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Everything posted by LongliveKingsCobra

  1. The ride hurts! I loved it though when I did it, and I wasn't that scared like I thought I'd be...got it for 5 dollors too, last Year
  2. I loved tomb Raiders theming, and was scared of the ride program(I was 11) But the Crypts theming is disturbing, The Bat thing is getting old(metaphorically) and the fact that there is no central theme ****es me off. I still think if you left the theming, change the pre-show, audio during the ride, it would be pretty generic, that’s just me though
  3. I love love love love cicadas, there cute like no other....I like their betty red eyes, and orange legs, in fact, my 4 year old cousin was playing with them last month...so cute
  4. If they kept all of the stuff and change the name, they have In my own opinion, a pretty generic Adventure themed ride, minus, the pre-show, audio during ride, and ending show.....
  5. the fountain world be effin SWEET! if there was a body with a huge hole where the nozzle comes out making it look like it's spewing blood, I work at St. Ritas Haunted House, I've got bunches of ideas
  6. You didn't have to buy the videos, just wait there to see your video, and besides 32847019382740189237401983$ for it doest seem worth it.....
  7. Red Water-Cool Skeletons/dead bodies in the water-Cool Hanged people-Cool anything else? I think more of a central theme would be nice.
  8. Everyone says that you go upside down in the tunnel but you don’t and then people yell at me when I say no you don’t....
  9. If we could get back the Shiva and the story w/o the TR theme then it would be fine.
  10. yes, but haven’t you heard.....I got nothing…
  11. Do you have a source of it>? Got Proof?
  12. Road it once, that was enough...though I must check out the new program, but does it still have the water jets...must’ a missed it in the conversation on here.
  13. Ya especially if it was upside down at the time, which I guess is physically impossible but maybe?
  14. Oh Lord....Don't bring up the spelling and grammar thing........
  15. So.....FOF is the slowest one?
  16. Why do we care about the backdrop its just that a BACKDROP...just wanted to put that out there.
  17. Well Dip'n Dots are 5 bucks and 6 for large. I was right Can I have a cookie? Where was he at Front Gate?
  18. And you just sit there? Wow does the music still play, id drive myself nuts if I had to listen to that for more than 2 min.
  19. I don't need one cause I know how to get around like no other....
  20. Last Time I was there The ride stopped completely at the Mid course breaks, It shakes really bad!! You can hear music too. And if you thought going over the Over banked turn was bad while it went slow, just think of how it goes when it just releases? Slow and FUN!!!
  21. ^^...that’s what she said....sorry it was perfect timing, but no I have never Blacked Out on TTD launch...but hey its really up to your body...
  22. I thought it was funny when I first saw it and they got them down to the last crappy...I mean great clothing style....
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