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Everything posted by ohiocolts

  1. Wow, that is some great landscaping! Now they just have some bushes.
  2. Does your friend know why The Crypt isn't on the website? Or, as KIfan73 said, is he destroying the ride?
  3. ^Doubt it, probably just do beast and Diamondback again. I would like it though. And didn't at one point last year KI say that Vortex and WindSeeker would have ERT? My first ride on Virtex was in 2007 or 2008. When I first turned 48 inches, I decided maybe not to get on beast or Vortex until next time. My favorite I ride that day was Top Gun (Flight Deck). Rode it like 5 times in a row with my friend, that was my favorite ride do far. Trying not to turn this into a flight deck topic, let's wait for next year, we can do happy 20th flight deck.
  4. Thanks, and after reading everything can I assume the only ride on April 1st with a more than 15 minute wait should be nighthawk? I wonder if the ride ops will do any jokes on that day like "Enjoy your ride on the only coaster in the world where you go through 10,000 feet of fire and into the pacific ocean, Hurler!" or "Have fun on the smallest coaster in the world, the 1 inch 0.02 M.P.H. Intiminidator!"
  5. Does anybody know If season pass holders get in early like at KI? If so do you know what rides?
  6. Best memory probably finding out my head bumps less in the front. Happy 25th Vortex!
  7. Thanks, and footlong corn dogs sound great! So, Intiminator is like Diamondback, with great capacity? And afterburn has good capacity too? And if we do leave for lunch or something I WILL get a hand stamp, because you have to at KI to.
  8. Thanks, and I remember my last trip to Carowinds, nighthawk was like an hour and everything else was less than 10 minutes.
  9. I was asking which FOF it was. But as I sad, stupid question, just curious, don't need an answer.
  10. With the new website, came a new blog. Hopefully we get some off-season updates there!
  11. Thanks, and if it's stormy, we might not go. If there's just off and on rain, we'll probably go. On WindSeeker, I was just wondering, because I'm not during to ride it, considering I've rode it before at KI.
  12. My family is going to Myrtle Beach for spring break, and on the way we are probably going to Carowinds, even though we don't have a season pass. We are probably going to Carowinds on Sunday, April 1st, which is the 2nd day of operation, and April Fool's day. Does anybody know how bad the crowds will be that day? I'm not sure because Kings Island is never open on the day after opening, for a private event. I'm planing on riding Afterburn, Hurler, lots of others, and of course Intimidator. Also, does anybody know if WindSeeker will be open for opening day?
  13. Just got caught up with the photos, sorry it's been a few days. Great photos, keep them coming!
  14. Yes, I like the new pictures, other than the fact there is only about 4 pics for ride now. But, those are good pictures. And that FOF picture, I don't want to start a mad discussion over this little thing, I know that same picture was also used for Kings Dominion's FOF. Does anyone know what picture that was taken from? (Stupid question, but just curious)
  15. I'm thinking they will just use the exit, like they do with The Beast, Viking Fury, ect.
  16. Thank you, people who remember them saying it was 4:50. Another thing is on those "fun facts" for The Beast it dosen't say it is the world's longest wooden roller coaster, which I imagine they would do.
  17. Wondering if it is possible WindSeeker takes you higher than Drop Tower, but I doubt it.
  18. Odd, on the previous website did it say 4 minutes and 50 seconds? Also, WindSeeker takes you higher than Drop Tower, according to the website. Drop Tower is 315 feet, and WindSeeker is 301 feet. Does anybody know how high Drop Tower and/or WindSeeker take you?
  19. I just noticed The Beast ride time was cut down to 4 minutes and 10 seconds, I swear it was 4 minutes and 50 seconds. Are they shortening the ride this year or something/
  20. Son of Beast reads in your avatar, because you want to know what this thing is? Or is it a person? Yeah, probably a person. I like that wooden structure under your post, to bad nothing like that has or ever will be made or opened. Congrats on 100 posts, I make a big deal when I do it, so congratulations! Son of Beast, what Beast? Defnetly not the roller coaster, some sort of Beast.
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