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flying eagles

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Everything posted by flying eagles

  1. First of all Vortex isn't sinking, and I have heard from a couple of higher end managment that Vortex will be removed by the 2007 season.
  2. Intamin trains willn't work on SoB because of the hydrolic restraints willn't hold up to the roughness of SoB.
  3. 1. TheKlockster 2. CoastersRZ 3. Alien Seed 4. CombatStupendous89 5. flying eagles
  4. If any company is going to buy out pki its going to be a company that everyone least expects.
  5. First of all Six Flags sucks they can't run there parks correctly just go to any six flags park, and CF wouldn't buy pki because that company allready owns two major parks in ohio, why have 3 major parks in ohio, and lastly if CF did buy out pki major changes would happen, and i like pki the way it is.
  6. I have been told by a very reliable source that Kings Island still owns the golf course, and has bought more land back in june of this year, and the campground is going to located by the river it going to be open either late next year or its going to open in 2006.
  7. Kings Island probably bought land over where action fx, and The Beast is, and Kings Island still owns property on the other side of interstat 71 including the galf course. Kings Island does own the grassy area in front of the south parking lot including the baseball feild.
  8. the area in front of part of Boomerang Bay is property of the city of Mason, not park property. Kings ilsand owns all the way up to Kings Island drive and western rd inlcuding the grassy area and the baseball feild, and Kings Island has bought more land this past june.
  9. What I heard that the tiques are coming back for 06. They are going to be built around Flight of Fear area.
  10. Racer south has been retracked in the past couple of years, racer north hasn't
  11. I was hearing that the reason why TR has alot of down time is because of the 2 arms, the right arm weighs more than the left arm.
  12. It takes up to 80 hours to reprogram and test the ride if the park really wants to go in that directon
  13. The computers memory can be expanded, and the program of the ride can be shorter or longer.
  14. I know the sparks where there for a couple of years, but the reason why they took it out because it belongs to maintenance as a welding device.
  15. One other effect lost is the sparks at the begining of the ride.
  16. Is Tomb Raider ever going to be more intense.
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