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Everything posted by TOPGUN1993

  1. Lets just hope this retracking helps A LOT .
  2. If The Beastie is going to be pink someone could take a picture of it and post it because The Beastie top hill can be seen from the parking lot and the road.
  3. I got 4 winter fest posters from Krogers http://pg.photos.yahoo.com/ph/pkiguy1/albu...iguy1/my_photos I also have the IJST poster from Kroger http://pg.photos.yahoo.com/ph/pkiguy1/deta...dnm=987are2.jpg
  4. Why can't you comment on these picture of old PKI ? http://www.pkicentral.com/parkinfo/history/photos/
  5. You pee your pants on Drop Zone pay $25 for pants and tighty whiteys.
  6. Jump inside the elevator making it bounce lose a turn.
  7. Take a ride on Sling Shot pay $25 to the bank.
  8. The black bar on The Beast is on train 2 and the second to last seat
  9. They could even use the lights for fear fest like purple of black lighting.
  10. http://www.cedarpoint.com/public/inside_pa...cam/camera3.cfm The arms are going on 11:50.
  11. I just took some close up's of Elephant walk . sorry they are kinda blury.
  12. http://home.comcast.net/~englepj/kimap1.jpg I got this map of Ebay for Xmas and in Wild Animal Safari there a Elephant walk where King cobra was. Has anyone heard of it ?
  13. TRTR music is at http://www.rpmusic.com/index.html 1. enter the sight 2. click on Audio/video (top) 3. click Audio clips 4. click film Ques 5. then chose from FOF or TRTR
  14. I did this I found TRTR , Beast lift hill and Top Gun. o ya and FOF
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