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Everything posted by patrickbateman

  1. I’ve been sleeping on the Miami Brewhouse. Finally decided to give it a try. I had chicken and waffles. Absolutely amazing.
  2. Hello fellow former Paramounters and current Fair people! Here are some of my genius ideas that would break in the park billions of people. It would be great, that I can tell you! -Retro night. All prices slashed back to 1972 prices. You are required to wear clothes from the early 70's. You must also leave your cellphones at home. No cars made after 1972 will be allowed in the parking lot. Only coaster open will be Racer and Woondstock Express. All other rides made after 1972 will be closed. Music from 1972 and earlier will be played throughout the park. Anyone born before 1972, gets in for free! -Bunny day. All guests are required to dress up in white bunny costumes. No walking allowed. All guests must hop their way to all rides and attractions. Only vegetables will served on this day. -Nude day. For only 18 and over. The park transforms for the nude community. Imagine getting to your favorite rollercoaster in your birthday suit! Let the wind hit you where your freak flag flies high! -Senior day. Nobody under the age of 90 will be allowed in the park. Everyone at least the age of 90 will get in free. -Moo day. No talking allowed. Any guests who speaks any kind of language will be thrown out of the park. The only communications guests are allowed to use is mooing. You must moo instead of talking. This is a great way to indentify with the wonderful fresh meat patties the park serves. -Midget day. Nobody under 44 inches will be allowed in the park. Everyone over the age 50 and under the height of 30 inches will get in free and will be allowed to explore all of King Island's rides and attractions! -Clown day. All employees are required to dress up as clowns and perform funny little tricks for guests that are waiting in line. -Survival day. Weather must be at least 90 degrees for the park to be open. All water rides closed. Sunscreen is banned. No food or drinks will be served. Tiny shots of water will be offered to guests at a uncharge of $50. This is a great way for guests to see what it's like to live in Death Valley.
  3. My guess is every other company can do the same elements as Arrow but better. There's just no point. As much as I love Arrow, the old track design is outdated.
  4. Not going this year. I will be going next year. I'll be in the Dallas/Arlington area next year for the concert. It has occurred to me that Six Flags Over Texas is in the same area and they are a year round park. I know they close for a couple months out of the year though. For anyone that's visited the park frequently, when do they usually open? The concert is March 18th. Are they usually open back up by then? I checked their hours but they don't go up to March yet. Also any tips when visiting the park if they are open? Is a flash pass needed? How many days should I go for?
  5. I can't see us getting anything major next year. Would LOVE a new flat ride though. Like maybe a larger Screamin' Swing than Skyhawk. We really need a new flat ride. Need better food options. Currently, our food options suck at the park. Skyline and La Rosas are the only good restaurants I've had at the park. Besides those two, KI has the worst amusement park food I've ever had. Bring back signs for Action Zone and Coney Mall. More merchandise. We have some great merch for Banshee, MT, DB, and Beast. Those aren't the only great rides at the park though. It would be cool if KI brought some vintage Vortex shirts and maybe even shirts for FoF. Can't see it happening but new Vekoma restraints on Invertigo. Take out cubby holes on all rides. Unless you're carrying around a bag, buy a go belt. They are not noticeable like fanny packs. I hide mine under my shirt so it doesn't look stupid. I put my phone in there. Better haunts. I went for the first time last year to Haunt. Pretty awful.
  6. In time it will go. Maybe not this year but I can see a possible chance late next year. The bad thing about Arrow mega loopers is they age badly. The wear and tear on old Arrow tracks is there. It's only a matter of time before Vortex is on the chopping block. Viper at MM is heavily rumored to get the axe in September. It just happens. Do I love it? HELL YEAH. I think it's incredible but I do love every Arrow I have ever ridden. I don't think it's rough or jerky for being an old large steel roller coaster. When they do remove it, that's when I can see a Giga going someplace in the park or a dive machine replacing Vortex to make up for the loss. Vortex is a classic icon of KI. A staple and a must ride every visit for me.
  7. Thanks! I just didn't know what the policy was for digging up older threads
  8. I haven't posted here in a long time. I didn't see any threads about this topic. I didn't go all the way back but just a few pages. Just want to get everyone's opinion on something. How long do you think Vortex will stay around? Usually Arrow mega loopers will get removed at some point. Viper at MM is going away this year. Personally, I don't think they will remove this year or next year. However, I can see a removal around 2019 and possibly a Giga in 2020 to make up for the removal. It is an icon of the park. I love the ride, just like how I love every Arrow I've been on. Just can't see it lasting much longer. According to the Arrow doc, the older Arrow tracks will be removed at some point due to all the stress.
  9. Haven't watched the video yet. What was better than SOB was looking at it and the hype building up to it. The ride was very painful. Even when they switched to the lighter trains after the loop removal. In fact, I think the lighter trains made an even more painful ride than the Premier trains. I rode it a year after it opened. It was definitely a memorable experience each time. The probable wasn't that it was too rough, it was that it wasn't very fun. The dip out of the station was cool, the loud sexy chain lift sound was nice, the first drop was awesome, but then everything just took a turn for the worse. The rose bowl helix was straight up awful. The loop? Amazing. My favorite loop to date. Glass smooth. HUGE. Then went back to the pain. The second helix was almost as painful. The hills after that were pretty bad as well. I think they were meant to have huge airtime but failed. It baffles me why Paramount chose RCCA to build a massive record breaker. It was beautiful though. The sound was amazing. Not one record SOB held has been broken. Unless a certain park is going to have a streak that's the opposite of nice.
  10. I've had a couple of bad rides on FOF this year. Mostly in the middle though. The very back car and the very front car are always smooth for me for some reason. However, Backlot Stunt Coaster has gotten extremely PAINFUL.
  11. I really hope we do get a Giga. I can't see it happening till at least 2019. AT EARLIEST. 2020 seems the most realistic year though.
  12. I couldn't find any topic related to this when I searched. I used to be a member of this forum years ago but don't remember my login info. Anyways, do you have to have a season pass to attend media day for Mystic Timbers? Is it required that you have to be an official member of a media platform? I never attended one before and would love to go. At least be part of the first group that rides it.
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