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Everything posted by TOPGUN1993

  1. It seems as Thunder Alley is being removed now. The 2 tall lamp posts in the center of the track seem to have been removed and equipment is active in the area. (As seen from GWL)
  2. Nice cat lol Easy: Any Basket Ball Game Hard: Zephyr with Tower in background Expert: Flight of Fear "security camera" at door entrance.
  3. 2012- +/-30? 2011-143 2010-119 2009-43 2008-71 2007-35 2006-29 2005-18 2004-29 I've only made note of number of Beast rides. I think 2013 will be similar to 2010 & 2011
  4. What are the top 5 "coolest" things you have in your KI office.
  5. READ Lets add a 3rd option for photo locations called "Expert" (Something extremely specific yet practical) feel free to use previous peoples unfound locations if you can't think of one. Your goal is to answer the Expect levels before the Easy levels Easy: (A basic simple practical location in the park) Hard: (A more specific practical location in the park) Expert: (Very specific practical location in the park) Please keep all locations "Current" ____________________________________________________________________________________ Easy: Flowers in the park Hard: Backlot Queue Expert: Close up of the emblem on the front of The Beast Trains.
  6. http://www.visitkingsisland.com/rides/Thrill-Rides-12-14-11-44/The-Beast I find that very hard to believe...
  7. Some coasters have "checkpoints" along the course that relay info back to the control panel to inform the speed of that exact spot. This however may or may not be the maximum speed.
  8. Hard: The word "Rivertown" on a sign Easy: Beast Arcade
  9. Considering The Vortex overlook is one of the most iconic parts of the park, I'd have to disagree with you ^
  10. Hard: A flag in the park (not front gate) Easy: Potato Works
  11. Hard: Vortex first drop from Beast Easy: Hanks Burrito Shack
  12. Hard: Monster at Night Easy: Drop Tower looking up from the base
  13. Can you give us an example of where and what the "ride comedians" exactly do?
  14. Hard: Flight of Fear outside queue Easy: Coney Games
  15. It's just a indoor location where Beast stored there cleaned trashcans for next season. What do you mean by "it's not that dormant at all"?
  16. Reading this topic makes me feel like playing RCT..... Add Shrub, Add Burger Bar, Add Footpath.
  17. Things to remember, keep photos current and your own. (and no KIExtreme photos!) Hard: Beast Mine Shaft Easy: Beast Water Mill (Penny Mill) Post both and I give you a point (there's really no points)
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