictures also)
  12. They cut the 50 foot platform Idea for Aslym. Know its just under the tower base.
  13. Your right it does say the Aslym is under tower.
  14. I think the Scare Zone should be from Adventure Express Entrance to Viking Fury Entrance.
  15. Ok so 2005 Corn Stalkers (path by swan Lake) River Town scare zone (The Cures of Sleepy Hollow) Headless hollow (WWC/Train) RL Stine Fear Street (scramble building) Circus of Horrors (festhaus) Massacre Manor (white tent by flower clock) Maze of madness (red barn) Psycho Path (PKI woods) Friday the 13 (paramount theatre) Superstition (FX theatre) 2006 Corn stalkers (path by swan Lake) Headless Hollow (Train/WWC) Massacre Manor (New Location Scrambler building spot) Has 2005's RL Stine's Props The Aslym (Red barn) Psyco Path (PKI woods) Cowboy Carnage (New Location Old Mining Company) Has 2005's Massacre Manor props NEW Work Sight (location?) New Waste Land (location?) ___________ Does this seem right?
  16. So was the RL stine gone ? and did we lose a Haunted house?
  17. I no avatar was stuck on the other side of the hill on Sunday and Monday also.
  18. http://pg.photos.yahoo.com/ph/pkiguy1/deta...re2.jpg&.src=ph Did they paint the white trim ?
  19. I have taken some picture over the window ads at Rock Shop to see what is in side. Aug 27 Sept 5 Look at the Difference. The bowling ally seems to be gone. All 4 Rock Shop Pictures So the Question is What is going on a Rock Shop?
  20. http://pg.photos.yahoo.com/ph/pkiguy1/albu...6edfre2&.view=t I went to PKI last night Sept. 3 2006 and saw some Fear Fest setup. Something is going on at the Mine Company for fear fest just look at the pictures. ______________________________________________________
  21. I posted a video a while back which only half worked but I made a new one which is a lot better. Hope you like it.
  22. What about Sponge Bob and HBL film ? Congo Falls ?
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