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Everything posted by jessie8

  1. hey people im quoting almost everyone on here IF YOU DONT LIKE IT DONT GO DUH QUIT COMPLANING
  2. hey every one guess what .............................................................. .......................................... 3 more day and counting
  3. torcher chamber is a freak show i guss like what u see on taboo...... THE enterence to carnevil is most likly going to be where the big sign that says carnevil or E N T E R but thats just a guess
  4. your sooooooooooooooooo right the mazes are the best
  5. I'm looking forward to all of them but the Trail of Terror the most. I always get spooked on it and its fun to wait in line because of the anticipation. Hey, what maze is Haunt Guy in?
  6. jessie8

    Take a Ride Out

    I would take out Tomb Raider I hate that ride its so annoying and not worth the wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. mine is the Eagles and Phantom Theater and of course King Cobra the year i was tall enough to ride it they took it out grrrrrrrrr love and miss them
  8. we didn't go last year but I'm so excited i have a count down going in my planner at school everyone at my school has no idea that KI changed the name to Halloween Haunt its annoying I have to tell everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. jessie8

    eek! Top gun!

    I think new paint and floorless trains would be cool.
  10. no it hasn't if you look at the bottom of the first hill its no color its all rust. Vortex was repainted in 2005.
  11. For some reason, probably lack of sleep, I had this image of hauntguy running around people, arms and hands flailing while screaming "I'm not touching you! I'm not touching you!" Now thats funny I don't care who you are.
  12. we were also right behind them and had that song stuck in mine and my sisters heads all day my mom wanted to pull her hair out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. i want them to get rid of Tomb Raider i persionaly think its a waste of space
  14. i would call them on it if i seen them line jumping but i never see anyone line jump i need to keep an eye out cuz my daddy (jamesv78) sees them all the time.
  15. IV been stuck on the second hill of The Beast for about 5 minutes it feels like 4ever up there.
  16. if their not required to race them then why call them The Racers! just saying anyway i think the crew is horrible
  17. i miss the Eagles and phantom theater and the old fashion cars i would miss king cobra but the year i was tall enough to ride it they took it out.
  18. I'M looking forward to The Beast tour,and the FOF tour, but I'm really looking forward to seeing everyone.
  19. dude that would suck! Disney Land or world would like tear down Firehawk and make a mickey mouse coaster. I mean every thing in disneyland is for like 5 year olds you are so right Kings Island would be another kiddy world and not our Kings Island
  20. I'm in my teens and it hurts me especially m y ears on the restraint
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