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Everything posted by scotty

  1. I was at Geauga Lake past closing 2 weeks ago. There was a guy playing 3-Point shootout, and they told him he could stay and play as long as he wants? Why? $10 for 45 seconds is literally I license to print money. I can play Pac-Man on a single quarter all day long. do you think they would let me stay in the arcade if I had a good game going past closing? WAKE UP DUDE! The dude paid over $200 to try to in a jersey that he could have bought for half that. they even went as far as to cut deals to get him to keep playing. First they dropped it to $5. Then after he was ready to walk, they told him $5, and all he had to do was hit the 3 "money balls". He made the first two pretty regualry, but had trouble sinking the third. In the end he walked away without the jersey. He did win small prizes, but he had no interest in them, and didnt even take them.
  2. Something to chew on... Kings Island has metal detectors, and they have been in use for some time. Geauga Lake had them when it was Six Flags, and they wee removed when Cedar Fair took over. Cedar Point draws a large percentage of its attendance from Detroit, one of the most dangerous and crime infested cities in the country, yet they never have had metal detectors. Makes you wonder sometimes....
  3. Today is indeed a sad day in Kings Island history. 6/9/1991 - "Black Sunday" at Kings Island. One (intoxicated) woman died when she fell from the Flight Commander ride; two men were electrocuted trying to fish a third from a pond when a circulating pump malfunctioned. Lets hope nothing like this ever happens again.
  4. Just read on Coasterbuzz that X-Flight opened on this very day (May 26th) in 2001. Six Years to the day, that it opened at Kings Island as Firehawk.
  5. I missed my brush with greatness??? I was in the same park on the same day as the great interpreter and did not know it?? Bummer!!
  6. I will also be at CP on Monday. GOTTA LOVE THE MAXX PASS!!!! That being said, CP is my home park. CP is absolutely DEAD weekdays before Memorial Day. I would get there at 6Pm when they closed at 8, and get like 12 coaster rides in! You might have small lines during the day, but it will clear out at 5-6 PM. As far as Dragster being scarier than Ka, Dragster only has a lap bar, where Ka has Over the Shoulder restraints. Dragster would be nowhere near as exciting with shoulder restraints. Want proof? Flight of Fear.
  7. I was there in 72 for its first season. We are in Cleveland, so I assume it was on the news or they advertised up here then, as I was 5 years old.
  8. You can do that even still with one pass. As another person mentioned, they have to keep the parking pass active so that you can leave to go get food or other things and get back in the park. You could simply drive in, get out of the car, walk up to the drop off zone, board another car, drive in. Rinse and Repeat. If you are out to save money on parking its still easy. That is EXACTLY what people were doing at CP, and why we were almost forced to go with the windshield only pass.
  9. Have fun guys. Wish I was there, but I am still waiting for my tax return so I can get my Maxx Pass Plus w/ Parking and Joe Cool from CP. I will be down sometime early in the season though. I was at WDW early in February, so I am not suffering the normal Coaster Withdrawl Syndrome that I usually have this time of the year. I love the fact that I get CP, Geauga Lake and KI all for one price now, as opposed to almost $300 for all three like I paid in the past. Gotta love Dedar Fair. Ride Beast for me!! Scotty
  10. Other parks that offer free parking include(d) Holiday World, Memphis Kiddie Park, Idlewild, Camden Park, American (RIP), DelGrossos, Waldamere, Coneaut Lake, Knoebels, indiana Beach & Lakemont Park. That is Just Ohio, PA, WV & Indiana. I am sure there are more.
  11. Look at how many small parks do not charge parking though. You would think if it was for some kind of tax purpose, the small parks would need it to survive.
  12. I mentioned that very subject on Pointbuzz. When CP lowered admission by $5, i made the suggestion for next season to RAISE the price $5 per person, and make it free parking. That way, a car carrying two people would pay the exact same thing, but they would be making more money on a car carrying four people. The general public would see the free parking as a great value, and would look at the price increase as the normal yearly increase.
  13. There has been a lot of controversy over on Pointbuzz about the parking pass deal. Many people said if they were forced with the windshield sticker they were not renewing their pass this year. I have always liked it on the pass. I drive a semi truck, and had a delivery in Sandusky last summer. It delivered at 6AM the next day, and I got there at like 7 at night. I would not have paid $10 for 3 hours to a park I usually visit once a week for free. I pulled up to the toll booth, and told her I had a delivery for something called.... (hesitated for a second and shuffled papers) Project Maverick. She said OK, do you know where to go? After that I told her I was kidding and showed her my season pass w/ parking pass and she told me to go ahead. It was awesome. got to park way up front with the buses. This was a few months before the press release of Maverick.
  14. In years pass, I have always gotten CP, Geauga SFWoA Lake, Kings Island and Sea World. That would set me back $300 plus. Not a bad price, as I always got my moneys worth. Now, to get all Ohio for $125...... What a DEAL!!! Six Flags nailed themselves with those stupid parking tickets instead of a pass. I like to go out after work, and There is no way I am paying to park for 2-3 hours. If they would have had a parking pass, I would have visited a lot more frequently. Oh well, there loss. I worked in Aurora for a few years when it was still Geauga Lake 1.0. There were many times I would go to the park to eat, and even ride a few coasters during my lunch hour!! AAhh the good old days!!
  15. scotty

