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Everything posted by violakat03

  1. I felt that way too - I only met a couple people and didn't get a chance to say hi to many people I wished that I had. Maybe during the tour we'll get a little more face time between the listen times. By the way, you did manage to snag me in a picture. I'm in the grey Coaster Freak hoodie with the long brown hair.
  2. Do you have a digital camera? I took a picture of my TTD picture when my scanner was broken. Tomkatt beat me to my idea.
  3. That's what I'll do when I visit, though I'm planning to hold off until there's definite word on the fate of Revolution.
  4. I'd love to see everyone's on-ride photos from rides that either aren't there any more, don't have on-ride photos anymore, or something has changed. Like FOF with the horse collars, Adventure Express, etc. I've got one from opening year of FOF somewhere. If I ever find it I'll scan it. Here's mine from Face/Off. And SOB's old trains (I'm in the middle on the left):
  5. They were in a real hurry to get it out of there and I've seen press releases from them talking about setting it up as soon as they had the money. So maybe they blew all their money buying it at auction and haven't come up with the booty for installing it? I'd really hate to see it waste away, like the Zippin Pippin is currently doing.
  6. And Shaggy comes through for us again. I wonder if anyone has pictures of any of these? I remember The Beastie and Vortex ones, but I still don't remember the FOF ones - I may not have been there when they were, I only visited the park later in that year. The Vortex ones were when I was still terrified of that coaster. Flight Commander was almost before my time, and King Cobra was installed the year I was born, so I don't remember them. I don't know that I ever even entered Adventure Village when Top Gun was new.
  7. Still no word on the former Revolution from Libertyland. They've had it since I think 2005? Maybe 2006. I remember watching the trucks with track going down the highway when I lived in Memphis. Hopefully it will go up too, I'd like to ride it again in it's new home.
  8. Actually, the d70 is the newer and better version of the d100. Nikon's model numbers don't go in any particular order. The newest version is the d90. If you ever want to go and do a photography day, I'd be happy to grab the d100 and the p&s and join you.
  9. That is really good news. I was afraid it was going to end up rotting away and sold piece by piece with most of the coasters going to scrap instead of new homes. If they can manage to close this sale and open it again, hopefully they will learn from what HRP messed up last year and make it successful.
  10. I don't remember some of those. I've been riding FOF since 1996 but don't remember any kind of prints or even any very good signage (except for the sign at the base of Racer's hill) leading to FOF. I seem to remember something leading to Vortex but don't remember what. Same with Beastie.
  11. What kind of Nikon do you have? My husband's got an older D100 but we don't usually take it into the park - it's too bulky to carry on the rides and too valuable to be left at the station or in a locker. I carry a Kodak EasyShare C613 point & shoot that takes great pictures during the day and can fit in my cargo pocket on the rides.
  12. My favorite is my "Coaster Freak" hoodie and matching t-shirt. I think they still sell these, but mine are from the Paramount days. It looks like a dictionary entry for what a coaster freak is. Second favorite would be one that I bought back in I think junior high. It's grey and says "The Beast" but it's not the typical Beast logo, it's on like a red and blue bar across the upper part of the shirt. Very simplistic. I got paint on the sleeve in art class once but I still wear this shirt on occasion.
  13. You wave to KI as you pass it on I-71 at 4 a.m. saying "hi Diamondback! Hi Eiffel Tower! Hi Drop Tower!"
  14. I was totally guilty of that last week ... was going to Mason and knew I couldn't see the park from where I was (48 at Columbia Rd) but was straining to see it anyway!
  15. Double post due to forum error message. Mod, please delete?
  16. My mom reminded me of a few from when my brother and I were young. We always knew we were getting close when we went over the "washboard road" - the portion of 42 southbound just past where 73 crosses at Waynesville. When I was younger the paving was really warped and it felt like you were driving over an old washing board. Also somewhere along 42 there was old farm equipment up on the hill on the side of the road. All of it's gone now, over the years it started falling down the hill or rusting to pieces and was slowly removed. And then on the 48 bypass we always played the "spot the Eiffel Tower" game - which was a lot easier back then, I guess the trees have really grown up! You can't see it until you're on 71 now. A friend of mine always said his family's ritual was the red horse. There was a small row of business that had I think it was called the Red Horse Tavern that had a statue of a red horse on the top of it's sign, on 42 just barely north of Lebanon. His mom always threatened that she could turn the car around if they misbehaved, until they got to the red horse. Once they got past the red horse they could do whatever they wanted because they were too far from home for her to turn around.
  17. Depending on what park you're thinking, I might be willing to join you.
  18. Closing day was pretty empty too. The last Saturday was insane, but Sunday was great. We walked on everything. I think the only wait was for The Beast, which we skipped since I'd gotten my last night ride in the night before.
  19. urgh. After two years working in the water park, I cannot stand any of the traditional water park songs that you hear all the time. Beach Boys, especially. Just can't stand 'em any more. It didn't help that when I worked there (under Paramount) one of the CDs had a skip in it in the middle of Surfin' USA. Talk about annoying.
  20. I used to always paint my nails a certain way. White with black music notes on them. I don't do that any more because I go there way more often, but all through junior high and early high school, I always did this. Now the only thing I do is actually take care in what I wear. I don't like wearing just any ol' t-shirt to the park, I try to always wear something unusual that shows something about me - a dive shirt, a coaster shirt, or something else involving my interests.
  21. That's bizarre. I've taken pictures in stations and even inside the train on BLSC (before the lap bars were down - I put my camera away before they were) and never had an op say anything to me. In your position my first reaction probably would have been "I'm not that stupid!"
  22. I think it's a little late to hope for that ... this thread derailed about two pages ago.
  23. The Racer was running 1 1/2 - 2 hours, according to what people were telling me. Most of the big coasters were 4+ hours. Even the flats that are normally walk-on were 1+ hour waits. The speed slides (now are the ones that you slide down on a blue mat) that I could see from the locker rental counter in the water park were lined all the way down the stairs and onto the ground. Probably well over an hour just for a water slide.
  24. Honestly I am too. I never made use of them because it was far too packed those days. I'd rather pay $25 for my friend's ticket at AAA and go on a day when there's decent wait times.
  25. Yep, those days were some of the few that I didn't enjoy the park after I got off, just left immediately. There was a 30 minute wait just to rent a locker in the water park. It took us over an hour to sort the keys at the end of the night, something that usually only took 15-20 minutes.
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