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Everything posted by KI FANATIC 37

  1. Throwback to YoungStud.
  2. I'll just shoot Matarese a DM.
  3. If I didn't know any better i would think this Matarese guy is the fifth member of The Beatles.
  4. Who even is that guy? His profile pic makes me think he is a used car salesman.
  5. I think the value it shoots for will just continue to go up when the previous goal was reached.
  6. At first glance I did not think the park put that petition together. Now it seems like I was incorrect. This is very cool!
  7. Then I should donate! hahah
  8. I find it odd they ask for money. I haven't used this site; does it require some donation option?
  9. I am looking forward to what this is going to be!
  10. See MT worked fine for me when I watched it. I couldn't see **** during Banshees
  11. Banshee's announcement video takes the prize. That was amazing.
  12. I do think an end of the world/ dooms day theme is possible. Someone mentioned the name Armageddon. I like that a lot. Or a name like Calamity.
  13. Okay I am not gonna lie this tape thing is crazy. I know mistakes are made on this level and that is understandable, but I do not believe that they have some bimbo printing a typo on every one of these posters.
  14. Oh yeah you can for sure see that.
  15. My guess is Little Bills.
  16. I feel like in years past they have told the media/everyone of the announcement date and time about a week/9 days in advance. MT wasn't as bad as Banshee's for me. I couldn't watch Banshee's at all.
  17. And here....we...go! Not too much info on this one.
  18. I have no idea what to expect at this point. For all I know it could be a poster of the 2020 coaster.
  19. Could it end in "way"? Or a very real possibility is they threw us off by adding KI first but that is part of the name.
  20. I'm still not 100% convinced it is going to spell out the name of the coaster. Now do I know what its is spelling? No idea. But I feel like we would be able to figure out the name before the announcement if this was spelling out the name. I feel as if that is not good to build excitement for the announcement event.
  21. Full fence picture. Also from same account.
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