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Everything posted by AdventureExpresser

  1. This would be great for Kings Dominion, especially since down the road 50 miles another park got a floorless dive coaster. I would hate to see the Hypersonic go, best take off of any launch coaster I have ever experienced, would love to see Kings Island get that one, but I know the upkeep is way too much
  2. I was looking around on coasterbuzz.com and there is a big discussion about Dominator going to Kings Dominion. Does anyone know if this is true??? I could believe this since Kings Dominion only got their Waterpark expanded this year, and I have a feeling this was the last year for the Hypersonic. All of the advertising, t-shirts, etc.. have disappeared from the park.
  3. I also have some original postcards showing this, it's like it will be asphalt and instantly change to a color and then back to the asphalt. I love looking at my old items all the time, gives me a piece of mind. I have over 1200 pieces of memorabilia in my Kings Island room at the house
  4. I will take that pic and have it scanned and send it to you, give me a couple days, I am slow at computer pics.
  5. Actually I have a pic here with me and back where the zodiac and the giant slide were it was a pale red color
  6. Does anyone have any old pics, I could have sworn there were times it was painted red or green colors
  7. If we are basing taking a ride out on high maintenance costs, would it be reasonable to say Tombraider would be on the chopping block. I agree about the Action Theater, Simulators are becoming more advanced every year, and that one needs improvements. Go with the new 4D theaters or give us a new thrill ride and move the theater to Nick Universe for the kids
  8. Years ago, when I was a kid, didn't the walkways used to be painted colors. When did they start just leaving the black asphalt, because it makes for a miserable day on sunny, humid days. Was this a tactic to get us to buy sodas??? As for the area not developed, I am still crossing my fingers for another campground, so I can spend days upon days there at the park, like I did in the past.
  9. Today's trip to Kings Island had some very good points, and only a few disappointing moments. First, off started the day with the one the kids wanted to do, The Italian Job, at least the fire was working this time around, but not the chopper and the water, the kids of course love it, because it isn't a powerful scary ride. Next was The Beast, and I have to be honest I have been riding this coaster since it was built in the back seat, well yesterday they got me in the front seat, and I have to be honest I hated it. There are so many breaking systems in place that slowed us down beyond belief that it didn't have anywhere the same effect that it does in the back seat. Never riding it in the front again. Went to Boomerang Bay for the afternoon, absolutely too hot for the park. The Bay was great, but I wish someone would give alot of those lifeguards an attitude adjustment, not friendly, even in the lazy river I was trying to relax and these teenagers were throwing empty tubes at each other, and not one guard said a word, between being splashed to death, and inner tubes landing on top of me, it wasn't fun. When we got back in the park, we got in every ride at least twice, no lines at all toward the evening hours. I have to say, kudos, to the new trains on Son of Beast yesterday, totally different experience, I actually enjoyed the ride, and had to go back and do it two more times, what a difference those trains have made. Tombraider was shut down all day, wish they would make that an outside one, like the one at Kings Dominion. The lazy ones in my group that didn't want to ride, bragged all the way home about Endless Summer on Ice, they told me it was so good they went to it twice. Will be making a trip to the park alone next week, this is my relaxing time, when I can relieve the stress, can't wait, and of course the kids aggravated me all the way home, when are we going to Fearfest, must have been said at least a hundred times.
  10. I didn't mean to start an argument about Disney, and I agree that Disney is awesome, but the one thing Busch has to put it over the top as a WELL Rounded Theme Park is its Thrill Rides, and I would put Curse of Darkastle up against other high technology rides, and Escape from Pompeii has taken the old boring boat ride and turned it into an amazing technological ride, I know others will argue about Disney and Universal being better but remember these are movie studios and Busch Gardens isn't , so I think they for not having that going for them, they are just as much as a front leader for the amusement industry as Disney.
