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Everything posted by jessie8

  1. mines prob. Racer,Adventure Express,or The Beast i ride those the most:P
  2. i miss KI already:( i meet alot of new friends this year mostly @ HH and mostly scareactors like corey,pretty blue eyes(i dont know his name:P)and sinistor(Kiman)and some more:P cant wait till next year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. i hate when people bounce basketballs and when they act like they know everything about the park grrrr it rlly gets on my nerves
  4. every time i go to haunt it gets better and better or should i say worse:P i went friday and right when i walked up to the park not even in it yet i had a big target on my back and it lasted ALL night:P it was fun though hey KIMAN i got a Q wear where u friday?? i thought i saw u in the cemetary but i wasnt sure:)
  5. i was in the fest house and i was watching county line and eatting pizza and ,well i droped my pizza in my lap but the funny thing was i was wearing white shorts, and i had to walk around the park the rest of the day like that:P \ my friend was making fun of me the whole day:(
  6. i had lots of fun this season it went by too quick:( iv been to Haunt everyday except two counting this coming sat(cant go cuz of my costume party:P)
  7. me and my dad started the screaming match(great taste, less filling) on Robbie Kneviel day.
  8. i love urgent scare i guess cuz i hate hospitals and it scares me the most:) and they always skip ALL the people in my group and go strait to me:P so everyone i go w/ is like that sucked and it wasnt even that scary and im all like rlly r u serious??
  9. So much for the monsters not touching you.... Terpy, who can see some real problems with this situation. . . i was hit in the hand at the barrel part of the trail my friend wouldnt move they all just stood there so i go infrount of them and then they decide to push me into a barrel:( i just laughed it off though:)
  10. That may have been me. I actually said that to one of my friends one time. They asked, so I answered. me too she was soooooooooo scared:P
  11. OK I'm sitting in my math class and this girl who is acting like she knows wayyyyyyyyy more than i do about KI she said"are you going to Halloween fest at KI i am" I'm like WHAT?? its call Halloween Haunt "no they changed it, its Halloween Fest now" i start to think about it and i realize shes talking about Hawl-o-fest instally i start to laugh ,she can go to Halo fest all she wants the funny thing is she was already @ HH once:P did she not see the BIG sign as u enter the Park that says Halloween Haunt:P i luv when ppl act like they know what they r talking:P i have some more but i cant remember
  12. lol i know what you mean. thats half of the fun is just going to the park and watch the roamers go after the girls and watch them jump sky high. my aunt jumps at everything and screams but she loves it. and the more it scares her, the more she supposedly likes it even though she has a face of terror on her lol. I just miss working in a haunted house this year the one thing i always looked forward to is setting it up and having ppl go through. even if it was for elementary kids and their parents. but im thinking of trying to join the scare team next year for HH. i was thinking about doing it this year but never really got around to it. its not as funny when your the one being scared and having all the scare actors know ur name:( but yeah its weird how we get soo scared and love it all at once:P
  13. I think she does a really good job with "Toxic". I also liked what they did with they rythms of "Welcome To My Nightmare" and "Waiting For Tonight". ya natalie is rlly good
  14. no way thats my fav. where u there sat?? cuz we went through there last and it was fun:P
  15. HAHA very funny:P sorry we couldnt go through cemetary drive last night but time just flew and we couldnt make it:(
  16. oops posted under my daddys name:P
  17. WOW u have a way w/ words ever think about being a poet:P mine would be the Robbie Jump lots of fun times this year:)
  18. i like the sound of the chain hill on SOB and the smell:P i know im a dork:P
  19. And this year, here I am playing him! ill make sure to visit u this weekend:)
  20. where u the bouncer last year too?? if so u got me rlly good
  21. hey i think i saw u sat @ HH by urgent scare:)

