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Everything posted by S500

  1. Luckily for me, I will be at the park working on Face/Off. A special note for all you new ride associates; it would to your advantage to work on the 11th so you can get familar with park and ride operation. You will a lot of opportunities to enjoy the park with you family and friends on other days. Please remember we want to start the season out on a good note. Take advantage of getting the chance to work your ride and learn more about it.
  2. I reside in lovely Middletown, OH which is approxiamately 30 mins from PKI. A 1995 graduate from Middletown HS (Go Middies) and currently a student/staff member of Miami University majoring in Sport Organization.
  3. Hey Coasterguy107, welcome to the crew. I hope you will have a lot of fun this season. Oh by the way this is your supervisor speaking. I highly recommend that you go to Water Sentry. I will expalin it more in detail once I meet the entire crew. Talk to you very soon. Goodbye!
  4. Remember Barnyard, one must be careful of how one sayeth certain things.
  5. On behalf of myself and the Face/Off-Congo Falls crew, welcome to teh rides department. Hopefully we will meet sometime this summer if youever have the opportunity to come to Action Zone. Have a great summer.
  6. Hopefully Face/Off will not be too busy adn I could try to join you guys but we never know
  7. If applying for a job a PKI, you have to ask yourself, where will i have the most fun at. As CYoung2003 said eariler, rides is teh most popular and it does fill up quickly. If memory serves me right, I understand that Face/Off is already filled up; unfortunately. However, I'm sure there are plenty of other available positions in the rides department as well as other departments parkwide. Best of luck to you in that endeavor. IF you do happen to get hired, I promise you will have fun. I just wished I would have came to PKI earlier in my amusement park career. This place is 10 times better than my previous employer Americana/LeSourdsville Lake. Even though I was there for 7 seasons, I would not trade it for anything. My best advice for working at PKI is have fun! Goodbye
  8. Yes CYoung2003, warning sirens are great in Action Zone. The best would have to be all of them at the same time. Total choas in the zone. Part of a ride ops day is sounding that siren.
  9. I have been on a lot of good rides and have worked on some good ones including the famous Screechin' Eagle but I will say that Drop Zone is my favorite. From an operator standpoint, I love watching the guests when they get on and off the ride. The facial expressions and comments are funny.
  10. S500

    WWC or CF

    Well I admit I am a fellow AYBS fan; Are You Being Served for you curious ones. Regardless of what Sparky thinks and says, I like Jackie Chan movies but that doesn't necessarily make me a Jackie Chan lover. Sparky will get his beating sometime this season but it will come unexpected. However, Congo is still a great ride and has had it fine share of moments in the sun. Hope to see you at the falls.
  11. S500

    WWC or CF

    Speaking for myself and I am unanimous in this, I like Congo Falls slightly better. It is fun to see 20 people get soaked at one time and watch the people on the obsevation deck get drenched. Even though I've worked on Congo for 4 seasons and have worked at WWC on a couple of occasions, I prefer Congo Falls. The only time I have seen Congo with a wait was last season. It was hotter than heck and we had an hour wait with all queues open. Unbelieveable sight! As for working the ride, I will take Congo due to the shade but for those that have worked it must keep in mind that it does get a little nippy down there at times and it has a great microphone. Ah yes, another year of Congo Falls and Water Sentry. Can't wait.
  12. On Congo Falls, whenever the E-stop is depressed, the station doesn't necessarily flood. The water level does rise pretty high but the station doesn't actually flood.
  13. I don't think you were a threat, I feel someone had it in for you. You have to be careful around the business and ask yourself, who can I really trust?
  14. Sparky, that is a great post. If everyoneknew what we have to go through on a day to day basis, they would probably be surprised. If you can't have fun in this racket, you need to find another job. Memories from my previous 3 years at the park stil linger in my mind and I would not give anything for them. Keep up the good work my good man. By the way, I like the wheat bread and you are still a Ritz to me!
  15. Going on my 4th season at PKI but I previously worked at another park for 7 seasons which shall remain nameless. For those of you that know me, you know which park I'm talking about.
  16. I am returnng for my 4th season at PKI.(Previously worked at Americana for 7 seasons). I started out in 2000 at Congo/Drop Zone for 2 seasons. In 2002 they decided to split that great ride pairing and go with Face/Off-Congo and that is where I'm at this season. Might be a long season but it will be a rebuilding and fun season. Hope to see all of you sooner or later.
  17. S500

    One Ride

    I would rather ride Face/Off or Drop Zone to get the rush feeling back
  18. Nice Sparky, we don' t everything but we know what we know. Keep up the good work. Someone would never jeopardize his/her job on future plans.
  19. Face the Falls 2002 and never forget Congo/Drop '00 & '01
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