  11. Just returned from Kings Dominion and Busch Gardens, visited the parks last Thursday and Friday. Was at Kings Dominion on Thursday and I have to say, people actually think it is still a Paramount Park, and I can see why, Paramount is still all over the park, on the signs, on the souveniers, even still on my campground receipt. The park was not crowded this day, making it an enjoyable day. Had to start things off with Tombraider:Firefall. This ride is absolutely wonderful, lots and lots of flips, love the interaction of the ride with the crowd that watches the show. This is how the Tombraider at Kings Island should have been built, the music really makes this show along with the fountains, fire, and water blasts. Next was Volcano, the longest line in the park everytime, but as usual this is a ride that I have to do over and over, so much fun, and I actually bought the on ride video and it is really made good. I for one Love the Hypersonic, and rode it over and over, but I did notice on a new T-shirt they were selling, that said Fear the Four (Anaconda, FOF, Volcano, Grizzly) the Hyper was missing, does this mean they finally sold that coaster, if they did that will be a disappointment, beacause that is one unique ride and still say the take off on that ride is more powerful that the TTD, you are at 82 miles per hour in 1.5 seconds. As for the show at the Paramount theater, I was not impressed, looked like what I would see a bunch of High school juniors doing, and as for the food the prices were sky high, I went back and forth to the camper for food all day. Busch Gardens, what can I say, Unbelievable, Exciting, One Awesome Day. These people really know how to put on a show and actually make you feel like you in another world for one day. The Griffon is now one of my favorite coasters ever, I was in the Front seat on the outer edge for the first ride, and never have I had such a feeling as when we completely stopped hanging over that first hill looking straight down, what a rush, the water element on this coaster makes it the most beautiful coaster you will ever watch. The Emerald Beat show at the Abbey Theater was top notch, could actually compare to as good as Riverdance, Pet shennanigans was very good and I was so impressed that the animal performers came from shelters. Apollo's Chariot, another one of the best, was a walk up and get on, so of course this was about a 10 time ride that day. Food was excellent, shows were awesome, the rides are top notch, and the park is absolutely beautiful. Wish many times over we could have a Busch park near us, they are so well rounded on how they put on a show, I think they are the experts in the amusement industry. They get my nod for best park.
  12. When those trains were being used on the Hurricane in Myrtle Beach, they were a tight fit to get in and out of, and if there are two people in the seat it is cramped. They remind me very much of the trains used on The Mean Streak at Cedar Point, but as for smoothness, the Hurricane jarred my guts as much as the Son of Beast does. I even made a comment to the operators my last time riding it because in one of the dips after the first hill, it actually felt like their was a major defect in the track, it actually hurt bad when we hit that point, and their comment was that alot of people have been complaining how rough it is.
  13. I just returned home from what I can honestly say was probably the best time I have ever had at an amusement park, I spent 4 days at Cedar Point. First off, I stayed in my RV at Lighthouse Point next to the Mean Streak. CP really knows how to have a first class campground. The grounds were so manicured I was afraid to walk off the sidewalks, the employees were helpful and friendly, and the amenities are quite abundant. Now if they could just build something like that at Kings Island. The park was not crowded any of the days I was there except more on Friday. I was totally spoiled by not having to wait long times. The longest wait I had was on Friday for the Magnum since they are still only running one train. The Maverick was up and down every day but I did get to ride it more than 10 times, and I believe as for the elements and the speed it hits after the first drop, it is better than the Flight of Fear, there are so many twists and turns in and out of those rocks, even in daylight you can't tell which way your going next. This is one high class coaster and rates very high for me, especially the second launch. Usually most coasters burn out after a launch have a couple good elements then they slow you down and the excitement fizzles, this coaster never stopped from the first hill to the end you maintained your speed and excitement. Congrats Cedar Point on another world class thrill. Of course I feel like I wore the Millenium Force out, I quit counting after 20 times, but I could do it over and over and over. My niece rode the Raptor with me for her first time, so of course I had to buy the on board video of us, her face is worth a thousand bucks, but she loved it. Since this was her first time to Cedar Point, she picked out a favorite of hers and I can't tell you how many times she pulled me on it, and that was Wicked Twister, and believe I am a sucker for anything that launches. This was my first experience though with Top Thrill Dragster, every other time I have been it was always broken down. I have to tell you when they sent me to the Pre stage area , I felt like my heart was going to bust, I was so nervous, because to watch it can be very intimidating, but when I felt that little roll back I knew it was time and BAM there we went, for me that was the most thrilling take off I have ever experienced in my life, I now have a new love in my life, and it is the TTD. The first several times I got off, I ran like a kid to get back on it to do it again. Hot Summer Nights was good and the show at the Red Garter Saloon was really awesome, what makes a show good is when you see the performers actually having fun with what they are doing, and they were very good at it. The only complaint I had was while buying Ice Cream on the Frontier Trail, the manager actually got up in the mans face that was taking my order and started screaming at him about keeping the ice cream maching cleaned, this was very unprofessional, especially since he hadn't finished taking my order, he was so nervous after that he messed my order up badly and I felt really sorry for him, because I for one would never embarrass my employees in front of customers, that is just wrong. I am shocked he didn't tell her off and quit, but he sucked it up and smiled and kept on, those are the type of people managers pick on because they know they need the job and they won't walk out on them.. Kudos to the employee, I actually went to the front office to make a complaint about this and to express how professional the employee acted after taking the beating from the manager. All in All the Best Time I have ever had At any Amusement Park, and I have been too many many.
