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Everything posted by AdventureExpresser

  1. 1. Bayern Curve (My very first ride at KI) 2. Skylab 3. Flying Eagles 4. Der Spinning Keggars 5. Antique Cars
  2. I was there also for opening weekend, I thought in the parking lot it looked like they were just building up to make some new landscaping along the main rideaway. I too agree there was alot of downtime on the rides especially for Top Thrill and Maverick. There seemed to be many rollbacks on the dragster. I went in early each day and got in line for Maverick and waited over an hour each day due to mechanical difficulty. I too noticed the train on the Mantis, but they had it up and running about fifteen minutes before close on Sunday. I had a rollback on dragster around 7 pm and loved it but I thought the girl next to me was going to need medical attention. I LOVED IT. Saturday was busy must have been something going on for High school bands. Then was looking forward to Monday but was Physics Day and they were only running one train on the rollercoasters making the waits longer than they were on the weekend.
  3. Didn't we do this on Mother's Day last year also, I was there on Mother's Day last year, it was beautiful weather, and I don't remember the park being overly crowded. There were lines for the rides, but at least more than one train was running on everything.
  4. Yesterday was the first time I had gotten to see "Way Too Much TV". I was extremely pleased, finally a show people can actually relate to from beginning to end. It actually had a feel good quality to it, I was watching people and we were all singing along to it, and people around me were saying, Oh I remember that and would start singing. I was a TV nerd growing up and hate to admit it but I could sing-a-long to every show up there. I was shocked to see "Gimme A Break" up there, I haven't thought about that show for years but was always one of my favorites. Thanks for bringing back old memories to a TV geek. I love shows that keep the audience smiling from beginning to end and this is definitely a winner we have needed for a long time.
  5. If this has been stated then please forgive me, but with work sometimes don't get to read everything posted on here. Yesterday when I was at the park, and got on Drop Tower, as I started up I noticed that they had taken all the railing down in the station for the lines (ques). Is that a good indication that it won't be redone and that we are heading for it to be dismantled. Like I said if this has already been said, overlook me.
  6. The soft serve blueberry "whatever" is all my friends and I have talked about all winter long, we will keep one of those in our hands all day when we are at the park. Just wish the other parks could get in on that creation. That is the one thing that suffers at the other parks is the ice cream, for some reason what I got at KD and actually at three different places seemed to have no taste, just bland. Not too mention giving four dollars for what looked like a kiddie cone.
  7. I have to agree wholeheartedly that I305 has moved right up to the top of my favorite coasters list. The speed and the twists and turns had the adrenaline pumping in me like never before. I was there that entire week and believe me the line for I305 went from long and huge to basically a walkon starting on Monday to the point they took the second train off the track because they couldn't fill the trains. Monday and Tuesday, I felt like a kid in candy store, getting to ride everything as much as I wanted.
  8. I too just returned from Kings Dominion, and having grown up visiting both parks since they have opened, I don't want to hurt anyones feelings but Kings Dominion is way better than Kings Island. Biggest thumbs up, for people who have spent much hard earned money on recreational vehicles, there is a campground still right next door. The shops on International Street sell items other than T-shirts. The landscaping is very good. I could sit in Congo all day, love that themed area. Still playing Tombraider soundtrack. Still have the Eagles and the Blue Ridge Tollway. The Grizzly proves you don't have to be huge to be great. I took on the I305 over 40 times in 4 days, Front seat is the greatest and I find it better than Millie. Also found two signs of Paramount still left: a sign on the Avanlanche and the trash cans in the bathhouse of the campground. I give two thumbs WAY UP to the folks at Kings Dominion.
  9. I appreciate your answers to my questions. I will once again be at Carowinds for Easter next year, maybe this time I won't spend all my time at Guest Relations. I am hoping the new coaster will be open but I notice they are just saying Spring of 2010, I guess that doesn't hold them down to explaining to people if it isn't opened, but I will keep my fingers crossed
  10. I have one other question for you also, just came back from Kings Dominion over Labor Day and they were having sales on merchandise for their gold season pass holders, are we supposed to get the same discounts if we show them our Platinum Pass because they told me that was only for KD Gold pass holders.
