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Everything posted by teenageninja

  1. I don't think it'll happen, there's nothing really to hide behind or that could make it serious. It's all too goofy.
  2. It's opening at 12 Friday. I don't know why, we'll have the staffing there to open it up. Hopefully they'll change their minds.
  3. Just to let anyone know Days of Thunder is now only open Fri-Sun. This is due to the low ridership of the ride during the week, and really even the weekend as well. Sorry to let you guys down.
  4. Well technically I would count the Festhaus as part of ActionZone since their is the back entrance there, and there are indoor bathrooms there.
  5. Splat City just got reworked to make it one way, it won't be removed any time soon, also if they had a coaster in the water park it would have several troubles: 1) They would have to have security in the water park in the off season because the water park closes, and they would want the coaster open all year. 2)If it is like every other ride at KI you would need a shirt, that would cause a problem in BB. 3) There is a lack of space over there, and they won't expand it for atleast 4 years.
  6. Here's why I think KI does this. If your not on this site, you probably don't care what it's like outside, I told numerous people at school that they were expecting 57,000 (Actually had 52,000) and they still didn't mind. If people get in free they don't mind, they will pay for the drinks and the games.
  7. Yogi, there is a flaw in your program though, cus you can't scan the same pass twice in a day. I think they set it up so it can be scanned twice, but I think they plan to have hardly anyone pay for attendance on Friday.
  8. Buy your tickets online for 32.99, if you are paying for parking cough up the additional 2 for the preferred parking, it's worth it.
  9. TR:TR picture didn't sell well because most people don't want an onride photo on a flat ride. That and they are very expensive.
  10. The SpongeBob movie is good once. Days of Thunder is still awesome, I've ridden 5 times and I am still a huge fan.
  11. This is the part where Brad stops talking...
  12. I'm sure Sparky will remember it all in detail..
  13. Q: How long will the lines be on... A: (Insert snippy comment here)
  14. Awww, poor Derrick had to wash glasses . They'll never take out the 3D side, the camera was too expensive. We might get a new movie over there next year, but the Sponge Bob movie is pretty popular.
  15. The only reason B is better this year is because they actually brought a movie that wasn't meant for a bunch of parks to use. Legends of the Lost Temple or what ever was absolutely terrible.
  16. I know all of that, but why can't the cabanas just be adless?
  17. My plans Saturday night were squashed by my lady creature to go to BB, and the crowds too, so I decided I'll go before work Sunday. I decided that I'd leave my house at about noon, so I did, filled up the tank and went on my merry way. As I entered the park it looked a little crowded bu that didn't stop me from walking through Security Post 2 (I think it is) and walking on the path to Boomerang Bay. On my way down the path I saw a Gold Pass Entrance, I flash my Employee Ivory Pass(because it's white) and went on down towards the Great Barrier Reef. Great Barrier Reef - The water was absolutely freezing, but I needed to adjust so I just hopped in, the blue paint looks good, and the Cabanas are nice with the service, but why does everything say Dasani on it? Than I hopped towards TAZMANIAN TYPHOON, this thing is massive walking towards it and I got more anxious and anxious as I walked towards the line. Tazmanian Typhoon - I was lucky to find a group of 3 to ride with, who were very nice from Louisville, I chatted with them till it was our turn to enter our tube. We waited our turn and than we were pushed through the water fall and down into the darkness, we felt one turn and than the light again, we begin to rise and than OH MY GOD we fall about 10 feet into the funnel going up into the blue section. We get about 3 good rises and than we start to fall towards the splashdown pool. This is easily one of the best water rides ever. 9/10. So I stand and watch a couple more people ride, and than decide to go to Coolangatta Racers... Collangatta Racers - I happened to meet up with the same 3 again, the line for the mats was the shortest that it was all day, so I decided to do it, the wait like every thing else was about 20 minutes, as we got to the top I observed to see how to do it. They tell us to go and bam, I don't go, so I start pushing myself and on I go through the mildly dark slide, I see light approaching and down we go down the hill, this ride is very photogenic as well, I give it a good score too. 8/10 Well I rode a couple more rides, but that's not important, I just wanted to review the new rides, they are simply awesome, the park looks great and everyone seemed to be having fun, all in all it was a good time, and work was good too, Kings Island has a winner 2 years in a row.
  18. If that is what your talking about, which I think it is, they are for advertisements (the big black boxes with the white center) I saw the ads down in the Tech Services office.
  19. In 6 days, on May 29th. We re working out a schedule to get the amount of people in that we need.
  20. I'd take the trip to go get them made, just to be safe. Or call guest relations, I just don't know any way they'll know you have a gold pass.
  21. The crystal ball says: .... I dropped it. I would say either would be a pretty safe bet, it could be the busiest day in the world, but both generally have low crowds.
  22. Well now that there is signage up it's no suprise. DAYS OF THUNDER IS BACK!!!! It will be operational next weekend.
  23. Cut it out guys, you don' have to post every little detail about your trip.
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