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Everything posted by RollerCoasterRoyalty

  1. This is an interesting topic because I have never encountered bees to my knowledge. If i did they were to far away for any harm and I just never paid attention. You would think this may be a problem at many theme parks with all the people and sweet smelling things out there.
  2. Change in what? This topic has been discussed numerous times
  3. Hey Everyone! I was bored sitting in class on my ipad so I thought that I would start a new game for us to play and hope that everyone will continue to come back and play. I will post at least 2 everyday that i can. The object is to figure out what the actual ride or attraction is in the photo! Here is the first one
  4. I was there last weekend and the line for Season Pass Processing looked like the line to Flight of Fear on a hot sweltering day.
  5. If the park was like it was last weekend and it didnt have a discount day, I can only imagine what it would be like this weekend. Also still have school groups to contend with as well.
  6. I have alwyas said this and I am young so I dont want to sound absurd or anything but it seems like Theme Parks are a great place to get motivated to lose weight! You walk around a park all day, most of the time in the heat. The rides that you get on can make you decide if you are where you want to be weight wise and with everyone talking about success stories out there I am sure there is more. I think theme parks can help in the cause of losing weight (as long as you dont eat all that food throughout the park)
  7. I knew there had to be something going on with rewards when the usual "perks" werent offered in the park like at the Junction and other places. I think this is a good idea as long as the system works.
  8. Is it sad that I have never heard of Beverly Soda???
  9. Yes the effects on the tunnel with the star lights are still there but that is all
  10. I totally agree with Diamondbacker, that sounds like a future CEO to me. 1. Definitely put bathrooms in X-Base since the longest waits are for those rides anyway 2. We need to do something with the cleanliness of the park. It used to be so much better but around the eating establishments it seems very grungy 3. I think we need to take out the rides that people just dont fancy anymore and yes even the stupid WS as it never works anyway and add something that brings a spark to the park.
  11. Beast is something that my dad and I come to Kings Island for. It is iconic
  12. Oh this is easy for me Any ride at Carowinds other than the Intimidator. I didnt like my trip there. I honestly dont have a real reason but i am so used to Cedar Point i guess.
  13. I am totally AGAINST this ride. It was ok the first couple of times, but the wait now is not worth it. I would much rather ride something thats more fun and comfortable anyway. My dad is the same way. He doesnt fit in the cars well
  14. Only because i am tall the FoF really hurts my legs. I am 6 foot 4 but my son loves it and we always ride it. I love the ride to but try to ride in front which seems better than most
  15. My sons favorite tradition is choosing the route of our way around the park. We usually marathon DB during ERT and then we head to Firehawk and then FoF after park opens. We then hit Vortex and then catch all the coasters along Coney Mall. Head toward Flight Deck and then get Delirium. We will then hit The Beast (usually more than once) on our second trip around before catching all the small rides and small thrills we havent done. We ALWAYS get every ride
  16. PB and J with Crackers and Hot Fries from my car restaurant
  17. Wishing i was feeling the mist off the Diamondback

  18. Well my son and I were driving Friday night towards KI and we drove right through the storm that must have hit there. It was the worst I have ever driven through. Lightning every 20 seconds at least.
  19. 5/5 I would say VERY Busy early and then 5/5 after the Lunch Time Hours. Most of the school groups arrived around that time and it was extremely packed in like sardines especially in the mall. 5/6 It was less busy in the morning but continued to get busier throughout the day. Lots of Post Prom people as well. The weather was beautiful but muggy.
  20. I did the renewal online but someone mentioned that that new passes were paper. I am glad i renewed online so i could keep my card. ERT is the same this year although now you flash your card to a worker before the entracnce of Snoopy.
  21. Ok as i mentioned in my Trip Report, DT was down all weekend. I was not there on Friday so I am not sure how true it is but i heard more than a couple people throughout the park this weekend tell me it was struck by lightning during the storms on Friday. NOW- we went to the ride attendants who were sitting there(has to be a boring day for them) and they told us they had no idea why it wasnt working. (find that hard to believe) Anyone have any info on that? I am not a DT fan, just interesting not seeing it run.
  22. You are talking about Sunday correct? We rode FOF right after the Firehawk which we rode Firehawk on the first yellow train at 10:05. As we left the FOF the line was already to the door. We must have just been lucky. We didnt ride Delirium till way after noon. We rode the DB 3 times before the 10 AM singing and countdown. They were doing the countdown right as we got off the last DB ride.
  23. My son and I are coaster enthusuasts who usually just go to the parks on the weekdays (I am a teacher) and enjoy as many rides in the day as we possibly can get it. This weekend however we decided to brave the weekend and see how we could do. Saturday we were the first ones in line at the entrance. We always begin with Diamondback with ERT so we decided to head their first. After almost being run over by screaming teenagers, we make our way to the DB. I told everyone they were running to nothing because of the filming of the ride for the Travel Channel. We ended up being on the first train and the first train they filmed after the opening rides for those who were invited. They had a camera in the water for the splashdown. Really hoping that we are on the show!(Not likely I know) This was the only time we got to ride this. We decided to go get some small rides that were open in Snoopy Land while waiting for rest of park to open. We then rode Flight of Fear as a walk on and The Vortex opened soon after that so we went and rode that next. We rode AE and Racer. After this the park began becoming FILLED and i mean FILLED with same colored shirts from School groups. We decided to leave the park for lunch. When we returned the Park was as packed as i have ever seen it. Every major ride was at LEAST an hour wait and even the smaller rides were more than a 15 minute wait. We stayed the whole day and mostly played some arcade games, and rode rides when we could. We ended up riding everything that was there with the exception of Delirium. Finished the night with a flight on Firehawk in the pitch dark. That is always fun. The Beast was closed until after noon and WindSeeker is still not functional. Drop Tower was supposedly struck by lightning on Friday and was inoperational. All in all it was a great time to be at the park. Not something I would do more than once but it was interesting to see all the people there. SUNDAY we arrived for ERT and walked on DB three times before 9:30. After we tired of DB we went to The Beast and then to The Vortex where they were fiming for the Travel Channel. We rode The Vortex and then over to the Firehawk which was a walk on surprisingly. We then went to FOF for a 5 minute wait and then on to the Delirium, Racer, and the Invertigo. We had successfully done every coaster by 11:30. This was the time that all of the busses began pulling up with teenagers and their after prom parties. It was extremely busy after noon and to the point that me and my son left at around 2 after riding some water things. A great weekend at the park, My son loves it no matter when we go. (He is now 13)
  24. I have only ridden in front car and back car so I am not sure if there are any differences. Question offtopic. How is the crowd today? Let us know. I am coming up tomorrow and Sunday and want to get an idea.
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