  11. Don't know what happened there but my post starts with "How much
  12. So did they actually set this coaster up and use it in HRP because I do not remember it at all.
  13. This past spring I went to Carowinds over the Easter Weekend, remember that they open before Kings Island does for the season. I had renewed our platinum passes at Halloween Haunt the year before at my home park, Kings Island. Well of course they didn't redo the cards or pictures, just took my money and said they are renewed with no receipt, so I didn't think anything about it because I watched the attendant do all the renewal with the computer. Well when we went to enter Carowinds, our passes kept showing declined, my blood started to instantly boil. Of course the first thing they wanted to see was receipts, they didn't give any out when I renewed them and who would have thought you would have to carry it with you. They called park management over because I was getting ready to blow after driving all this way to get this especially after spending $280 to renew these passes. Well of course they wanted to call Kings Island and get it straightened out, but guess what Kings Island isn't opened yet, and it is a Saturday. So we waited at Guest Relations for almost an hour while the employees were trying to figure out what was going on, finally someone high up in the ranks was called over and she somehow accessed Kings Island's renewals through the computer, she said the reason it couldn't be found was that Kings Island had not downloaded this info yet, because their operating season had not began. Now if we have access to all these parks shouldn't these passes be ready to go when the first park opens. I called Kings Island the other day to see if there would be a chance of this happening again and they said YES, Why not fix this glitch, it was suggested to me to purchase my Platinum Passes through Carowinds, I don't want to do that since Kings Island is my home base. Just wondering if anyone else has experienced this.
  14. I have had a season pass to the park, both years it has been open and I don't remember anything like that coaster. The closest resemblence I can see would have been Maximum RPM, which is now called Round About. You ride in single cars around this track actually they are Mini Coopers. They also show pictures of the flat ride, London Cab Ride alot, and the cars are really tilted on it, are black and some of the blur photos I have seen of it, could make one think it might be a different kind of ride.
  15. I still think they are taking it out because it will make room for a new area because right now the only walk way to it would be back by the festhaus and that is just too far out of the way this way there can be numerous entrances into a new area, and they were wanting to lead us to believe eventually it will be a flying coaster added.
  16. Well then they lied to me, but for whatever reason, we are losing the best suspended coaster of our time
  17. I wish if Blackstone were going to buy the parks, they could put some kind of stop on dismantling the Wolf , I still think it is awesome ride even after 25 years.
  18. I forgot to say that when the employees told me this they put the word five Major coasters in their text
  19. Drachen Fire was gone before Apollos Chariot ever came along if I remember right
  20. The next day took the camper to Camp Wilderness next to Kings Dominion, this was Labor Day. I could already tell when we took the bus over to the park, it was going to be a much better day, because the parking lot was barely full. Headed straight for the Berserker first and absolutely scared my two friends to death, I loved it, always have loved it. Went to Dominator next , this was my first time ever to ride this one, and it was a walkon except for the front seat, so we waited on it, was worth it, was an awesome experience, I just wish it would have slowed us down a little more when we got to the corkscrews toward the end of the ride so you could enjoy them a little more, it slung us threw them so fast, you couldn't really focus on what was going on, still great. Headed for The Crypt next, and by far still wonderful, can't believe the music and the effects are still in operation, that makes for one awesome ride, and we did seven complete revolutions, loved it, loved it loved it. Onto the Volcano, longest line in the park, but was only a fifteen minute wait so we did it in the back, did it in the middle, did it in the front, three times in a row, the blast off is what makes this ride, and my friends couldn't quit talking about how much they loved it. Headed to the Avalanche, and they had never done bobsleds before, and for such a small ride, couldn't believe the effect it had on them, we had to do that ride I believe around eight times, they LOVED IT. Onto the Anaconda, every row was a walkon, Front, Front Front, six times. Shockwave was next, brings back so many fond memories of the King Cobra, but I notice as I get older it is harder for me to get in and out of this restraint system, but still a great ride in the back. Headed to Drop Tower after this, this thing wastes no time in getting you to the top and there is only a second to get your thought together before "click" and your going back down, Great ride, was a walkon, we did it I believe about four times. Americana makes a very nice addition to the Grove. Rebel Yell was running one side and It was ROUGH, The paint on looked horrible on it, looked like someone had dumped gallons of paint thinner all over the ride.. The girls with me had never been on a mouse coaster either so Riccochet was a total winner also, did it four times. The El Dorado was a fun ride, but I prefer a fast rainbow over it. Onto the Grizzly, I think this coaster proves you don't have to be big to pack a punch, this is one wild coaster and one of my favorites. When my friends seen the Eagles, It was, "Oh I LOVE these , we have to do these" so needless to say we did them alot, and I could have down them all night because we were having a blast on them. As the night drew to a close, we did alot of sweets eating and shopping, and checked out all the info on the Intimidator, this is going to be a great addition to such a wonderful park, A Giga coaster and before Kings Island gets one, so I will be there alot next year. The only downfall for the day was watching an employee that must have been off, get four 32 ounce cups and push his way into the dipping dots booth and filling those cups up for his friends this really ticked me off after all the money I paid out to this park, so of course I went and complained, because if they are passing them out for free, then they could pass them my way also.
