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KIC Local (2/13)



  1. - The older rides and attractions in HB would be removed or updated, and (with the exception of Scooby) all HB themeing would be changed to Nick. Sorry folks, HB cartoons are no in the minds of today's kid. My neices and nephews have no idea who Hukleberry Hound or Quick Draw McGraw are. - Scooby's Ghoster Coaster would get thrown in the scrap heap. - A formal sit-down restaraunt would be added to the park. - Smoking would be limited to few designated areas only. - The park would install a lo-que system. - Winterfest would return. - One of the shops on International Street would be re-built as a museum of sorts as a tribute to the park's past. Featuring old park memorabilia and showing footage of the park and rides from years past. That's all I can think of for now.... Shaggy I disagree with you on one thing Quick Draw OR Huckleberry Hound may not be on the minds of young kids but the top popular HB characters which are Scooby Doo,Yogi Bear,The Flintstones,Jetsons are on the minds of youngins.. heck thats why Warner Bros.&Cartoon Network,Sunrise entertainment.. is going all out on Making live-action movies based on those characters and releaseing new toys and DVDs wanna see the new line of HB merch step into a wal-mart or Target. I agree Winterfest should comeback it was fun when it was at the park.But why get rid of Scoobys ghoster coaster thats my cousins and nephews fav kiddie coaster. Heres what I would do: Bring back HBL& Characters add more rides to the popular HB characters wouldnt allow smoking in the park at all. Add the old cars to Nick Central and retheme them to Nicktoons toonpike Bring back winterfest Have a Spongebob Squarepants Dark ride put in. Have more Nick characters like Sandy,Squidward,Mr.Krabs, Rugrats all grown up characters,Ahhh real monsters,Ren&Stimpy. Have a REAL Krusty Krab sitdown restaraunt. Add the Addams Family Coaster or a Sleepy Hollow darkride place it in Rivertown behind TR:TR and would go all out on theming it. Add a B&M Coaster in coney mall theme. I would put in Flying SS would remove green slime zone and put FSS in its place. Retheme Dick Dasturdlys biplanes to Doras biplanes. Add a Ahhh real monsters Dark ride I would add a Angery Beavers Water ride like a mini congo falls but for kids. would theme Congo Falls better add gorillas I would make it like Jurassic Park the ride at IOA.
  2. Yeah Scooby knows his stuff!!!He is a great friend of mine and we were talking about this subject a couple of Days ago It sounds like every kid in the US is gonna love the blue peeps. I just hope they are bigger than Spongebob and Fairly odd parents when the new cartoon starts!
  3. It was better than wasting you time and money at FearFest!
  4. ---BREAKING NEWS----- Paramount just released a press release for the Big Screen Adventrue Thriller--The Beast--- Based on the story to Paramounts Kings Island's Classic Wooden Coaster. Paramount is Bringing PKI's Classic wooden coaster to the BigScreen a live-action adventure Thriller about an unkown creature lurking in the woods.Set to star in the bigscreen adventure thriller are -Brad Pitt,John Goodman,Brendan Fraser,Heather Graham, Ashley Judd,Will Smith,Jeff Goldblum, and last but not least Denzel Washington.Filming begins in October for a Summer 2005 release. sounds like All-Star cast to me. More Details to come. heres the link www.LatinoReview.com
  5. WHOA! A SMURF RETURN ITS ABOUT D*MN TIME!!!!! All I see anymore is My little Pony,Strawberry ShortCake,Pound Puppies,Care Bears. Sounds Awsome thats a movie and cartoon I will be checking out.Let me know the Details! Yeah The Smurfs Enchanted Voyage was my FAVORITE ride! A coaster themed to the Smurfs I say bring it on!
  6. I went last year and It sucked bad all the attractions were lame and dumb I left the park feeling Ripped off--But the Kiddie themed Pumpkin Thing was pretty cool my little brother digged it--I am not going next I think I will just wait for Winter Fest to Return.
  7. LOL^... thats funny ''BUT'' Dude thats not very christian like your sig says Jesus is the answer.
  8. Great Trip Report.thats jacked Up he gave the wrong amount of change I hope you went back there Fixed the Problem.
  9. LOL! Now Thats Bad Parenting I can understand Teens saying and acting off skits but a 10 year old thats just sad
  10. PKI at night rules I love Riding The Beast at night and riding Delirium at night as well.
  11. Hey we all have that one Celebrity that we hate I think the man is an A*sHole. Besides Iam Jeff Foxworthy kinda guy.And he Does live in Yellow Springs I have met him while at work he goes to the FairField Commons Mall in BeaverCreek all the Time with his Wife and Son But I dont like him I do hear People Acting like him alot at work.
  12. I went to PKI Yesterday and they had the Hidden Temple Signs still up.
  13. I really Hate that man(Dave Chappelle) He lives in Yellow Springs by the way but I have seen his show twice and it wasnt that funny to me But I really Dont like Chappelle that much at all But yeah I have Heard Teens Impersonating Him.
  14. Really Why was it taken out? I like the Wild Thornberries river ride but i like Congo better.But the Wild Thornberries river ride Doesnt look right without the Wheel
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