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Everything posted by adbort

  1. adbort

    PKI Speils

    I never heard that before. Where was it coming from? Thanks
  2. Actually in 1993 they were only 4 Paramount Parks. Kings Island, Kings Dominion, Great Amercia, and Carowinds. As with the promotion for season passes that year "free admission to all US Paramount Parks" 1994 Canada's Wonderland became a Paramount Park, was with the 5th in the chain.
  3. I'll never forget, getting off Vortex for the first time. I had to pee so bad. But I loved it. hehehehe
  4. Yes that is true Momma. I'm now 23 and even when I was 7, I found my love for coasters. I was only 7 back in '87 the first time I got on a big rollercoaster, and at that time it was Vortex. Back in '87 Vortex was a pretty big coaster. First one to take riders upside down 6 times. It was also one of tallest coasters when it opened too. We all wish PKI would bulid a new steel coaster. Hopefully 2005 will prove true. It will be 5 years since a big major coaster was bulit (Son of Beast).
  5. adbort

    PKI Speils

    Anyone remember the original Top Gun speil? "We hope you enjoyed the ride, when the ride cable comes to a stop push down and pull on your restraint, please exit to your left and enjoy the rest of your day at Paramount's Kings Island....Please remain seated thru out the ride, keep hands arms and legs inside the ride cable at all times. Please secure any looses articles you may have brought along with you, and enjoy the ride. Lift speil. "Please remain seated thru the ride, keep hands arms and legs inside the ride cable at all times."
  6. What ride or rides, do you all look forward to riding when PKI re-opens. I would have to go with Vortex, and The Beast.
  7. No Coney was owned by Taft Broadcasting. Taft was the one who actually bulit Kings Island. I don't really remember the whole story, on how KECO came along. I believe KECO was formed from some of the Taft people, and KECO was the one who bulit Kings Dominion in '75.. Hince the names Kings Entertainment Company. (Kings Island, Kings Dominion) But correct me if i'm wrong there.
  8. Turn down Magnatic breaks, not going to happen. With the old Skid breaks they were a way to lower or raise the breaks which depended on how much the train would slow down. They did this quite a bit in the break shed. With the magnatic breaks they are no way to turn them down, you will get the same breaking speed thru out.
  9. Yes, all the parks that are now Paramount were owned by KECO (Kings Entertainment Company) with the exception of Canada's Wonderland where KECO only owned 85 percent of the park, and the city of Vaughn owned the rest. That is why in 1993 Paramount only owned 4 parks. I remember the advertising they used for season passes that year. "Free Admission to all 4 US Paramount Parks". In 1994 Paramount aquired the rest of Canada's Wonderland, then they changed there advertising speil to "Free admission to all 5 North America Paramount Parks." Also with the Carowinds thing, remember they also have a Vortex which was installed pre-Paramount Days. Hope this helped.
  10. Have any of you guys seen these, they are kinda cool. SOB Photos
  11. adbort

    PKI Speils

    Ladies and Gentlemen in only 15 minutes Paramount's Kings Island will persent (insert show name here) (Brief discripition of show here) and that show will begin in only 15 minutes. Ladies and Gentlemen if you should become seperated from your group please visit one of the 5 message center locations to leave a message thank you. Ladies and Gentlemen may I have your attention please Tonight at (Closing time here) Paramount's Kings Island will proudly present a firework suptacualr, that's tonight at (closing time)
  12. Most rides at PKI do not have a weight limit. On the coasters your restraint must click 2 times.
  13. adbort

    PKI Speils

    I'm surprised no one put up the Congo Falls speils. Please remain seated with hands inside of boat until the boat comes to a complete stop inside the station thank you. Or Please do not run on the observation area, please keep a pathway open for those now exiting the ride, Thank You.
  14. Yeppers that's right. Train crew has been using where the magic of the movies makes the thrills of a life-time for awhile .
  15. I'm sure all the Paramount Parks sites will be universal. I don't know if you all seen the survey about the new commerical.. But that's the solgan they used in the PKI commerical. "The best of hollywood entertainment now playing" So i'm sure within the next couple of days (weeks) all websites will look like the new Carowinds site. Very nice looking in my opinion.
  16. adbort

    PKI Speils

    Thank you for visiting Parmount's Kings Island, all the rides and attractions are now closed. We hope you enjoyed your visit with us today, and please have a safe trip home. Goodnight. Anyone remember the speils that was on KCKC and Kings Mills Log Flume before Wild Tornberrys? It goes like this: Please remain seated thru-out the entire ride, keep hands and legs inside the boat at all times. This was heard as the boats where going up the convayer belts. After we closed I used to hear this over at Ship after we closed.
  17. Yes that is true, all depends on how quicky people can get into the seats. Also on coasters depends on if we have to take a kid out of the seats to measure them one last time. They are alot of things that can bring your hourly capacity down. One thing that brought our capacity down on Vortex was when they installed that stupid gate at the exit. People stand in the station, the person checking unload could not check his/her bars until the gate was closed, since the co-distpatch button was on that side. In 2002 though they did move the co-distpatch button over to load side, so i'm not sure if this has increased capacity or not. One thing that I always thought was weird, Vortex didn't seem to bring that many more riders in with 3 trains. During the last 2 month's of the season Vortex always went to 2 trains, and on average we did about the same as if we were running 3. If every train on Vortex is distpatched on time then no train would ever stop in the ready's. In PKI Terms this is called a bullet train. With 2 train op, every train should be a bullet.
  18. adbort

