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Everything posted by KICoasterGirl
La Monstre is an okay woodie, I didn't like it much but the rest did. Monstre's lift hill, the trains are very weird. I'm assuming this is showing you which side is which. I love this t-shirt I got! We didn't ride these but I love the sign! Super Manege is like an Arrow Looper except it is a Vekoma. This is La Boomerang. The accident that happened with the three restraints happened the day after we were there! The Tour de Ville, the scenes are very pretty and detailed. There's an expensive McDonalds inside the park. Katy and I on the carousel. Daddy and Adam on the carousel. And Mom on the carousel. The mechanics of the carousel. Here is the old carousel organ I was talking about. I've saved the best ride for last! This was Katy's 200th different coaster! Goliath's lift hill. Goliath's airtime hills! Goliath's turn around. I love La Ronde's logo. Did KI have bumper cars like this at sometime? Ride Info Goliath is my favorite megacoaster. It has two twisty elements that are really fun! Make sure to ride Cobra. When Dragon starts its second lap, watch your back because it can be a surprise and can hurt really badly. Make sure to ride the Minirail full circuit because it has great photo ops! Good Eats The new Place Pasta Pizza was really good, they had great spagghetti bolagnese and fettichini rosa. Rides We Rode Vampire Monstre Left Monstre Right Ednör - L'Attaque Cobra Super Manège Dragon La Boomerang Toboggan Nordique Marche Du Mille- Pattes DISCORONDE Orbite Vertigo Le Galopant Minirail Ft. Edmunton Minirail Villiage Goliath Tour De Ville Ferris Wheel We left La Ronde at closing which was nine and got lost trying to get out of the city. This was not fun since it was dark and you couldn't read the signs due to there being in French. Montreal at night was very pretty! We crossed through customs around 10:30 and were back in the United States of America!
Day Four July 5th: La Ronde Soon we left Belleville and headed to Montreal! Montreal from the car. The entrance to La Ronde is different from other Six Flags parks. Watch the tram car please! Watch the tram car please! Watch the tram car please! Oops wrong park! The arcade. La Ronde is centered around a lake. Another section of the La Ronde. Ednör is across the lake from the entrance. Ednör 's drop Ednör 's sign, the theming to this ride is really cool. When you enter the building you walk through to get to the main queue is similar to Expedition Everest with signs up talking about how they found the sea monster. The second SLC of the trip! They have a very pretty carousel at the front of the park. And a very pretty one at the back too. This one is extremely slow, but has a working band organ! Le Galopant was built in 1885. Pretty carousel horses. More Ednör ! If you've ever been to a Six Flags park the employees wear these bright yellow shirts with the message, "Have a heart. Do your part help keep the park clean!" this shirt had it in French since we were in Montreal. A Coke sign. Something we found interesting is instead of the 3 point games they have a soccor game! They also have hockey! DiscoRonde! Toboggon Nordique's sign. Toboggon Nordique is a nice mouse ride that is themed with the cars being bobsleds representing different countries. Condor and Monster across the lake. There flume looked well themed but boring! My dad's getting attacked by a shark! Orbite is their launch tower. Orbite from a distance. Vertigo is like Aero 360 at Kennywood. Cobra is unique since it is one of the two operating Intamin Standups left. The family riding Cobra, Adam sat out the second lap. Look who we found! This was a very tame groundhog. Their kiddie coaster, Marche Du Mille Pattes, has a lot of laterals for a kiddie coaster! Vampire is a very forceful Batman clone! Vampire's entrance is very similar to Batman the Rides'!
