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Everything posted by Hammbone

  1. 1st 2 questions, I dont know if he does or not, just going off the fact that he doesn't claim to know the future. 3rd question- he's speculating that humpty dumpty could be put back together with enough glue. But from what I remember all the kings horses and all the kings men couldnt do it?lol
  2. See, you are speculating yourself in that post sir. Which is the point of the thread. To speculate until we know. I enjoy it.
  3. I'm all for hearing any ideas about the ride. But trying to tell people that ther idea is wrong when none of us really know is what bothers me. You cant say for a fact that I'm wrong unless you know for sure what is right. Just as I'm not saying I think I'm right, just a theory of what possibly may happen. If you look at the haunt prop and it doesn't make you wonder if there trying to hint around, thats cool with me. It made me wonder, I gave it some thought and posted what I think it means IF, and note I say IF, they were trying to hint at SOB's future. Even if they were just making humor, I still say thats what they want you to think. If someone was actually posting REALLITY on here then we would know for sure whats happening with SOB, thus no need to speculate about it on here. The PARK cant speculate at this time therefore we have no info so all we the fans can do IS speculate. hammbone, how exactly do you know if browntggrr works for Kings Island or not? on top of that, how do you know that he doesn't know the future of Son of Beast? lastly, how do you think asking a question about humpty dumpty, with a comical answer, is speculating about Son of Beast. *as many of you know, Son of Beast is my number one coaster (wood or steel). just thought i'd point this out so no one thinks i'm an s.o.b. hater.
  4. Simple Enough? Wow Browntggrr. You don't seem like the type of person to take orders from someone else. I am no way trying to argue with you, for I see the point you are trying to make, but I also think you are stretching this quote a little. I could be off here, but this quote is Don representing KI. In my opinion it reads more like "It would be inappropriate (for KI) to speculate on when a decision might be made. I do not see Don saying " It is inappropriate for KI enthusiasts to speculate on the future of SOB." I didn't stretch a thing, yet simply provided a quote Mr. Helbig made back in April in an article that somehow keeps being forgotten. It is just ironic that Mr. Helbig used the same "speculation" term as a poster here. Taking his quote and attempting to decipher (or adding to) what he meant is, undoubtedly, stretching it. Like last year, the tombstone means nothing more than an attempt at humor. And just like last year while it can be fun, believing it has a serious hidden meaning is foolish. Why KI has to make a decision anytime soon is still mind-boggling to me. SoB sitting there does not hurt anyone, and certainly does not take away from the enjoyment KI continues to deliver on a day-by-day or year-to-year basis. You thinking that it doesn't have an underlying meaning is just as foolish as someone thinking it does. For the record I never said I believe it is anything serious for the rides future.And from the pictures I saw last year, those had way more of an underlying meaning because most people have no clue what those initials stood for unless your a coaster nut. And you cant say that last years didnt have any truth to it till you actually see what they do with SOB. Because that prop suggested 3 possible fates for the coaster. Just because none of them happened this year dont mean they wont happen. Just like this years prop, if it does hold any truth or meaning, dont meen it will happen next year either. This IS a topic about SOB in the RUMORS section. I really dont understand what bothers some of you so much about this. Start your own topic about SOB haters for all I care. I'm not gonna go keep posting that "your wrong man, everybody LOVES SOB" when thats what the topic you want to talk about. Lets go to Sea World and sit in the front row for the whale show, then sue the park cause we got wet. Jeez some of you kill me. How do you click on a thread that says "Whats next for Son of Beast?", then get on and WHINE about people who are discussing the POINT of the topic? Your wasting our time having to read through your negativity, and even more of our time to respond to you. Its EASY. DONT CLICK ON IT!!!!!!!!
  5. It would be innappropriate for him or any park staff to speculate. Terpster, yes I was referring to Big Dipper, saw the info on The Point website, near top of thread someone said it was to be demolished, than down further in the thread it said someone had purchased it and was putting it in storage until they found suitable land to put it on. Pretty sure it said it was a couple of members from Negative G? I know it may not be God's truth, but that all the info I know.
  6. As for anything I've posted, it was mostly about the haunt prop, so it didnt really come from nowhere. The prop clearly shows that something busted out of that casket after being buried. That is simply the message I got when I saw it first-hand. And I didnt spend an hour nitpicking every detail. I saw it 4-5 minutes while in line, and thought, IF the park was going to drop us a clue, this would be it. I never said that it had anything to do with the coaster's fate. That prop was specifically designed to provoke thought. Why? Who knows, but it has definitely worked. You have several gravestones of rides that ARE gone and two that have caskets unearthed. Do a little research on the one nobody is talking about. At one point that coaster was announced to be demolished and people thought it was history (as many of you think SOB is also) and guess what someone bought it and are planning on reassembling it. It escaped the grave so to speak? The prop would lead you to think that SOB has also escaped its grave (casket askew, shackles empty, death date scratched out). Like I said they could be toying with us and it really has nothing to do with SOB's fate. But that IS what the prop's message is saying, its pretty blatant to me, you dont have to look "way too far into it". Just look at this one fact, they took the time to paint on a death date and then intentionally smudged it. That was done for a REASON. What other reason can you think of for doing that than to provoke thought? The fact that its stagnant is why theres 1000 some posts. What I think is ridiculous is when people go to a thread to complain about people who are actually discussing the topic of the thread instead of retyping the same negative crap over and over. If the horse is so dead why do you still tune in to watch the beating?
  7. I think the statement "beating a dead horse" has been used so many times that your beating a dead horse by repeating it over and over. The topic of this thread is Son of Beast right? The park gives no info for 3 years and no one should speculate? It interests some of us, if it doesn't interest you, dont click the topic that has the words "Son of Beast"! Simple enough?
  8. Well I just read over on the Point that the Big Dipper was to be torn down and in a later post it says someone is buying it and putting it in storage to be reassembled somewhere else. (Thats the other exumed casket next to SOB)
  9. Who says Kings Island gets to design there own haunt props and aren't handed pre-designed photos and told to build this here, and this there. I think its a safer bet to speculate on the haunt props then the idea that boards are falling off.
  10. Well for one thing, unless your blind, I dont think the meaning is hidden at all. Does it mean anything or just to toy with your mind is the only thing I'm questioning. And none of us know the answer, just something to kick around while we wait for any real news.
  11. If it was just a headstone that said: My Unloved Son 2000- Then no, I wouldnt really think much of it. And still not trying to say it has anything to with the rides fate. Just that I think they designed it to make us think about it is all.
  12. Hammbone