  14. When it comes to Log Flumes, the Shenandoah Log Flume at Kings Dominion is a very good ride and wouldn't get you that soaked if they hadn't installed those water guns at the end of the ride to let other guests soak you down. If you don't want to get wet, just ride White Water Canyon at Kings Dominion. I rode it 3 times last season and barely got any water on me any of those times, you used to get soaked at the end with the waterfalls in the building but they haven't worked for like the past 2 seasons. My favorite water log ride is now gone and it was a good one in my opinion and that was the Log Flume at the Myrtle Beach Pavilion. You didn't get soaked, it had a very long tunnel, 2 lift hills, and even fog effects. Was a great ride. Of course I loved the old Kings Mills Log Flume, my sister and I rode it many many times when we were youngsters, she always said she felt like Marcia Brady when we came over the final hill, haha.
  15. I do love Top Gun, it gives me that rush of speed I need on a coaster, my biggest gripe about it and has been a gripe since I rode it on opening day back in 93 was the fact that it was too short of a ride. I guess The Bat spoiled me with 2 lift hills, but needless to say I hope they do NOT dismantle it, in the past you could almost always guess which rides were on the chopping block because they seemed to be the most neglected and here in the past couple of years I thought for sure that would be the one go, especially being so close to the campground and we watched it go bye bye. I know others do not agree with this but I absolutely hated the theming of the Action Zone, too much concrete and metal for me, I always thought the theming of Adventure Village was the best thing the park had going for it, from the restaurant and gift shops looking like actual African Huts, to the monkeys on the little island in front of the Screamin Demon, and landscaping for this type of theme can just go to extemes, and to be honest one of the greatest things CF could do for us would be bring back The Cobra, I don't want some worlds biggest standup with smoothness and speed, I like the original for its tightness of track and the attitude it had which made it a one-of-a-kind, but I know that is just dreaming.
  16. My first experience at Kings Island was in 1975 at the ripe age of 8 years old, to this day I can sit back and recant every step in the park that day, as a child I had never seen anything so amazing up to that point in life. County fairs were the biggest thrill I had been to up to that point. This was the same year my parents got divorced but they put aside all their bickering for this one day and the five of us actually were a family for this one last time. I will never forget riding the enchanted voyage with my little sister and brother and our eyes were as big as saucers, we had never encountered anything so wonderful in our lives, I can't tell you how many times we rode that over and over as my parents sat and watched. My moms fave was the Zodiac and my dads fave was the Tumblebug. Of course my parents are both gone now, but when I actually am in the park I can go to where these rides stood and I can still see the smiles on my parents faces and hear their laughter from that very first time we ever went to the park. I am a true Kings Island fanatic but sometimes the memories of the past is what makes the new experiences even more fantastic.
  17. I know Kings Island has alot of land where the wild animal habitat used to be, does it own any behind the waterpark, that would be the most perfect place for a new smaller campground. The old campground was quite large with over 300 spaces, start out small with like 150 spaces. It wouldn't even have to be up against the park, if they could offer a shuttle service from it to the campground. They do make good money off of the campground at the Point, for a premium site I think it ran around 80 a night and we don't use that much electric and water in one day in a camper. So there is good money to make off of a concrete slab to put a camper on.