Adam, Katy, Mom and I on Taxi Jam. Notice the bird that ran into the sign, and the police car in the back of the train! The family with Snoopy. Adam, Rachel, Jack, Dad, Katy and I with Snoopy. Is it just me or does this look like a kiddie enterprise? Vortex, I like the paint job on the trains. At this point Rachel and Jack left to head into the city and we went and got blizzards at the Dairy Queen. My favorite section of the park is Medieval Faire, since it is so different from the other Cedar Fair parks. This statue stands out side of Dragon Fire, while... this statue is at the entrance of Wild Beast. We rode their Drop Tower, I still like Kings Island's the best. Wild Beast has pink and purple trains! Both Bat and Shockwave were down so we headed to the car for lunch. Bat was the first boomerang of the trip. Shockwave also reopened. I describe this ride as six top spins attached to an arm that rises into the air. Mighty Canadian Minebuster is a good ride. I have never seen blue raspberry candied apples before! We rode Behemoth again, plus got two line jumpers and their friends busted. Our last ride at Wonderland, the carousel. Me on the carousel. Katy on the carousel. Mom on the carousel. A very pretty carousel horse! I love the scenes on their carousel! Was their a ride at Canada's Wonderland called the Crypt? The map didn't have this ride listed. Wonder Mountain Behemoth's helix as we left the parking lot. We left the park around six and stopped at the Wendy's outside of the park. Ride Info Behemoth is a very good coaster, the helix is the best part, in my opinion. Flight Deck is a typical SLC, rough and not that much fun. Boo Blasters on Boo Hill is probably the best one I have been on out of KD's, CW's and KI's. Be aware that certain guns work better than others because I scored in the 1400s while the rest got between 30-90. Good Eats The Dairy Queen in Planet Snoopy has good oreo blizzards. Rides We Rode Behemoth Flight Deck Time Warp Sledge Hammer Backlot Stunt Coaster Bat The Fly Taxi Jam Silver Streak Jet Scream Ghoster Coaster Mighty Canadian Minebuster Wild Beast Shockwave Vortex Thunder Run Boo Blasters on Boo Hill Sky Rider Dragon Fire Antique Carousel Drop Tower
Day Three July 4th: Canada's Wonderland We left our hotel in Buffalo around eight and got to Canada's Wonderland at 9:30ish. Behemoth from the parking lot. The entrance sign. I see Flight Deck! Katy, Daddy and Adam waiting for rope drop. We headed to Flight Deck first since Behemoth is a people eater. This was the first SLC of the trip. This looks familiar! After Flight Deck we rode Sledge Hammer, last time we were here it was down. Sledge Hammer is a good ride, but is not nearly as intense as it looks. Sploosh! Time Warp. Even though these are painful, if you have never ridden a Zamperla Volare, try it out. After riding Backlot we met up with Rachel (stalkerchick) and Jack at Behemoth. We headed to Jet Star next which they had saved to ride today. We got on the ride, got stapled by the restraints, and started swinging then the ride went down. Instead of waiting for Jet Star we decided to go to Sky Rider. This ride is like King Cobra. This was mom's first stand-up, and she liked it! We headed on over to Planet Snoopy and Kidzville to ride the kiddie coasters. Last time we were here we didn't ride Silver Streak (a family coaster) because on the map it looks like a flume ride! Rachel, Daddy, Katy and I acting scared on Taxi Jam. Jack was too tall to ride. Stay tuned there's more to come!
The credit goes to DaveStroem, if it weren't for him I probably would not have become a coaster enthusiast nor would I have been to all of these parks! Plus I wouldn't have met some great friends! Thanks!
You are correct. Cobra was a lot of fun, one of my favorite stand-ups
Thank you! Thanks! We took over 3,000 pictures the whole trip! We took a lot of pictures at La Ronde!
Your welcome! Did KI's have a horn that would blow once the ride got fast enough? Thanks! I will probably have one or two up each day for the next week. We were very tired when we got home!
KICoasterGirl didn't log off.
Not this time, there was too long of a line, but we rode it last year.
Thank you Terpy! Next time we go we'll have to try some.
