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Everything posted by TH13TEEN

  1. ^ I assure you DT at KI is very safe. CF has done a great job running their parks, and I don't think I can give SF the thumbs up as I can with CF
  2. ^ I have to say yes kids love nick and kids back then loved yogi and others
  3. ^ I think Drop Tower takes the cake sorry interpy
  4. I went to GWL and saw Flight Deck I saw nothing of the sort. It lookes really quit back there.
  5. If you go to Cedarfair.com and click Kings Island the site is still down
  6. KICentral still needs to update the new names at the bottom it still says the old ones and in the photo gallery you need to change the names
  7. http://www.miadventure.com/th_con_jan.shtml click the link and the two last pics they have a redish track and bluish supports
  8. Sometimes i think he does not here what he is saying but he never makes sense anyways
  9. could we lose best kids area if they go with peanuts for ki
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