  18. I totally agree with Cedar Fair buying the park was the best thing that could have happened. The campground disappeared with the Paramount era. I am just hoping that Cedar Fair will eventually bring us one back, because I know it is an essential part of Cedar Point and I would go there more often, it is just that I am 3 hours from the Island, as to where I am 6 hours from CP.
  19. With gas prices all over the board, I can tell you when the pump reaches the 100 dollar mark it doesn't faze me anymore. It would be cheaper for me to pay monthly rates at a campground if Kings Island had one and just drive one of the small cars.
  20. I know this topic might not be of importance to many people, but it has angered me ever since the closing of the campground. I understand that the Great Wolf Lodge was a great new addition to enhance the experience at the park, but why destroy the campground especially in an area that statistically has a very high number of campers. Cedar Point keeps improving their camping facilities because more people in this day and age are buying RV's. Even Kings Dominion and Carowinds kept their campgrounds and are very good ones at that. One of the reasons I bought an RV was so I could spend many, many days right next to Kings Island, and I know I wasn't the only upset Kings Island fan over this, I have many friends and family members who own campers that would take their whole families there for extended days of fun, and they could let their children ride their bikes to the park, while they relaxed in the shade in the campground. Now the closest campground is 8 miles away and that is too far to drop kids off at the park and go back to the campground. I guess the most irritating thing about it all is why after paying over 65,000 dollars for an RV why would I want to leave it in the driveway and go and fork out another 200 a night to stay in a hotel. I can understand it is all about making money, but remember to be successful you need to accomodate all types of people and we campers are a large population of the many who visit the park day in and day out.
  21. As a kid, I have many fond memories of my parents and grandparents as we all enjoyed the Tumblebug together, I wish it had found a home in the kids area as a family oriented ride, the whole family can fit into a train and have a great time, but my most missed rides would have to be the King Cobra and Flight Commander. Standups nowadays are way too smooth, I like to feel like a part of the machine, and feel every little jerk it experiences, thats why I love to go to Kings Dominion and ride the Shockwave, nothing like the two seater standups, I am not a fan of the four seaters. Off subject a bit, I would love to see a ride like Chaos go in where Flight Commander was. I wonder if someone hadn't got killed on Flight Commander if it would still be there today. I know I wish it was still there.
  22. One of my favorite places to sit and watch through the summer months is in the dining area next to the Potato Works over in Rivertown, love sitting there listening to the train, while I people watch and eat my bucket of fries. During Fearfest, I found the most awesome view of the park I had ever seen, and that was while I was in line for Psycho Path, I turned and looked back toward the tower and there was a huge full moon next to the tower, and the tower was all lit up in the spooky purple, I snapped many pictures and one of the I had blown up to a 16X20 size and is hanging in my Kings Island room at my house.
  23. I rode the Hurricane numerous times in the years that is was open, and I don't honestly see how those small trains will conform to the size of the SOB, the trains didn't seem all that sturdy to me, and believe me last year that rollercoaster rattled your head and body about as hard as what the SOB does. In the bottom of the dips it literally felt like the cars were going to rattle apart, had gotten very rough, I do love the roughness of the woodies but as the body ages, no matter how much you love them, only so much you can withstand.
  24. I can still remember waiting in line in April the opening year of Top Gun, and I could see the track, from back where they were holding the line, and I kept thinking to myself ,"Please don't let that be all of it," thinking what a short ride this is going to be. Don't get me wrong, I love the ride for its speed but I wish so much it was longer, I come from the era of The Bat, and as a kid riding that one, it was an awesome coaster for its time, which is what I based my thinking for Top Gun on because The Bat had the 2 lift hills and I was hoping to see this to be a new standard for Kings Island coasters. I can remember one night they had opened The Bat for a couple of hours, and I was in line clear back to the candy shop across from the entrance to The Racer, but don't get me wrong I do love Top Gun, and as for the walk I think it is relaxing in the shade on hot summer days, except when you get behind someone that is walking the speed of a snail, then I want to throw them over the rail and move on, haha. As for a Suspended Coaster though nothing compares to The Wolf at Busch Gardens for me.
  25. I will be there opening day, but would be there all opening weekend, if Paramount hadn't got rid of the campground. My luck right before they got rid of it I bought a 30k travel trailer just for Kings Island, would be nice to see another campground go in. They need to have accommodations around the park for all different tastes.
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