  22. ok i have a question in urgent scare,the room w/ the two guys in a cage............. i dont get it how does it fit into a hospital?? the guy at the end(corey) always gets me(hes a cutie:P)
  23. i have the full list of songs in order from someone who was allowed to record the show one night....here is the list to all of the songs..... Some of the Pre-show Songs: Monster - The Automatic Knights of Cydonia - Muse God Is Going To Get Sick Of Me - Aberdeen City Featured Songs: 01 Welcome to (Our) My Nightmare - Alice Cooper 02 The Bi*ch of Living from the Musical Spring Awakening 03 Ramalama (Bang Bang) - Róisín Murphy 04 Bring Me to Life - Evanescense 05 What I've Done - Linkin Park 06 Goody Two Shoes - Adam Ant 07 Rehab - Amy Winehouse 08 I Wanna Be Sedated - The Ramones 09 Animal I Have Become - Three Days Grace 10 Toxic - Britney Spears 11 Dance with Me - Debelah Morgan 12 Jezabel - Ricky Martin 13 Young Folks - Peter Bjorn & John 14 Never Again - Kelly Clarkson 15 Harder to Breathe - Maroon 5 16 Only Women Bleed - Alice Cooper 17 Waiting for Tonight - Jennifer Lopez 18 Thanks For The Memories - Fall Out Boy 19 Reprise Welcome to (Our) My Nightmare - Alice Cooper Exit Music The Widow - The Mars Volta i will be saving this as well cause a lot of the songs are still stuck in my head as well lol... thanx it was really bugging me cuz ill start singing them and my friend r all like wat u singing and im like i dont know now i can put them on my myspace:P is it just me or do u guys think that the cast of dead awakening did better than the originals??
  24. I think Massacre Manor's the best one this year... honestly. I thank you for that but still just wondering if any other mazes are good.(i know club blood must be "good" just by the fact that its a strip club +Massacre Manor is my favorite, always making me jump. The best scares are in that house. +Cornstalkers is pretty good this year; longer than last year and an added theme. +Death Row is the same as usual, very disorienting; a few good pops. ~Trail of Terror always leaves me anticipating a scare, but never follows through. I don't really care for it. ~Tombstone Terror-tory is a fun maze, again my same opinion as the Trail, but I haven't been on it this year. -The Worksite has a great finish, but other than that...I can't say much about it. ~+Carn-Evil has always been a fun maze for me. I love the heck out of it, but it never scares me! Maybe you just need to have a phobia of clowns. Haven't gone though this year. ~Haven't done Urgentscare. +Club Blood has never been scary for me...just disgusting. The amount of blood and certain props they use...it's just a very intense maze; always pushing buttons. It's gotten me to jump a few times, but I've been through so many times I know it in and out. It's pretty nice. +And finally, being apart of the Cemetery, I would rank it pretty high up. It's pretty basic when it comes to the scares; but we do a great job with it. There are a few garuntee pops in the maze, and some really great actors/actresses. It's a huge step up from last year and well worth a visit. Being at the end of the maze, I'm usually hearing positive comments....unless you're a drunk guest, hard-butt teen, or a fearless child. I'm sure the other scare-actors who are reading know what I'm talking about. Just my honest opinions, and I plan on getting around to the mazes I haven't gone to this year soon. Ido know what your talking about, drunks are bad this year. Peaple are getting maced, punched and kicked(intentionaly), and thrown up on(personal exp). Not to be cruel but cemetary really didnt scare me all that much. There where a few good ones, but there is so much more potental for that place, the fog is beautiful and lighting even better. Hell it might even be that I work there and just didnt get scared but i give it a 5/10 Sry. i know what u mean cemetary drive didnt really scare me the fog was good ,though my group couldnt see where they where going ,it was funny. they only really scared me twice some one came up behind me and scared me ,and the guy at the very end made me scream, i was suprised cuz im usually screaming ALL the time:) and they only got me twice id give it a 6/10 cuz the whole mood of it was really quiet and eiry and i was like "omg there gonna get me"
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