    Soft Drinks 2007

    Or just have a cooler in the car, pour your frosty beverage into a souvenier cup, head back to the park.... ...you get the idea. You have not been to a Cedar Fair park recently. No outside beverages of ANY KIND (Including souvenir cups, and 20 oz bottles bought at the park). http://www.cedarpoint.com/public/news/faq....urrent_root=237 http://www.geaugalake.com/public/faq/?current_root=88 http://www.dorneypark.com/public/inside_pa...ation/index.cfm http://www.valleyfair.com/public/information/faq/general.cfm http://www.worldsoffun.com/public/faq/
  16. scotty

    Soft Drinks 2007

    error - post deleted
  17. First, CP does not declare themselves a "Theme Park" like Paramount did. Yes, Disaster Transport has not recieved the TLC that is needed to keep up with it's themeing, but there is no reason to. The ride is horrible now, it was horrible as Avlanche Run, and it was horrible when it first opened as Disaster Transport. From Dick Kinzel himself: http://www.toledoblade.com/apps/pbcs.dll/a...338/-1/BUSINESS And as far ar the theming for TTD: one of the wheels broke off it's first year. All the themeing was removed for safety reasons, not due to lack of attention. I am well aware of the theming on Dragster. I was there on opening day. I did not mention Dragster in the coasters that do not have theming. I mentioned (in order) Millennium Force, Magnum, Wicked Twister, Mantis and Raptor. I would conside the Christmas Tree, guard rail, concession stand and bleachers very nice theming. Anyone who has been to Norwalk for racing would feel right at home in the Dragster area. Dragster and maverick has nice theming. My point was, DT had it, and it went to crap. The next 5-6 didnt have any, and Dragster and maverick are themed.
  18. I have to laugh whe I read the parts about Paramount letting the theming "rot away". Anyone who rode Disaster Transport in it's early years, and recently would know why. When it opened, It had extremely long lines. Each indoor room had sight's to see while you waited, and waited and waited. There was a robot behind a control panel, a robotic arm "welding" a train (similar to the one you ride on) and other things to see. Now, a lot of it is gone. Even on-ride, there was way more too see. There have been times I have rode it over the years, where it was PITCH BLACK. Absolutely NOTHING to see the entire ride. These days, I usually only ride it if it starts to rain. CF seems to be theming better than what the did in the past. Dragster and Maverick are examples of that. But look at Millennium Force, Magnum, Wicked Twister, Mantis and Raptor. All are great rides, but have no theming. While I am a thrill seeker like the next guy, I also like to take a leisurely stroll through a park (usually when I am there by myself) and look at a lot of the over looked attractions, like Town Hall Museum at Cedar Point and The Paramount Story at PKI. To me, this type of thing really ads class to a park. I know a lot of the younger crowd consider it a waste of space, and would rather have something else there, but these type of things add that "something for everyone" to the park. I have been to the 4 east coast Paramount Parks. I really had a good time at each one, and they all had something unique to offer. PCW had a pretty nice show that was monster themed, but was more funny than scary. PKI had an ice skating show in the Paramount theater that stands out too. Cedar Fair shows have improved over the years. I hated to see the HUGE IMAX screen go, but the Snoopy ice skating show has been a pretty good replacement. When it comes to parks, I am a history buff. I hate to see things removed or changed. I absolutely LOVE looking at historical photos and videos of parks. Some of the rides they had back in the day are amazing. Enchanted Village is a perfect example. While I never rode it personally, I would give anything to go back in time, and try it. Cedar Point still has the Frontier lift station back by town hall. Every time I see it, it makes me miss it more and more. For those not in the know, it was taken out to make room for Iron Dragon. I like the old pictures of KI, where they had a lift going over the fountain in front of the Eiffel Tower. Oh well, enough of the rant. Try as I might, I can not bring back the past. Out with the old, in with the new. Even though I am still living in the 80's.
  19. OK Islanders, I have a question for you. I am a long timer lurker and seldom poster. I live smack dab in the middle of Cedar Point and Geauga Lake. I have had a season pass to (P)KI for 4 or 5 years, and was also there in 1972 when the opened (I was 5). My question is this: Many years it has been argued over the years as to which was the better park. CP or PKI. There were a lot of valid arguments for both sides. So far, most of what I have scene on here seems to be mostly Anti-Paramount, Pro-Cedar Fair. Am I wrong? Here is my $.02. As a long time "junky" of Cedar Point, I can tell you, You are in for a good time. I know there are those on here who have never been, or even some in Ky, that have never HEARD of Cedar Point! Don't laugh, I drive truck out of Morehead, Ky (1 hour east of Lexington). You would not believe the people that never heard of CP. I showed them pics and video clips of Dragster on my laptop and they almost flipped! Personally, I liked the feel of PKI. I liked the entusiasm of the pre-recorded female voice you heard when you walked in to the gate. I like the way she said "enjoy you day, at Paramounts King's Island!!". The enthusiasm in her voice was awesome, and it made you feel you were in a special place. Of course, I am sure you frequent visitor's hated it. I also liked the white and blue "Paramount Park" name tags. They were cool. Ok, It is after 12, and I got to get to bed... I have to get up early. ope to hear some good responses when I awaken.
