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Justin_M17 last won the day on October 12 2011

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    Boyertown, PA

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  1. Well, I haven't been on KIC in a few years now (Although apparently my account is still active ) but I saw this posted on the Facebook page and registered immediately. The last KIC event I went to was Ride Warriors Weekend, so I'm well overdue for another one! Looking forward to this.
  2. To be honest I think we could end all discussion just with this quote right here.
  3. Couldn't agree more. As I said in the other thread on this topic, I find that some of the best times to be had at KI are had while waiting in line and I wouldn't dream of using this, especially with that price tag I also agree with this. People seem to be blowing this whole thing way out of proportion and making it a much bigger deal than it really is.
  4. Thank you very much, good sir I'd used Disney's version before but I just knew it as "Fast Pass" and didn't know that virtual queuing was the proper term for it. To be perfectly honest I don't really think it belongs in parks. I find that some of the best times to be had at parks will take place waiting in line for a ride. I can't tell you how many times I've been waiting for Diamondback with nearly a full queue and a group of KIC'ers and was having the time of my life just joking around right there in the line. I might even go so far as to say that waiting in line represents a vast majority of the "amusement park experience" so to speak. Call me old fashioned, but I'm not particularly excited about this >.<
  5. Hmm... I'm really showing my ignorance here, but can anyone explain to me what virtual queuing is?
  6. If I remember correctly it was a Mercury Sable that brought me there the first time, and the same car that brought me back Sorry, bad joke. Couldn't resist. But honestly I just went the first time cause my buddies were going and they wanted me there. And then... well, here I am. Need I say more?
  7. I'm still a little leery of Boomarang Bay in general. Honestly typically so am I, but I plan on going tomorrow and with as hot as it's supposed to be I'm thinking I'll take my chances.
  8. I'm in the same boat. With my financial situation I can't afford to drop $40 on something that isn't absolutely necessary even if it does go to an excellent cause. However I would love to sit and marathon Racer all day even if I'm not helping anybody by doing it
  9. Twice. And that'll be enough for me. I was nervous my first time riding it because the height bothered me. But then the ride got going and once we got to the top I was just thinking "... That's it?" I'll not refuse to ride it if my friends decide they want to ride it. But I won't go out of my way to suggest that we ride it either.
  10. I just saw that you still have my quote in your sig.....haha that was a funny convo we had that day! =)

  11. My thoughts exactly. My group was one of the first people at the gates last year and it was so much fun meeting up with everyone as they walked up to the detectors.
  12. I'd like to, but I live in Pennsylvania now so it'll be a bit more difficult for me to get there than it's been in the past. I'll just have to wait and see how it works out.
  13. thanks for the advice i will! eh, i forgot to add cemetary drive, but from what ive heard of it, i might have to take a rain check Welcome to KIC! Always nice to see new people around here Definitely pass on Cemetery Drive. I went through it this past Friday and thought it was terrible beyond description (I said that as we were passing an actor and she got up in my face and shrieked real loud, it was mildly amusing...). Other than her, all the actors seemed pretty much apathetic about their jobs and weren't scaring at all. We actually had someone walk up in front of us and say "Boo." He didn't scream it, didn't say it in a creepy voice, just kinda said it in a monotone voice that gave me the impression that he really didn't want to be there.
  14. That haunt prop was pointed out to me by another KIC member when we went for last rides on Beast! I'm not quite sure if I should just laugh or take it as foreshadowing
  15. It wasn't really all that I had expected it to be, but it was certainly better than some of the other attractions I went through tonight. But as I said to my friends earlier tonight, it's only the first night of the season. The actors are still trying to work out what scares people and what doesn't. I'll be going through again on the second weekend in October and I'm expecting to see a massive improvement because, as Sheikra said, the maze certainly has the potential to be scary.
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