  21. Took the camper and went to Busch Gardens and Kings Dominion this past weekend with two friends from work, that have never been to either place. Actually just got home an hour ago. We went to Busch Gardens on Sunday, actually hit the traffic going into the parking lot about a mile from the entrance and it was bumper to bumper, by the time we got into the parking lot into a spot and caught a tram over to the entrance we had wasted an hour, I did find out that the park was filled to capacity this day and it had something to do with it being the last days for Virginia residents to use their special passports. Once inside the park, we headed to Escape from Pompeii, with a 20 minute wait, love the effects for this ride, must have been alot of weight in the boat, got wetter than ever have before. After that headed for the Loch Ness Monster, 45 minute wait here. Still a great ride, just wish the trains could meet in the loops again, but I know never again. After this headed for the shows, Pet Shenanigans and Emerald Beat, this was the best for us for the whole day, we are all animal lovers and their Irish Dance show is absolutely top notch. After this onto Griffon, where the two lines were so confusing between regular line and the fast que that we stood in the wrong line for 10 minutes before we figured it out, then had to go to the normal line for another hour and fifteen minutes, very slow at getting this thing loaded and unloaded today. We took the second row because of the long lines, and isn't as good of an experience as the front, of course the kid in front of me threw something from the ride as they held us at the top, so they kept everyone on the ride at the end while they scolded him. After this waited in line for 10 minutes for an ice cream but was worth it, I think BG has the best food for an amusement park, especially at the outdoor italian ampitheater restaurant, which we waited in line 30 minutes for dinner. After Griffon onto Curse of Darkastle, walked past the log flume, every que was full and the line started back up the hill, and Alpengeist was an hour and 30 minute wait, so passed it on for Curse, and waited there for an hour, but the girls that went with me, loved this more than anything we had done so far. After that had to head for the Wolf, and show off my Save the Wolf shirt I bought from Screamscape, turned out the shirt was a hit, but waited one hour and 45 minutes. All ques full and backed down the bridge going over into Italy. Got the very back seat, this has been my favorite seat since I have been riding it back in 1984. An employee let me know in the park that there can never be more than five coasters in the park, is this a Busch thing or a city ordinance. So far this was the best ride of the day, brought back lots of memories. Onto The Cradle next, one of my favorite flats but was closed, so disappointed, had to wait 25 minutes for the battering ram. Headed to Apollos Chariot next waited an hour but by far the best coaster in the park, rode in the back, and my friends absolutely loved it, by this time, it was closing time, and I have to say this was the worst day I have ever had at BG trying to get rides in, the later it got, the busier it got, to the point it was shoulder to shoulder croweded, and I honestly was afraid when the train gates caught us because it was dangerous both sides packed and coming right at each other, I felt sorry for people with young kids it would have been nothing but a worry if they were going to get trampled by the crowds. All in all still my favorite park, when it comes to a WELL Rounded experience.
  22. I have to agree with people about missing the music, there was something so magical after having a great day in the park about sitting in the front waiting on the fireworks and the movie theme music that went along with it. That part of the park is International Street and movies are an international product, which fit into the theme of the area great for me. I absolutely miss Tomb Raider also, the first time I got to ride it, I got as excited as a kid on Christmas Day, the ride was so integrated with the movie and at the time the program on the ride was great, I still have many photos from the ride of my family and I the first year it opened and to see our faces in the pics it is hilarious, but we had so much fun. I wont ride The Crypt because it is more of a disappointment for me to ride it than it would be if they just took it out. I know I will get beat down for this one, because I know the attendance wasn't there, but I think if everyone could have seen how beautiful the park was at Winterfest, I think alot would have changed their minds about it, for my family, that is what they miss most about the park was seeing it at Christmas time.
  23. Platinum Passes are good at Soak City also. Platinum is the only way to go if you travel, have already used mine at Carowinds twice, Kings Dominion 4 times, and Kings Island 3 times, going to Cedar Point to camp in two weeks so it will be used many more times this summer.
  24. There was a version of that Star Shape at the Ohio State Fair a couple years ago, and I was there with one of my friends and the guys running the ride were trying to pick her up, but she wasn't going for it, so when we got on it they left us on there three times longer than the ride had been running times before that. Mind you I have rode hundreds upon hundreds of rides but I have never been so sick as I was on that one, I had to lay on the pavement when I got off, not only me but there were at least 6 other people throwing up in trash cans. I think it could be a very fun ride, but I don't think people could handle being on it for very long.. When they stopped us at the top, and we were hanging completely sideways the thought of being at a fair and the security restraints failing was enough to scare you to death. I think Kings Island would see alot of cleaning up after people if they put something in like that.
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