  20. The line breaks in to two parts right before it goes up to the station. One train loads on each side. They have a crew on each side, and it is supposed to cut down on stacking. The track in front and behind the station flips over to allow the train in or out of the station. Pretty interesting concept.
  21. For what its worth.... Dorney is now listing "Knott's Great America" as a park ou can use your Maxx pass at. http://www.dorneypark.com/public/trip_plan...n_pass_central/
  22. Is Great America going to be renamed Knott's Great America? When you click on the link below, it takes you to Great America's page.... www.knottsgreatamerica.com
  23. With so many people having cable/DSL now, it is a whole other world. If kids today realized how far telecommunications have came in just a few short years....
  24. Do you wanna see what it was like to call a BBS? Click the following links telnet://arcade.demon.co.uk telnet://bbs.smokeys.org telnet://hocalbbs.com These are just 3 examples. There are plenty more out there. Keep in mind, when the window opens, We did not have Windows back then, what you see in the window, we had to see full screen. Computers back then did not multi-task. Meaning if you were on a BBS, you were not listening to a CD, streaming music, watching a video, checking Myspace and chatting on IM all at the same time. You could only do one thing at a time on the computer. Also, the speed the text displays at is WAAAAY faster than we had it. Oh, and did I mention, you usually only called BBS's that were in your local calling area? If you wanted to call a board in another state, Your telephone company was billing you for minutes used on a long distance telephone call. NOTE: Vista users must go to control panel > Programs and Features > Turn Windows Features on and off, as Telnet is in Vista, but is disabled by default. XP, ME, NT, 2000, 98 etc... are enabled by default.
  25. Geez, you whippersnappers REALLY make me feel old! AND I WON'T BE 40 UNTIL JULY!!! I bought my first computer in 1980. (Atari 400). This was a real computer, and not the video game system also made by the same company. This was years before the first IBM PC or Commodore 64. We would call "Bulletin Board Systems (BBS's) at a whopping 300 baud!!! You could read it faster than it could type! Of course at this time, there were no graphics, and it was a fixed font. You could not make some writing big, some small etc... When you called a BBS, if it was popular, you had to call, and call, and call as there was ONE PHONE LINE coming in at the time. It was not multi-user. They had forums, just like this one on KI-Central, but they were not as fancy. BTW, there was no mouse to use either. Everything you wanted to do, you had to type in. Even on the IBM PC, which evolved in to what most of you are using today, did not need a mouse in the MS-DOS days, until Windows and OS-2 Came out years later. Most MS-DOS users did not use a mouse. The IBM-PC world came out with a "network" called FidoNet, that would actually let you send messages to other people that were not on the same BBS. Basically, a user in New York, would send a message to someone in Los Angeles. He would compose (and send) the message on his local BBs in New York. Once a day, the BBS in New York would call out to another BBS in another city and send out messages to be delivered to other systems nation wide. It might take a few days for the message to get where it was going, but it was pretty reliable. When you send an e-mail to a friend on the other side of the world today, and he gets it and seconds, and replies and you get it seconds laster, that is pretty remarkable compared to the way it used to be. Chat rooms? Compuserve had what they called "CB Simulator" back in the early eighties. People from all over the country could meet on the channel (room) of there choice, and could type in real time, just like today. Someone earlier mentioned AOL. AOL started life as a system called QuantumLink on the Commodore 64. It later branched out, and was renamed AOL. It was a closed system, meaning you went to their "pages", and did not have access to the internet. It was also a pay per hour system, not a flat rate like we are used to today. If memory serves (I never had it) I want to say it was like $6 an hour or so. There were many addicts who were addicting to chatting, and had $300 monthly bills. What they didn't realize is they could do the same thing on the internet for a FLAT rate of $20 a month!! This is one of the reason's Internet power users would laugh at AOL users, and still, to this day why AOL bashers exist. Oh well, enough history, Lets go RIDE SOME COASTERS!!!!
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