    PKI Speils

    Wow this topic got far more replies then I thought it would. Thanks for all your input. Keep them coming. I know the handrail speil has been said but here's what I used to say at Vortex when I was a ride op. "Ladies and Gentlemen waiting in line for The Vortex, it's for your saftey and for the saftey of those around you, that you please don't sit, stand or climb on any of the blue handsrails gates or the fences, once again please do not sit, stand, or climb on any of the blue railings gates or the fences, thank you. Somedays when the park was busy I would make up a speil as the guests entered the train at Vortex... "Attention oncoming Vortex riders, we are going to take you up 148 feet and drop you straight down 138 feet. Then we are going to take you thru 6 loops, 2, 360 degree verticle loops, 2 corkscrews and a boomarang. You'll be traveling at speeds of up to 55 mph, we'll see you back in the station in 2 1/2 minutes, now get ready to rock and roll and enjoy your ride on Vortex" Clear!!!
  19. This is one of those coasters, where some people believe that it's rough, well others believe it's not. In my opinion Vortex is not a rough coaster, never thought it was. I first rode back in 1987 and even though it's not new anymore, it's still a very enjoyable ride. Some people say that if you sit upabove the wheels, seat 1-2, 2-2, etc....then it can give a rough ride. Back in 7-2 you can feel the back of the train whip around the loops, it feels weird.
  20. adbort

    PKI Speils

    Yea i know. im just joking. Very impressive on his part though, i must add. Well I was a PKI Ride op for 3 season, and I've been riding SOB since 2000, it's kinda sad we all can remember these speils. Another one from Action Theater (2001) As you enter the buliding please walk all the way to the end of your row, filling up each and every seat. For your saftey and the saftey of those around you, please place all loose articles on the floor in front of you, now sit back buckle your seat belt and enjoy the ride. 7th Portal Quotes: "You should have stayed in the saftey of your homes, data radiers" "Your in the 7th Poral" Anyone remember anymore?
  21. adbort

    PKI Speils

    okay I can't believe I forgot about this one, from my ride op days, at Action Theater. Laides and Gentlemen Thank you for riding Action Theater featuring (Ride name here)....Please check your seats and the area around you for any articles that may have fallen during the ride, please exit to the open doors to your ride and enjoy the rest of your day at Paramount's Kings Island.
  22. adbort

    PKI Speils

    We have a winner. That was fun, we should have a section on the site for Quiz's about PKI. I would love to do that.
  23. adbort

    PKI Speils

    The Racer, thats the answer.......or is it? Nope. Hint, this ride is no longer at PKI.
  24. adbort

    PKI Speils

    Lets see how many differnt PKI speils we can all remember from heart. I'll start you all with some. Welcome back riders, we hope you enjoyed your ride, push down and pull up on the lap bars, exit to your right walk down the exit ramp and have a nice day at Paramount's Kings Island, uncoming riders, step into the seats directly in front of you, welcome to the Son of Beast, for your safety please secure all loose articles, please remain seated keeping your hands arms and legs inside the car at all times, now sit up straight hold on tight and enjoy your ride. Or how about Please secure all loose articles, loose articles are not permitted, you may hand articles to an attendant but we are not responsible for them, keep your hands and feet inside the vehicle at all times, and remain seated with your head back against the headrest, facing forward thru out your journey Thank You. or a classic Again as a reminder please remain standing with your feet flat on the floor as your ride the king cobra. POP Quiz: Anyone remember what ride this was from: As the ride comes to a stop a buzzer will sound and the red light above you will switch to green, at this time please push the orange gate forward and board your capsule, thank you and enjoy the ride......To relese your restraint push down then push forward, push down then push forward... Last one... For the consideration and saftey of those guests around you, we ask that they are no smoking while in any line here at Paramount's Kings Island.
  25. It was always rough! Steve King Cobra rough? How so? King Cobra was always one of my favorite coasters in the park. I probably rode King Cobra 100 times plus and I never thought it was rough. It used to hurt my legs after exiting the loop, but hey that was the g-forces. Also Vortex isn't rough in my opinion either, Vortex is a great ride even though it's going on 17 years old. Son of Beast, has it's good days and it's bad. I have heard they were suspose to do alot fo work to SOB during the off season, so i'm anixious to give it ago this season, and see how it's running. Beast can be pretty rough if your ride the back seat, that ride throws you from side to side, and not that i'm complaining, but In my opinion I don't think any ride should shake you so bad, that your back hurts when you get off the ride.
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