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Everything posted by MillenniumBeast

  1. This sounds like a blast! I am definitely going. Gay pride at Kings Island would be a blast!
  2. Not to stand stalkerish but I saw you a lot of times, Giga. XD From 430 onward my sister and I just kept getting in line for Diamondback and I thought it was funny when you jumped for joy when you got first seat. I had my Diamondback First Rider shirt on and I was usually a few groups back in the line. Oh and the park from 10-3 was kind of packed because the coasters only had 1 train on them, so it was making the lines go very very very slow Luckily I rode The Beast when there was almost nobody in line because that's a 5 minute wait for the train to come back!
  3. I was one of the ones stuck on Drop Tower! At first I was a little creeped out and panicking but after a while it really wasn't too bad. It was weird because it felt like the whole park was watching me. I thought it was way too crowded yesterday, though. And the wait was only about 30 minutes, maybe a little less.
  4. Very nice photos! I love the first one the best!
  5. My 7 seems so small >_< But the next time I go back down with my sister we should get in 10 or more rides
  6. Hahaha, very clever But yeah, I have rode backseat and I didn't enjoy it that much, I didn't like the feeling of being pulled down the hills.
  7. Do the artists have a bunch of merchendise on sale? And do you get to meet them afterwards? I am going just to see Family Force 5!
  8. Wow I only have 7 I can't convince my sister to just ride Diamondback over and over again!
  9. Tuesdays and Wednesdays have always been okay for me. In June on those days it's usually 15 minute waits or less, but by the time July rolls around it's 30 minute waits or less.
  10. I like to go in this order: Son of Beast Flight Deck Drop Tower Invertigo Delirium Diamondback (At least 2 times for now) The Crypt The Beast Backlot Stunt Coaster Vortex Flight of Fear Firehawk The Racer Diamondback (As many times as possible)
  11. Sounds like you had a lot of fun I was there yesterday and was trying to look for familiar faces, but didn't see any I was frustrated because almost every ride I was in line for had a technical difficulty right when I was about to ride, so it took an additional 10 minutes for them to fix it.
  12. Sounds like you and everyone else had a blast! Unfortunately when I went yesterday their were 45 minute waits for almost everything, except Diamondback of course I think it would be cool to meet up with some you guys sometime. I have a great sense of humor and I'm also a coaster fanatic!
  13. I'm going the 28th, too! Me and my sister are going for my Birthday and I hope that lines will be 15-30 minutes or less. What do you guys think?
  14. I have only been to King's Island and Cedar Point, but I desperately want to go to others! 1. King's Island 2. Cedar Point King's Island barely beats Cedar Point and it has more of a "home" feel to me
  15. Very nice idea. I am a noob here, but I would love to see some of you guys there
  16. Pretty close to mine, actually. My Top 5 are: 1. Millennium Force - I love the height, speed, and smooth turns/hills on it. 2. Diamondback - The whole layout and ride itself is just amazing! I love the hangtime when you are not even in your seat anymore for quite awhile. 3. The Beast - It is a classic, and not many coasters can compare to how much fun this ride actually is. My favorite part is the double helix at the end. 4. Maverick - I love speeding on the coaster close to the ground, and the inversions are so incredibly smooth! The first hill always gets my stomach, as well! 5. Son of Beast - I love the speed of this coaster and the helixes. It is pretty aggressive, but riding front row is unbelievably amazing!
  17. I have to agree with you and thank the crew! They were making the line move in a fast and efficent manner. It seemed like all the attention was only focused on Diamondback, though. Either that, or the crews on the other rides yesterday didn't do such a good job.
  18. Once they get more trees filled in it will look very beautiful with Diamondback amongst them.
  19. Yesterday was litterally an almost perfect day weather-wise! I still can't get over how great yesterday was!
  20. Great pictures! And I don't think that Diamondback beats Millennium Force, although it does come close. The height, speed, and angle of descent is just incredible on Millennium Force, and although you don't get as much airtime, the hills and turns feel wonderful, I can't even describe the feeling.
  21. Darn, I won't be able to make it for this. And I think it won't be too packed this Friday, but I also thought lines would be only 30 minutes yesterday, so what do I know?
  22. I find it strange how they call it a 3 minute ride, when techniqually it is only 2 minutes (1 minute and 15 seconds not counting the lift hill)
  23. I was stapled the first time I rode and I still got a buch of air time. Now, when I rode on the last train of the night, I literly had about 1 1/2 inches of room. I felt like I was going to fall out but I loved it! The 1 1/2 inches is what I was talking about. That is the feeling that I really loved! Flying over the second hill, I was out of my seat for so long and I found myself laughing that whole ride afterwards!
  24. My last two rides weren't as fun because the worker pushed the restraint down for me and made it quite tight, so it was much harder to feel airtime. I liked it when I could pull it down myself to leave a lot of space between myself and the restraint. (I sat in the front row all 5 times)
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