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dr zoidberg

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  1. mr zellner is also the Food Department Head guy. he makes the decisions in the food areas. -zoid
  2. i had to wait an hour... but i was at the park an hour before it opened on Media day... so technically i didnt wait in the line for Delirium.. just waited for Action Zone to open. -zoid
  3. losing streak what stand do you work at in food? i work at Sharky's (best stand ever) -zoid
  4. i would like to see a Floorless B&M.. that would be nice... or some intense flat ride (J2..) -zoid
  5. i rode it yesterday.. it was sweet. a really different experience from anything else. -zoid
  6. well i rode Vortex so it was in operation, it just happened to be down at the moment i saw it. i was there at 4:00 and at around 4:30 the people were lining up behind the "AREA CLOSED" gate blocking the path to Action Zone. I was at the front of the line.. so when it opened I got the first ride and it was sweet. -zoid
  7. well I got to ride Delirium today (4.11) and was in the bunch of riders that got to ride it first. it was as good as i expected it to be. from getting close to hitting your feet on fences and walkway roofs to being basically upside down. but the only drawback for today was.. it was breaking down a lot... like within 2 hours or so i broke down twice i believe....also the running of the ride was SLOW. but its a new ride and most likely everything will be running smoothly in the time to come. there was also a lot of other rides breaking down (Vortex & Racer) i saw weren't running for awhile. Racer had a new logo as well. the Bubba Gump place looked to be coming along nicely. The Mandarin Cuisine was open and had some business. Subway was also open. (NO MEATBALL SUBS! BLAST) Spongebob was amusing with his adventures through Bakini Bottom. Didn't get on scooby though... line was out to international street and then some. i also took some pictures that should be available to view on http://www.pkixtreme.tk in the near future well enjoy opening day whoever goes! -zoid
  8. mine is.. kevin for sale -zoid
  9. im sorry for being behind... but... bingog34 is it possible that you are... Will B? cuz i too go to mason.. i am the other kevin in the musical just curious -zoid
  10. my brother is in games... he works at Xtreme Games. -zoid sharky's 2001 sharky's 2002 sharky's 2003
  11. Sharky's 3rd year straight -zoid (kev21.. my bro also works in games over in Xtreme)
  12. i disliked that fish video...::shudder:: -zoid sharky's 2001 sharky's 2002 sharky's 2003
  13. i really enjoy working a KI... best part... FREE ADMISSION! and free food for me... well cuz im a Cashier Foreman in food service -zoid '01 Sharky's '02 Sharky's '03 Sharky's
  14. yeah that laser tag is a waste of space. it needs to go -zoid
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