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Everything posted by TheCryptRaider

  1. Kings Island and Miami Valley Railroad (I think) Yeah, that's the longest for me too. Longest roller coaster, The Beast.
  2. My favorite was Trail of Terror. The dolls hanging by their heads are so freaky to me because I have a fear of dolls. Anyone remember the lady who work as the leader in 2007? She was kind of older than the other scareactors. Anyways, I loved her. She would be like, "I promise to identify your bodies in the mornin'" and "Dont go wanderin off the trail, cuz then I'll have to go lookin for ya and I wont be happy"
  3. I searched and I didn't find anything, so.. About Ride Warrior Weekend, I have a 2009 Gold Season pass. Keep that in mind. Is there going to be an event for members of KIC? Does the deadline of Feb. 1st mean that members who joined before that can get in free? I'm confused about this..
  4. Well, Drop Tower\Zone scared the living daylights out of me the first time I rode it. I was a little hesitant to ride it after the accident in Kentucky, but now I love DT.
  5. If CP was my homepark, that would really make me mad that I'd have to wait till May.. Seriously..
  6. You'll be seeing me there way before opening day. No way in the world am I waiting 45 minutes to get my pass.
  7. I'm a little disappointed that I missed it, but so what? I'll be seeing it in person in a little over a month!
  8. Couldn't agree more. It would reaaaallly suck if they tested right now.
  9. Ahh, the webcam is all foggy. I may have to wait to get home to see it. Yeah, I'm In English right now. Hahaha.
  10. Looks like you had fun! I hope to visit there at some point..
  11. Wait, wait. Ride Warrior Weekend is free to Gold Pass holders right? If it is, I'll be there!
  12. I'm not really sure, but I don't really think so. Cedar Fair is in so much debt, ya know? So I doubt we'll get a new coaster. Maybe a tiiiiiiiny little flat, but nothing much.
  13. ^My prayers have been answered. A nice simple entrance would be nice, but as others have said, it adds atmosphere. I also remember my dad telling me it was a resturant when I was littler, to get me to go on, of course I proved him wrong. "Nah-uh! It's right here on the map!" I wasn't a very gullible little kid,
  14. Says the guy with 15,333 posts Says the guy with 462 posts who said, "Says the guy with 15,333 posts " haha. like Terpy says, I just HAD to.
  15. "Oh lordy. -Groan- I'm not as coaster-fit as I used to be,"
  16. Thanks, Jackson. I always love your photos, and funny comments to them. I love how close Diamondback gets to the midway! Like tigellinus said, it really interacts with it!
  17. The drink prices are crazy! I always get those free glasses of water so I don't end up crashing after my sugar buzzes from soda. I'm perfectly fine with drinking just water, as long as I get hydrated and I'm even more happy because it's FREE!
  18. I had a friend who came with me to Kings Island once, and she insisted that the Son of Beast was built before The Beast. I was like getting SO frustrated when I tried to tell her I REMEMBERED when they were BUILDING the Son of Beast.
  19. They always use that as their background graphic when they talk about KI. It gets under my skin, and makes me miss the loop even more.
  20. I do like the blue ice cream, but black raspberry chip from Graeter's does it for me.
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