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Everything posted by BB1

  1. BB1

    Front Seat

    BB1 who really just likes the front for too many reasons!
  2. Was it my post you saw? Yeah, I am not that stupid to text while the ride is going. People do that? On a rough ride it would get knocked out their hands! See the magic box of cellular devices at the Diamond Back quene, quite the sight!
  3. BB1

    Front Seat

    I also ride The Beast in the front seat, all the rest of the seats can really joggle your noggin shlogin! Top Gun, Italian SJ, Racers, and the old but never new KIRR
  4. BB1

    A Theory

    I can agree on some people being barbaric to people with a different perspective, but also there are people that try to make peace with others. Like terp said, not everyone bashed him for it, gosh even I thought about the theory.
  5. Like said time is of the issue. The Paramount pictures opened a park in Spain which is really working out. The company brung alot to KI and they brought the water park that I love (BB all the way!) which was all in a small time. Paramount brung so much, they even put KI on the natl map. If they were to stay up at KI the story may have been different for the company. Now also CF brung us new rides, and they gave us new places, but they did take away alot of what makes KI, BB, the old RT, and they gave us alot of copies of rides which was not a great move. So basically both did certain things for us, but Paramount gave us BB, CF took it away. BB1 who goes with the people that gave me a paradise!
  6. I did not see that, something must have happened!
  7. Our guests don't surprise me anymore. Then you should see Disney World when the roudy South Americans come around, its "Brazil Brazil!" all around the parks.
  8. I have seen this video before, its a very neat ride!
  9. Today I went to SC for relief of the summer sun, but only to come into another struggle, the misadventures of a Australian type of guy. So I started by trying to find seats while it was the GP time of SC, and I found absolutely no seats so me and my friends put our stuff in the grass with other people. We then went to the Coolangatta Racers, which had a small wait for me. Soon after we went back to the Sydney Sidewinder, which had a very short line. So we almost went to Snowy River Rampage, but the line was long. Down Under Thunder had the longest wait for us, which was about 5 minutes. We didnt even try the already one line Crocodile Run. We went back to our items and we found something astonishing, jumping small bugs. This was the start of the worst day at SC. We made our way into the Tidal Wave Bay, which was almost like being in a small can that was shaking back and forth with people bumping into you all the time. I asked some of my friends about what they would give the experience, they said 5, 7, and a -1 (I am not going to say what i would give it) out of 10. I know that this was a once mishap thing, and I am sure that this experience will not happen again. Over all I personally believe its just the crowds, but make sure to get up to SC(or BB to some) early in the morning, it makes the day easy and fun. Hopefully helping you out-BB1
  10. The list rolls on, and on, and on, like this one guy who got stuck in the Down Under Thunder.
  11. I think they should buy it and call it Water Works. Go to Kings Dominion, they still have their works!
  12. Well I actually like the SC its like my mind in a waterpark, but you just never know whar could happen, it could become BB again or not, but I do hope they buy the Beach, its a great addition.
  13. Maybe CF needs to buy it, and call it Boomerang Bay ! I am actually serious on CF buying out the Beach property, with the right work, im sure they could make it an A+ (or at least a waterpark!
  14. Closed-circuit surveillance is your friend. Throwing objects of any kind at an occupied, moving vehicle constitutes assault. I hope they threw the book at... I mean, carefully opened the book and administered level, fair justice upon said miscreant. Or perhaps they should just throw the book at him. After all, that's essentially what he did to someone else. Eye for an eye, anyone? He should spend a day laying down in Diamondback's debris net. And or make him be forced to listen to nyan cat for a couple of hours, better yet the troll song!
  15. I do know of some people who have, but no one is selling. I wonder if i were to call up to KI would they sell me BB items? I know that they probably still have it all, just needa know if i can buy. Oh de well.
  16. This case makes me wonder, whats next for the Beach, who will own it, who will destroy it? Only time will tell...
  17. I call it the fist pump temple.... Especially when its in dark tunnels in the back and when your on a kid ride and start screaming like your freaked out!
  18. Now that I think is acceptable at a park thats not KI, he was doing whatever on the first drop.
  19. As said, it was being more of a pain than a great thing! Now i could see a certain use of materials to make a new version of the "lake", with a filtration system, live fish, and the use of soil and rocks. A little known fact, if you go to The Beast after a rain, you will see the old lake persay!
  20. No.....To think that is like thinking that unicorns neigh out rainbows, BB1 who does not partake in phone technology, but enjoys the ride! Probably*
  21. Some people cant wait to do some of the most outragest things on rides! What is the wierdest/awesome thing that you have seen someone doing on a ride? I once saw a man looking at his phone on a ride, i think he was typing a text or something!
  22. Still riding it on RCT3 wooh great time on here!
  23. If you go on RCT3, and place the ride: Rotor 1, it will surely show you!
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