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Everything posted by kjkjkj

  1. I didnt see it on the website but i take it they are not doing any kinds of deals where like, the four pass deal they had last year, the family four pack or what evere it was. Are they not doing that anymore? I think it's really stupid that parking doesnt come with season passes.
  2. the sign and the ride looke like KC
  3. On Jimmy Netron, I think they referenced to pki, because Jimmy was at an abandoned Theme park, and in the backround there was a coaster called. well i'm not sure exactly what it was called but it had a snake on the sign and the coaster looked a lot like King Cobra
  4. kjkjkj

    The beast!

    i have a good tip for you though! If you are short, on the second hill brace yourself. Because it's a little rough entering the helix.
  5. when TRTR first opened, I wasnt tall enough to ride. And I had to go off in the waiting area while everyone else in my family rode it. And I got to press the button to make the door slide shut! It was fun LOL
  6. it says someone won an onride video. Does anyone know where this can be found?
  7. wed. are really good days to go. when it was slightly raining on like a wed. we pretty much had the whole park to ourselves it was awesome!
  8. idk if you guys heard but a while back ( a coupel months) TopGun1993 wanted to get some people together and get permission from the park to go and paint some of the buildings and stuff. But idk what happened with this "plan"
  9. great TR though hope you guys feel better
  10. "Sandy Beaver"!?!? LoL I think you mean Sandy Cheeks she's a squirrell!
  11. I have another question. On THIS, under "features" it says IJST has three LIM sections. I can only think of 2: the beginning, and the helicopter section. where is the third?
  12. is this ride the same design as RR? this ride
  13. Ya I was there the day the "crash" happened. I was on Top Gun at the time and we heard these girls in front of us talking about how The Beast Crashed. And sure enough when we wALKED OVER THERE THEY SAID "IT HAD CRAShed earlier today".
  14. see, people panicked about FoF being taken out when the Photo thiing was gone. But now its back!
  15. so will Cedar Fair change PKI's thing where your child can go into the little "pen" on the other side of the station on some coasters. Or will it change to be like Cedar Point where you HAVE to do the parent swap thing
  16. INTERNATIONAL STREET Paramount Theater --- Kings Theater Paramount Story --- Garden Grove Thrills are Paramount --- KI Souvenirs PARAMOUNT Action Zone --- Action Zone Congo Falls --- Tropical Falls Days of Thunder --- would not exist Drop Zone --- Pendulum of fear FACE/OFF --- Face Off Top Gun --- SkyHawk OKTOBERFEST Bubba Gump Shrimp Shack --- Cajun snack Shack Lt. Dan’s Bar --- Bayou Bar CONEY MALL The Italian Job --- Stunt Track Italian Job Souvenirs --- Stunt Shop Souvenirs Happy Days Diner --- coaster Diner Flight of Fear --- Invasion Paramount FX Theater --- 3D Cinema 1(to all you RCT fans) RIVERTOWN Wings Diner --- Rivertown Cafe TR:TR --- Explorer CDBB --- BOOMERANG BAY Dundee’s Outback Shack --- Outback Shack Wally’s Walkabout Pub --- Walkabout Pub Mick’s Seaside Supplies --- Auzzie Seaside Supplies
  17. do you know how rough that would be, try SOB X 1000000 and it would be super unstable
  18. does anyone know where else to watch "Jaws The musical" other than youtube?
  19. kjkjkj

    Old Video

    I dont know if anybody remebers but, the PKI website used to have a POV video on alot of their coasters. but they took them off. My question is if anybody would know where to find THESE videos. ~KJKJKJ~
  20. well how do I do that? I'm signed up for youtube
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