    Mega Poll

    Owners: 1. Cedar Fair 2. Paramount 3. Six Flags Manufacturers: 1. B&M 2. Intamin 3. Arrow Parks: 1. Cedar Point 2. Kings Island 3. SFGA Rides: 1. Top Thrill Dragster 2. Maverick 3. Millennium Force 4. Diamondback 5. Magnum XL-200 6. Raging Bull 7. Raptor 8. Shockwave (SFGA, my first major coaster) 9. Vortex 10. Son of Beast, circa 2001, 1st year I rode it.
  13. How do we know that Cedar Fair big shots didnt design the prop and the lower level employee with no more knowledge then we have was handed a picture and told to build it? Like I said, time was spent on details not necessary for the prop in its self. They could be toying with us or it could be a hint at the coasters future. Who knows, and I'm really not trying to speculate either way. Just look at the prop itself for a minute, forget the name written on the headstone, and about the future of the coaster. You have a casket unearthed, empty shackles, and a death date on the stone scratched off. Its simple, something was buried and shackled inside a casket. It is no longer in that casket. We know it was buried because theres a date on the stone.
  14. I also think the fact that you had to be in line for Beast says something. Maybe they were thinking that the most hardcore SOB fans would definitely be on Beast, so they put it there to kinda give the fans a little hint. I agree they put it there to get us thinking. Question is why? And what about?
  15. I agree with that. And Paul wasn't dead of course. Neither is SOB, yet, and hopefully not.
  16. It may mean nothing for the future of the ride. But it was definitely designed to make you wonder. They could have had the same graveyard type prop without taking extra time to write on a date and scratch it off, add caskets, and the shackles layed on top so you wouldnt miss them. That was done purposely for a reason. What that reason is who knows?
  17. Nobody said they were announcing anything. A HINT though, I think it is. The shackles were purposely placed where you will notice them. The death date was purposely scratched out so you would notice that too. Death dates aren't put on headstones till after death. Caskets aren't put at the gravesite until after death. The park hasn't said its a gonner or there would be a death date. The way I take it, the Son of Beast was in that casket and has broken out and scratched out the death date. Meaning to me that the park had at some point made the decision to remove it, but a more feasible plan has come forth and the decision has changed. In other words they are saying that Son of Beast was VERY close to being removed but got saved somehow? Though I could be wrong.
  18. I picked SOB, but original w/ loop. If your talkin no loop than I'd say Beast.
  19. Hi, first time poster. Finally made an account, but have been reading these forums for a while. I was at the park this past Saturday, October 8th, and while I couldnt decide what the scratched out date was either, the thing that interested me most was the empty shackles. The message I got (if there is any) is that SOB was basically in the grave, but now its not?
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