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Everything posted by dr_humor

  1. Nor do you attempt to keep salvaging a loser of a coaster. But crazier things have happened.
  2. Son of Beast was a Flagship disappointment for the park, and the Flagship of all Flagships for bombs in the industry. It was beyond time to move on. You can bet there's a plan, involving something a bit more...reliable.
  3. So is this the first shot in the "Drop Tower wars" of the 2010's?
  4. Sometimes local newspapers find it appropriate to blab about what a new ride will be months before the park was planning to announce something, especially in Nothern Ohio, so you never know.
  5. Some once argued that Demon Drop was a coaster. Well isn't it?
  6. The goofy part about arguing about "hyper coasters", "giga", etc...is these are all manufactured labels. What's a hyper coaster anyway? What's the difference between a mega and a hyper? Does a giga have to be over 300 feet AND built by Intamin (I would say yes, since Intamin completely made the term up out of their over-engineering butts). A Strata coaster? And then what in the world is a "terrain" coaster? Intamin desparately tried to market Maverick as the new "terrain" coaster...but I haven't heard that term spewed from Cedar Point in years. I think The Beast is a great coaster, and it's none of those. It's just a kick-ass, old school, home-built coaster. Is that a category? "What's Kings Island getting in 2014? Maybe a Giga or Strata like Cedar Point?" "No, they're installing the world's newest "kick-ass" coaster". I'll take that one.
  7. Let's all check in quick to the compliment thread. Then come back.
  8. Speak up? I really think it follows his direction perfectly fine. In the next 5 years Cedar Point will be making some significant additions to the "family" market (not Camp Snoopy-esque kiddie rides), but Ouimet has also been perfectly clear in all his discussions that simply because the focus is going to placed more heavily on families, it does not mean Cedar Point is going to stop adding world-class thrill rides, including collosal coasters; that's Cedar Point's brand. Think of it this way. Right now, the balance is overwhelmingly tilted in one direction: extreme thrill, with family rides virtually on life support. I would imagine that by 2020, that balance will be corrected, but not in the absence of any new coasters/thrill rides. From what I have heard from casual conversations with John H., however, expect another gap like the one from Maverick until now to be the new "normal". Cedar Point fans, up until Maverick, we're expecting, and for good reason, a new coaster at least every other year. That pace is what will be different; not all from Ouimet, but also since Cedar Point is a "mature" park with little need to add huge rides every year now.
  9. I believe it will be the longest of its kind; not necessarily the longest at CP.
  10. The ride operators would not be told anything. I spoke with John H. (The GM) this week about Luminosity and a research project we work together on in the park every fall, and when I mentioned the markings around DT, all he said was "If I told you, I would have to kill you", with a wink and a smile. The ride ops might assume that something is going on due to the markings, but they are not on the list of "in the know" individuals. It's a very, very short list, and anyone who actually does know would never, ever utter a word, because that would mean immediate and eternal removal from said list. And this is not to suggest that the DT area is not where the "something new" is coming, but some of the markings people are getting all excited about have literally been there since MaxAir was installed.
  11. Not to sound cynical, but it's departure. Never had a good ride, and there were many tries. The best part was the build-up and anticipation to how exciting it might be, only to be quite possibly the single biggest flop in coaster history. There really is no denying that in nearly every sense of the industry. It is beyond time to move on.
  12. I would not necessarily so easily paint Lip as a liar. That's ridiculous. At the same time, Lip, this is something you simply have to expect, especially when it comes to something like the future of SOB.
  13. The park stated much more than just ..."we needed more space for our show..." There you go.
  14. Conspiracy theories are running amok, but I'm still not seeing any reason to think anything other than something terrible during testing. Terrible meaning a grossly failed inspection, or another "unplanned rollback" during a test run. Some people may be overlooking is that, as much as you may love the ride, it is now a liability. Does another park want to purchase a 40 year old ride with a recent history of accidents (one of which I would call particularly severe) due to mechanical failure?Does Cedar Point want to invest in moving/rehabbing a ride that I am quite sure raised some type of insurance cost for them? I completely understand the emotional attachment to a ride that leaves, but between this and Disaster Transport, they are both eyesores that I would pluck from the park. I think I can state with 100% confidence that this is the absolute last way John H. would want or plan a ride like Wildcat to leave the park. Add the liability factor to Wildcat, and you have what you have here.
  15. Wildcat was testing as late as 2 days ago. It was scheduled to open for what probably would have been its final season.
  16. And they said nothing about ridership, but capacity was an issue. Even an obsverable short line on Wildat meant at least a 20-minute wait, and sometimes longer due to frequent down-time. Not to mention two fairly serious mishaps on the ride the past two seasons, one of which was a car actually rolling back the lift hill. That's no "bump", that's a crash that would lead to explosions on RCT!
  17. The timing of this is less than desirable, but this was on the chopping block for next few years.
  18. I forgot about the almost invisible log flume at Dollywood. They have, hands down, the best log flume on the planet, in my opinion of course. Google it and take a POV. Even that is fun. I say "invisible" because it is so darn easy to walk past it and not even realize it's there.
  19. Kings Island: The Beast. Six Flags Great Adv: El Toro; insanely fun and intense from start to finish. Almost makes a tri pto New Jersey worth it. Cedar Point: May the Force be with you. A close call, but Millennium is the ride I could ride all day. Dorney Park: Talon. Like a teeny tiny Raptor at Cedar Point, but ends too soon. How did Kings Island never build a B & M invert? Disneyworld: Pirate Ride. The coasters at Disney take a back seat to everything else in my opinion. This is just plain fun. Dollywood: Thunderhead! Followed by inches by Tenessee Tornado, which has to be the best coaster Arrow ever built (in this Vortex-ish style) Busch Gardens WIlliamsburg: Big Bad Wold is dead, so I have to go with my former number 2, Appollo's Chariot. There is not a bad ride at Busch, so this is hard. If you ever go, ride "Da Vinci's Cradle".
  20. "Opening up" the view of the beach could also mean removing the ridiculous warehouse covering, and re-introducing Avalanche Run. It's not the ride itself that blocks the view and looks utterly ridiculous, it's the shell they put over it. And no, in case you heard the rumor, there was never a problem of sand getting in the trough of Av. Run; it really was Kinzel trying to make his own Space Mountain. I would welcome that change.
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