This is our big summer trip to the New England region parks. Day One July 2nd We picked up the rental car July second and my mom, Katy (my sister) and I headed down to Cincinnati to pick up Adam (pkiboy). The car we had was an Impala. After getting him we stopped at KI for a quick lap on red Racer. Soon we were heading home. My Dad (DaveStroem) got home at 6:30 and we left for my grandparents house in Wheeling, West Virginia at 7. We dropped the dogs off and stayed overnight. Day Two July 3rd: Kennywood We left my Grandparents around 7:30 and got to the park around nine. The park opened at ten and the rides at 10:30 Phantom's Revenge from the parking lot. The carousel horse fountain at the entrance to Kennywood. After the park opened at ten we dashed to Sky Rocket. I love how they have entertainers at the front of the park! Phantom's Revenge: This is a nice coaster but is not in my top ten. They have a very good Whip ride, one of the better ones, in my opinion. Thunderbolt: I absolutely love this ride. It is packed with so many laterals that you can't ride by yourself. This is my favorite ride at this park. The Lil' Phantom's paint job is the same as Phantom's Revenge's. The five of us in front of Lil' Phantom's sign. More Phantom's Revenge The Lost Kennywood sign. Musik Express, we didn't ride it this time. Notice the german phrase and spelling of music. The phrase "mit musik geht alles besser" means everything goes better with music. Make sure to ride the Turtle as it is one of the few of its kind left! Swingshot is similar to Skyhawk at Cedar Point but is not as tall. Phantom's Revenge's first turn. Bayern Kurve is a fun ride that pulls lots of Gs. Even though this is gross it keeps the gum out of the rest of the queue! The train goes through the control deck. Ride Info Sky Rocket: This coaster is not too extreme but is great for this park. It is very smooth and is a fun coaster. Jack Rabbit: The double down is a great part of this ride. Racer: This coaster is unique because it is a mobius, which means it is a racing coaster with one track that passes through the station twice so the trains end up on the opposite side of the station. Exterminator: This ride is my favorite mouse in the box coaster. The theme is that you are in a sewer with rats and you are the exterminator, the theming is well done and makes the ride. Noah's Ark is an absolute must! This is an old walk through attraction that is very well themed and is a classic. Cosmic Curves is like Surf Dog but you're sitting in a circle. Good Eats Their french fries with gravy are delicious and are freshly made. You can get them here. And yes, the fries are so good there is always a huge crowd for them! Rides We Rode Sky Rocket Thunderbolt Racer P. Revenge Lil' Phantom Noah's Ark Jack Rabbit Whip Ghostwood Estates Bayern Kurve Swingshot Cosmic Curves Day Two July 3rd: Waldameer After driving from Pittsburgh to Erie we arrived at Waldameer. We got our wristbands and handstamps and headed in to the park. The Sky Ride Katy and Daddy got soaked on Thunder River. While they did that, Adam and I rode the Tilt-a-whirl! We took a spin on Steel Dragon. All of us rode the Wipeout. My mom didn't like it much. Mega Vortex is just like Cosmic Curves. We didn't get to ride the Ferris Wheel. Ravine Flyer Two The fireworks started going off for the Fourth of July while we were on the Sky Ride. Boom! Boom! Boom! Acting goofy in a cartoon mirror! Ride Info Ravine Flyer Two is an awesome Gravity Group coaster that has lots of air. Comet is a Schmeck coaster that is fairly small but still a good ride. Pirate's Cove is a good walk through attraction that is very fun. Rides We Rode Ravine Flyer Two Ravine Flyer Three Tilt-a-Whirl Steel Dragon Comet Pirate's Cove Sky Ride Mega Vortex Wipeout Thunder River We left Waldameer and stopped at Taco Bell on our way to the hotel, and that ends our first park day of our trip.
I was at the park today and got my hand stamped to see the new ink. It's very similar to Waldameer's except it is a smaller stamp and isn't pepto bismo colored. The stamp they use at Waldameer is about three inches in diameter and is extremely hard to get off.
I rate the B & M Hypers in this order: Diamondback Behemoth Goliath SFOG Intimidator Apollo's Chariot Nitro Raging Bull
This is precisely what I had been thinking of last spring. Wouldn't it be cool if they could pull this off 2012 for the park's 40th anniversary? Also, old park maps on display would be neat.
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I think it's to make the lift hill stand out from the rest of the ride.
Really good PTR! You summed everything up perfectly. I haven't yet made a trip there this summer to see the Polar Frontier and the Animal Encounters Villiage, but from your pics and my dad's pics it looks really cool!
The Racer cam has been stuck on that exact picture for a couple of weeks.
I'm never looking at that angle of the ride when I'm getting off, I only see it when riding.
Great pictures! How did you take this one?
Here's a link that has them but I don't know how to download them. (and pkiboy, you know I'm not good with technology) http://www.kiextreme.com/kitunes.php
Nice trip report! I totally agree with you on Cedar Point having some of the best coasters and flats. Glad your son enjoyed Magnum.
This one looks like it spun more than Knoebels.
The sign looks great! I love how they put the image of the world behind Snoopy.